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摘 要
    北京市是水资源严重短缺地区,人均水资源年占有量不足 300 m3,是全国人
    均值的 1/8,世界人均值的 1/30。随着城市化的发展和人民生活水平的提高,
    从 2002 年 6 月到 2003 年 9 月,对北京城区东南部汛期天然降雨、屋顶径流、
    人行道径流、机动车道径流、绿地径流等进行了 16 次取样化验,取样总数 416
    个。依照《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)确定水质监测指标 20 项,经
Beijing is facing the serious problem of water scarcity. The quantity of water
    resources per capita and year is less than 300m3. This amounts to 1/8 of the national
    average and 1/30 of the international average. With the development of urbanization
    and the improvement of the people’s living standard, the contradiction against water
    supply and water demand is becoming more and more serious. Besides water shortage,
    Beijing is also seriously affected by local floods. In recent years, available water
    resource capacity reduces year and year, but still the storm water in large amount have
    not been effectively controlled and reasonably used. The development of urbanization
    increased the storm flood peak, burdened the flood protection pressure. In order to
    alleviate water resources shortage and to reduce flooding, and to give more attention
    on the rainwater use has great and practical meaning.
     In the present study, the precipitation at Beijing city was studied during the
    period from June 2002 to September 2003. 416 samples were collected at Beijing
    University of Technology which is an urban area in the SE of the city with no major
    industrial activities and minimum traffic density. Sixteen times of chemical tests were
    conducted for the natural precipitation, runoff from house roofs, runoff from traffic
    roads, and runoff from greenbelts etc. According to the environmental quality
    standards for surface water (GB3838-2002), 20 items of water quality indexes were
    measured. The results show that the water quality in runoff from different soil
    surfaces changes litter during initial raining period, then the water polluted extent
    before is much heavier than that after. Strom water runoff collected from roofs of
    Beijing city zone has been polluted to a rather severe degree. Road surface runoff is
    polluted seriously. Pollutants concentrations in road surface runoff are significantly
    higher than those in roof and lawn runoff. Major pollutants of runoff are organic
    substance and suspend solids. Although the concentration of the pollutants changed
    along with the surface runoff process, the variety tendency of concentration of the
    pollutants is higher in the initial stage of runoff. As the precipitation time go last with
    time by, the concentration of the pollutants drop gradually. The concentrations of
    pollutants at final stages, except organic pollutants, belong to the group Ⅲ according
    to the environmental quality standards for surface water (GB3838-2002).
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