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In the long course of human history, the ecological problem is an inevitable topic to study in the production and living activities for human beings. For that one can not live alone, but live in the nature. A symbiotic relationship exists between nature and mankind. Moreover, the mankind who is living in the nature is not defined as individual, but a crowd. It owns the character of a group. Therefore, the questions that how to tackle the relationship between the human being and the environment, and the relationship between persons would reflect the purpose, the significance, the value tropism of human activities, people’s existence, and other relative issues. In particular, when the mankind has stepped into the industrialized society, it will be more and more crucial to study this question. Compared with the previous form of society, the production of mankind has changed tremendously in the industrial society. In other words, from the agricultural society to the industrial society, people lived on weather before, and now they have realized the mechanized production. The production and system, which are led by value, scientific technology, not only brought much material wealth to mankind, but also a new problem bounded, i. e. the breach of ecological environment, ecological fragility, and hereby the apathy and alienation between persons. Especially when the enterprise, a carrier of industrial production, took the role as the basic organizational form of production and the engine of social material development, this phenomenon comes to be more and more important and prominent and more worthy of our attention.
     Because the enterprise not only undertakes responsibilities of material production to boost the social development, but also stood prominently with relate to the improvement of social material situation and spiritual state, human development, ecological environment and other issues dealing in a very prominent position of prominence.
     In the process of economic development, ecological problems highlighted the crux of the matter is that whether the development of human society is seizing and destruction of natural habitats or harmony with the natural environment as a basic concept. Ecological esthetics provides a good solution. Ecological esthetics explains more about the kind of poetic spirit of a free state in tackling various relationship when we deal with the relationship between human and nature, human and society in accordance with the principle of natural and social development. And the human needs are considered as well. We would stress much on the social and ecological benefit when we boost the economic development. Only in this way, could we create a good environment and atmosphere to facilitate the economic and society development harmoniously.
     The enterprise, as an accelerator of social economic development, undertakes duties of facilitating the social material development. Take the enterprise as miniature, it’s necessary for us to study people’s natural ecological sense and hereby the relations between persons in the industrial society. Instructed by the ecological aesthetic vision, we will have new ways and solutions if we are constructing the theories and practices of enterprise culture. This paper will state the construction of enterprise culture under the ecological aesthetic vision from several aspects, such as enterprise and its aesthetic attribution, the content of ecological aesthetic vision and ways and solutions of enterprise culture construction adopted instructed by ecological vision. The purpose is to reveal that how should an enterprise, as the main power of social development, construct its system of enterprise cultural idea on the basis of ecological aesthetics.
     This article is divided into 5 parts to analyze how to look on and solve the construction problem of enterprise culture in view of ecological aesthetics.
     Part 1. Summary of enterprise and enterprise culture. Through an introduction of form procedure of enterprise, the inner relationship between enterprise and enterprise culture, the importance and necessity of enterprise culture construction are revealed in this chapter.
     Part 2. The aesthetic attribution of enterprise culture. In this chapter, through analyzing the characteristics of material, behavior and spirit level of enterprise culture, the aesthetic attribution of enterprise culture is revealed, and the way and solutions to solve problems of enterprise culture construction in the aesthetic point of view would be analyzed in this chapter.
     Part 3. The new angel of ecological aesthetics and ecological balance. The background of issuing the ecological aesthetics is stressed in this chapter. At the same time, the scientific content of ecological aesthetics is concluded in this chapter, especially after revealing the actuality of enterprise development, the disregarded phenomenon that ecological aesthetics exists in the process of production is worthy to survey. Though reviewing the development behavior and model of enterprise, the new thinking and new angle of view will be proposed in this chapter.
     Part 4. The enterprise culture construction in the ecological aesthetics view. First of all, though the analyses of characters of enterprise culture, the ecological aesthetics dimensionality that enterprise culture should have will be revealed. Moreover, how to pursue the scientific enterprise culture construction under the instruction of ecological aesthetics from the characteristics of material, behavior and spirit level of enterprise culture will be discussed.
     Conclusion. At the end of this article, the actual significance will be revealed. China should borrow good experience from the advanced countries. In the early days of industrial procedure, China should not try to commit the mistake of“polluting before, putting right later”. This is the obligation we should take.
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