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The Ch'ing government's diplomacy(1840-1856) toward the western countries was a very important part of the modern China diplomacy. In the period, the sino-west relations underwent three phases: 1.1842-1848; 1.1848-1851; 3.1851-1856. The Ch'ing's diplomacy towards the West included the foreign policies and institution which were the extending of the traditional tributary system in the new international circumstance. The thesis focuses on the Ch'ing's diplomacy towards the West and shows how the Ch'ing's government responded to the western intrusion. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part discusses the background of the sino-west relations' evolution, including Chapter 1, 2, 3. The second part discusses the Ch'ing's diplomatic process, diplomatic policies, diplomatic institution and the tragic fates of the first Commissioners for Foreign Affairs, Including Chapter 4,5,6,7, 8,9. The third part is the thesis' conclusion and includes Chapter 10. The part discusses the Chinese empire's independent status and explores the semi-colony concept's limits in China modern history research.
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    斯当东:《英使谒见乾隆纪实》 (中译本),商务印书馆,1963年。
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