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This study aimed at small and medium manufacturing enterprises, by employees andmachines to composed of dynamic, flexible production line, unified batch productionscheduling and Flexible Manufacturing transformation, for other small and mediumenterprises’s MC is also an important reference value and reference.
     Furniture mass customization of existing research focused on furniture's rapid design,board cutting layout optimization. But for the furniture production process optimization,that furniture mass customization production scheduling optimize, there is no relateddiscussion and research. there are some furniture rapid design software, but the mainfocus of these software is products display appearance and modular design. using virtualreality to show the designer's design, let the consumer to determine whether the design fitstheir needs. modular design to increased speed. Applications found two problems:
     First, designers and users, mainly through communication, to capture userrequirements, virtual reality display and there is a big difference between the actual results,often the customer signed off the design, after installation, customers do not like look, sothat custom furniture design becomes a regrettable design. How to properly capturecustomer’s needs, has become an important research topic of custom furniture design.
     Second, product design and process design is separation, the designer after thecompletion of product design, but also take time to process design, custom furniture longertime and error-prone. how product design, process design parallel, integration, it is animportant research topic of custom furniture design and production.
     Board cutting layout optimization is a NP-hard problem. In the cost of custom PanelFurniture for more than45%is boards cost, further improve the optimization effect is asubject of long-term research improvements, and the current research has not yet reacheddirectly implement CNC control.
     Furniture mass customization production scheduling optimize needed can adapt to information platform of mass customization, Mass customization is aninformation-oriented manufacturing production, orders information processing in a timelymanner, and in the production of customized products within the enterprise and betweenenterprises tracking control and information sharing, is to determine the success of masscustomization implementation's key factors.
     For study in these important issues of Furniture mass customization, this papercomplete the following work: rapid design system modeling theory based on functionalgranularity’s model and implementation of realistic virtual reality technology; based onengineering and knowledge database, the paper studies the generation of various types ofrequired data on the product’s life cycle. research mass customization batch productionscheduling problems, specifically, studies issues on real-time data modeling,multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm, and computer optimization problemof real-time visualization; Also studied is the “Guilloting Cutting” optimization layout,which is more difficult than the regular rectangular layout, and flexible manufacturingsystem reformation for the both CNC and non-CNC cutting machines; The research on thedirect and concentrated display of information related to time as well as the methods ofvisualization can benefit managing personnel in their knowledge of the production process.
     The article has various following creative points:
     Firstly, using functional granularity analysis and fuzzy reasoning to build a dynamicfunctional modules's database, to achieve the rapid capture customer needs and searchdesign database. in reaction to the inability of dynamic modeling concurrent engineering,and rapid design in furniture design software, the combination of functional modular,feature modeling and spatial data models has achieved CAD/CAPP/CAM concurrentengineering and panel furniture's rapid design.
     Secondly, by analyzing production processes, the article proposes parallel machineserial-batching scheduling, in reaction to the problems of flexible production lines'multi-objective optimization of batch scheduling. The design is an adaptive Cellular Automata Variation multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm, which, whenused for the single objective test, is better than the current records (For comparison,30%of the probability finds the optimal solution, using parallel machine scheduling withstandard30set of data). The innovation point is using cellular automata to improve theoptimization search ability. Also, using the bottleneck decomposition method, effectivelyreduces the multi-objective optimization problem's dimension. and carrying out variouscombinations of parameters' comparative study, the proposal finds out the optimum basedon the parameters from golden section theory, thus reducing randomness, achieving highlevel of practical.
     Thirdly, in order to solve problems in mass customization furniture corporation'smany varieties of small quantities of cutting optimization layout, meeting the “GuillotineCutting” and its special production process requirements, the proposal generates twodifferent numbers to all boards automatically: horizontal cutting number and verticalcutting number, inspired by area, length and width, and multiple colony ant algorithm, toavoid unreasonable layout, thus achieving that "what is just generated can be executed".Compared with single factor colony ant algorithm through application by multiplecompanies, multi-swarm optimization capability is found to be superior mainly as thehighest maximum utilization, and the smallest changes in several range searching ofmaximum utilization. Studied and implemented panel furniture flexible manufacturing.
     Finally, this paper proposes algorithm for Two-dimensional dynamic timepulling interface, using the grid layout, and implementing the scientific visualization ofmultidimensional discrete data and statistics information of time-based property or otherproperty (such as spatial attributes). This solves traditional information systems’ problemsof scattered resources, poor data sharing, insufficient interface data display, and inability ofdisplaying various statistical data visualization in a singular interface. The tracking fromorder, product design, manufacturing processes and the supply chain and coordination isrealized through various information subsystems, a structured, economical, practical, and intelligent network of visualization, and high integration of information resources.
     This study aimed at small and medium manufacturing enterprises, by employees andmachines to composed of dynamic, flexible production line, unified batch productionscheduling and Flexible Manufacturing transformation, for other small and mediumenterprises’s MC is also an important reference value and reference.
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