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在经济全球化的趋向日益明显的今天,关于文化的冲突和融合问题也日益为人们所关注。当然由于经济联系的日益密切,国际贸易的增长,再加上信息化时代人类的文化和思想交流日益频繁,使各国间更加接近的全球化的影响也超出了经济领域。 “各国文明的多样性,是人类社会的基本特征,也是人类文明进步的动力。”因此我们可以清楚的看到全球的经济一体化不仅不是意味着全球文化的单一西方化,而是经过多种文化的交汇﹑融合,并从中让我们看到人类文化的丰富多彩﹑兴旺发达和无穷生机。
At today that the global economy clining to distinct , the problem of the culture's conflict and confuse have been increasingly attentioned by the people . Of course , because of the increasingly osculated economic relation , the increase of the international commerce , superadd the people's communion of the culture and the thought have became increasingly frequent and distinct at the informational time , the influence of the global culture that make nations more adjacent exceed the influence of the global economy . " The diversity of the different nations culture is the basic character of the people's society and the power of the people civilized increasing ."So we can clear see that the global economy doesn't predicate singlely westward , but the multi-culture's meet and fuse ,and let us see the rich ,color , blossom and the vital force of the people's culture .
    The rapid developing of the real estate at the recent years,have made huge pressure to our country major city architecture environment's continue and development . In many city , traditional architecture's environment have been thorough destroyed , the city's local color and cultural tradition almost comedown . Lead the city's traditional space lose and the culture rupture , and that the same environment visualize .
    City environment visualize that the city history leave behind is a kind of special cultural carrier , noting the track of the city history .The history evolvement of the city synthesis environment is the result of the politics and the economy , traditional culture , geography , history , science and technology , psychology . Environment and behavior , society and psychology , economy and develop ,have manifold kind of contact . The harmony and development of city historical environment is a important direction of today world architecture's research . The writing combining overseas ahd inland example, ,discuss the architecture indite rule that conversing to historical environment , look after the architecture indite concrete tact .
    Because that historical environment take on complexity and unstability , architecture take on multiplicity , involved bound expand , the architecture indite under the historical environment not only based on knowledge of architecture , city planning , sight environment , but also from the point of view with sociology , history , zoology , economics , aesthetics , environment psychology and body engineering , analyse the
    influence and request to architecture indite , synthesis take into account .
    The architecture indite that conversing to historical environment is a expand bound problem , by far , though have some fruit , but also have many questions to be researched .The writing just based on this point to attempt . In the discourse discussing ,at the theory analyse time , add a great deal examples to makeup the shortage of theory , use for reference and sum up experience in advance .
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