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China and India are two of the famous ancient countries in the word, and as well as the two biggest developing countries. Both of them created brightculture for the Asian and the world. Being neighboring countries, they kept a friendlyrelationship for more than three thousands years, even if there were some frustrations.In the new century, this kind of relationship is called as "the development andcooperation between the dragon and the elephant." China takes its advantage ofsupplying manufacturing industry and external trade for developing its economicdevelopment, while India uses its information industry and high-tech services. Withfast economic growth, China and India are becoming the main components ofadvancing the whole economy of the Asia, and take their place of shifting theeconomical activities center from the West to the East.
     Meanwhile, the fast growth of these two countries attracted the attention of theAmerica, one of the super countries in the world, and resulted in the changes of theAmerica's policy towards China and India. Strobe Talbot, the president of theBrookings Institution as well as the deputy secretary of State, believed that "thetriangle relationship between America, China and India is really important, and it maydetermine the situation of the world in the future ten years." The subtle changebetween the America and India has given obvious information that the America hasbeen changing its diplomatic policy with the Asian countries. In order to contain thefast growth of China, its focus would be the South Asia. So this paper aims atexploring the effect of America's in the relationship of China and India and discussingthe promotion of this relationship.
     The structure of the paper is described as following:
     1、The promotion of the relationship between China and India in the new century, especially on the reasons and manifestation of this promotion, which draws theconclusion that the promotion in the new century would be the reasonable choice in theface of reality.
     2、A retrospective review of the development of these two countries. The analysisconcludes 5 stages, which took a start from 1950 till ngw, and because of the historical factors, there were some misunderstanding between the people of these two countries,especially the border clashes has been regarded the critical problem hinder thedevelopment of their relation. From this, it draws the conclusion that the promotion ofthe relationship is the result of the summary of historical experience.
     3、To point out the effect of America in promoting the relation. The relationshipbetween China and America, as well as the America and India, and the relationshipbetween Asian policy after "9·11" of the America, together with the role and effect ofthe America on the relationship between China and India would be further explored byusing of the theory of games. Conclusion part: A prediction and analysis of thedevelopment tendency would be made on the relationship between china and India inthe new century. In the year of 2004, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao delivered a speechduring the 50th anniversary ceremony in Beijing, which is called "To carry forward theFive Principles for world peace and development." In his speech, he stressed thatChina will steadfastly commit itself to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Sofriendly and cooperative ties with our neighboring countries have been brought to anew high, our relations with big countries and developed countries have been furtherintensified and our solidarity and cooperation with all other developing countries havebeen continuously expanded. So this speech further proved that both China and Indianeed a peaceful international atmosphere in the face of the fast growth of these twocountries. So their development and cooperation in the new century should be madegreat effort toward the aim of the Peaceful Coexistence.
     The paper taking a start of the promotion of the relationship between China andIndia, and historical materialism as its method, aims at proving the conclusion that thepromotion of the relationships between the two countries is a reasonable choice in thereality, and also the inevitable result of the development of these two countries.Meanwhile, without the factors of America's intervene, the promotion would beimpossible. The theory of games would be played by China, India and America onthe ground of south Asia in the future.
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