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The implementation of enrollment policies that expand the number Colleges and universities students in 1999 made higher education into the public mode from the elite mode, also a surge in the number of undergraduate enrollment. At the same time, the nation end the uniform distribution of tertiary graduates completely, university graduates employment policies transformed from uniform distribution into self-employment and two-way selection etc. The rapid expansion College admissions scale in short period and the market-oriented employment policy lead to university graduates employment situation worsening. Severe situation makes the employment of college graduates, especially graduating, can not meet through a formal system, and provides some space for the operation of social capital in the course of employment of university graduates.
     From the perspective of social capital, at the same level of education, social capital play a decisive role in the getting of occupational status of university graduates. Some scholars have pointed out that the class background has increasingly impact the individual status of university graduates, and the one who has social capital will have a comparative advantage in employment, which has become an indisputable fact. Because the majority of university graduates accepted the same education, have equal access to education resources, and their professional capacity should not has a big gap, so a special employment opportunities may change their life and achieve upward mobility of their life.
     At present, there are many studies on the Employment of College Students, most of the research locate in the education system and the structure of supply and demand in labor market, analyze the structure of market supply and demand of employment of college graduates from the macro perspective, and try explore specific measures to solve the predicament of employment of college graduates through the research of relevant policies. Different from the above research, this PhD thesis makes the social capital as research starting point, focus impact of social capital on the employment situation of college students from the microscopic point, examine the micro-individual factors that affect the employment situation of university graduates by researching university graduates'social behavior and background, analyze the structural relationship between social capital and employment situation of university graduates deeply based on the above.
     In order to research the impact of social capital on employment of university graduates better, we made questionnaires in six universities in Wuhan and Dalian for graduating students in May 2011, and obtained 1345 valid samples ultimately. Based on questionnaire data and combined with a literature review, this PhD thesis determines the characteristic index of social capital and university graduates employment status, and makes some descriptive statistics about college graduates employment status and social capital. On this basis, this PhD thesis launches deep research on the following issues:
     Viewed from the status structure, we will research the direct impact of family socioeconomic status on the initial employment of university graduates. On the above basis, we will add the backward factors (human capital) into the model, and research their interactions on the employment of college graduates. Data show that:on the one hand, family socio-economic status have double impact of positive and negative on the employment of university graduates, that is, have a positive impact on job search confidence of the university graduates, but has a negative impact on the level of effort; On the other hand, through the establishing the structural equation model, we analyze the causal relationship between family socioeconomic status and the attainment of university graduates of occupational status. Data show that family socioeconomic status have a positive direct effect on the quality of university graduates employment, and have an indirect positive effect on employment of college graduates results through human capital.
     This PhD thesis researches the effect of network of social relations on the initial employment of university graduates from the network structure perspective. Firstly, starting from the utility of social network, we research the role of relationship in the course of employment of university graduates, and confirm the significance of the employment of university graduates in the course of employment; Secondly, by the regression model, we research whether the social networks can effect the employment of university graduates, i.e. the "quantity" of the employment of university graduates; Finally, through the establishment of structural equation modeling, we analyze the causal relationship between the network of social relations and the attainment of occupational status. Data show that the social network that university graduates "have" and "may use" has a significant positive impact on university graduates job satisfaction.
     The status structure concept and the network structure concept are complementary research paradigm. For this reason, this PhD thesis combine the status structure concept and the network structure concept, research the impact of family and social relationship network conditions on employment of university graduates through a combination of class analysis theory and measurement methods and social network analysis methods and techniques, the results show that firstly, based on the differences of family socio-economic status, the effectiveness of the strong relationship in the course of employment of university graduates is different; Secondly, through the study of the causal mechanisms among family socioeconomic status, family and social network and the quality of university graduates employment, we find that higher family socioeconomic status and richer network of social relations can lead to higher employment satisfaction.
     This PhD thesis tried some innovations in the research process which can be seen as follows: firstly, we apply social capital theory to the employment problems of university students, and the topic have a certain novelty; secondly, this PhD thesis selects the dual perspective of the concept of status and structure and the concept of network structure, which has a certain novelty in the logic.
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