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铝是传统的集成电路的互连介质,由于铜比铝具有更低的电阻率和较高的抗电迁移性,是较铝更理想的材料。要实现铜在芯片上微米或亚微米级刻槽中的超等角电沉积填充,必须借助添加剂。铜超等角电沉积填充镀液中通常采用的添加剂有3-巯基-1-丙烷磺酸钠(MPS)或者聚二硫二丙烷磺酸钠(SPS)、聚乙二醇(PEG)和氯离子(Cl~-)。论文采用循环伏安(CV)、线性电位扫描(LSV)、计时安培(CA)和交流阻抗(AC impedance)电化学方法结合扫描电镜(SEM)方法研究了在CuSO4-H2SO4体系中,添加剂MPS、PEG、Cl~-及其协同作用对铜在玻碳电极(GCE)上的电沉积过程的影响。
Copper is a preferred material for the fabrication of interconnect structures in integrated circuits because of its lower resistivity and superior electromigration properties than aluminium. Electrochemical deposition is a simple technique to realize copper superfilling in the micron- or submicron-size trench of chip due to the presence of organic and inorganic additives in the electrolyte. The most commonly additives employed are 3-mercapto-1-propanesulfonate sodium salt (MPS) or bis-(3-soldiumsulfopropyl disulfide) (SPS), polyethylene glycol (PEG) and chloride ions (Cl~-). In this work, the influence of MPS, PEG, Cl~- and their synergistic effect on the copper electrodeposition on a glass carbon electrode (GCE) from CuSO4-H2SO4 electrolytes were studied by using cyclic voltammetry (CV), linear sweep voltammetry(LSV), chronoamperometry(CA), AC impedance and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques.
     The experiment results of CV, LSV and EIS indicated that MPS inhibited copper electrodeposition. And the inhibition effect became stronger with the increase of MPS concentration. In the presence of MPS-Cl~-, the cathodic potential peak of CV curves shifted to positive direction. The LSV curves positive shifted and the charge transfer resistance became smaller compared to with Cl~- ions alone. These results indicated that MPS-Cl~- had a significant acceleration on copper electrodeposition and the acceleration was greater than the Cl~- ions. Moreover, the accelerated effect of MPS-Cl~- became stronger with the increase of MPS concentration. MPS-PEG had a stronger inhibition than either MPS or PEG. The inhibition effect of MPS-PEG became stronger with the increase of MPS concentration. The copper electrodeposition was accelerated in the presence of MPS-PEG-Cl~-. And the acceleration effect of MPS-PEG-Cl~- became stronger with the increase of MPS concentration.
     The experiment results of CA and SEM indicated that MPS accelerated the electrocrystallization process of copper and the nuclear number density was increased with the increase of MPS concentration. MPS-Cl~- could increase both the nuclear number density and Cu2+ diffusion coefficient. However, the nuclear number density decreased with the increase of the concentration of MPS in electrolytes with MPS-PEG. The nuclear number density increased with the increase of MPS concentration in electrolytes with MPS-PEG-Cl~-. The diffusion coefficient of Cu2+ did not changed observably in solution with MPS and MPS-PEG.
     The experiment results of CA demonstrated that copper electrocrystallization from the 0.05 M CuSO4-0.5 M H2SO4 electrolytes either with or without MPS followed instantaneous nucleation with three-dimensional growth. The addition of MPS-PEG did not change the nucleation mechanism, and still followed the instantaneous nucleation with three-dimensional growth. In the presence of MPS-Cl~- or MPS-PEG-Cl~-, the nucleation mechanism was 3-dimentional instantaneous nucleation during the early short time of electrocrystallization, and then it changed to 3-D progressive nucleation gradually in the late stage of electrocrystallization. The experiment results of SEM demonstrated that copper electrocrystallization from the 0.05 M CuSO4-0.5 M H2SO4 electrolytes with MPS or MPS-Cl~- followed 3-D instantaneous nucleation.
     EIS results showed the inhibition effect of MPS or MPS-PEG on copper electrodeposition was reduced with the increase of polarization potential. Whereas the promoting function of MPS-Cl~- or MPS-PEG-Cl~- on copper electrodeposition was enhanced with the increase of polarization potential. The reaction resistance of copper in electrolytes with any additive packages decreased with the increase of polarization potential.
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