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That developing hydropower and constructing Hydropower and Tourism City (HTC)
    is an entirely new project in the practice of city development. For a long time, an all-sided
    in-depth and systems scientific research for the development of these special HTCs is
    lacked both at home and broad academy, resulting in theory study severely lagging behind
    the practice needs, and restricting HTC’s sustainable, rapid and healthy development.
    Therefore, opening a special project, researching these new and special HTCs scientifically
    and systematically is in urgent need of the theory and practice about the city development,
    and is of great and pressing realistic significance. Within this dissertation, systematically
    studying HTC’s characteristics is the logic start and key link in the HTC study process;
    scientifically grasping its essential characteristics is the tough nut and stress of the research.
    Starting from the concept of HTC and its characteristics forming process, applying the
    theories of city economics, city geography, tourism, dam economics, regional economics,
    valley economics, reservoir emigrant resettlement and sustainable development, that the
    concept of HTC, and its industry characteristics, economic zone characteristics, special
    driving power characteristics and culture characteristics are studied stressfully on the basis
    of sufficient investigations and by using scientific methods, then their mutual relationships
    and inner contradictions are expounded, hence, totally grasping the essentials and
    development laws of HTC.
     Within this dissertation, the concept of HTC is creatively putted forward, and its
    connotation analyzed. HTC is a city taking the opportunity of waterpower development
    and selecting hydropower industry, tourism industry and related industries as its leading
    industries in character. HTC is the product of the urgent demand and sufficient possibility
    of social productivity development for waterpower exploration; a social organism with
    considerable dense activities of hydropower economy and tourism economy, etc.; a center
    of regional development, closely related to its surroundings. HTC, as a new kind of unique
    cities, beside the common city features, has its own unique and rich characteristics.
     The industrial characteristics of HTC are creatively studied. The congregating, rising,
    sustaining, leading and co-relating characteristics of HTC industries are studied and putted
    forward; the four major special laws of HTC industries development are creatively
    generated: the government leading hydropower and tourism development law, the
    industries un-equilibrium harmonizing development law, the lead industry openly growing
    law, and the hydropower producing and consuming contradiction law. The principles and
    orientation of HTC industries structure adjustment, and the pivot of HTC industries
    development, are studied, then putting forward that the HTC industries development
    should priority its characterizing industries: hydropower industry and its related
    cooperating industries, electricity transporting media industry, electricity equipment
    manufacturing industry, hydro project tourism industry, ecological tourism industry,
    historical and culture tourism industry, etc. The issues on coordinating development of
    HTC industries, resources and environment are also studied.
     The characteristic of Hydropower and Tourism City Economic Zone (HTCEZ) is
    creatively studied in this dissertation. The concept of HTCEZ is studied and given out:
    HTCEZ is a city economic zone consisting of HTC and its surrounding areas sharing the
    similar economic situation and carrying on the similar culture tradition. The concept of the
    central city of HTC and its forming conditions are studied, the mutual dynamic
    development relationship of HTC and its central city discussed. The concrete contents and
    road of HTCEZ development is studied and discussed.
     The emigrant resettlement driving power characteristics of HTC is explorat
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