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Basing on summary of the literatures, this paper firstly points out that the business model is integration and fusion of theories about strategic position, resources and capabilities and value chain, also is the important source to gain competitive advantage for the telecom operators in the information age. Subsequently, it refines two basic attributes of business model:value and structural attributes, and establishes a systemic analysis framework of "factor-structure-function" basing on these two attributes, emphasizing the importance of value structure in the construction of business mode. After that, this paper takes a depth analysis about the telecom business model's construction of the operators basing on value chain structure, then it extracts three key value links:operators, service providers and users, and studies the win-win incentive and pricing strategy of the telecom business model around the control and coordination of the win-win value relationship among the three value links mentioned above. More concretely, we get the following main innovative conclusions:
     (1) In Chapter 3, this paper unifies the value and structural attributes of the business model, establishes a systemic analysis framework of "factor-structure-function", reveals the connotation of the business model's construction, and points out that the enterprises must clearly see the constraints of the value structure to the value function and the interrelation specified by the rules of physics and logical between this value structure and factor resources. Subsequently, we analyze the telecom business model's construction based on the structure of value chain. Since any complex structure is consists of two nodes and the corresponding connection sides, we extract the three key value links:operators, service providers and users, emphasizing that the harmonious value relationships among these links above are the key to the telecom business model' construction and operation. On this basis, we further identify and analyze the construction of telecom business model with win-win consideration.
     (2) In the Chapter 4, this paper focuses on control of the win-win value relationship within operating system of the telecom business model. We introduce the parameter (describes the level at which the operators care about themselves and their service providers) reflect the preferences of win-win in the classic principal-agent framework. And on this basis, combining with the implicit incentive and opportunistic behavior of the service providers (agents), we take in-depth analysis about the design of incentive strategy of the win-win telecom business model. The results prove that the win-win relationship between the operators and service providers can enhance the performance of the entire telecom business model's operational efficiency, and contribute to the development of operational synergies between the main bodies.
     (3) Chapter 5 major studies the pricing strategy of the business model which coordinates the relationship between users and operating system composed by the operators and service providers. We study the pricing decision of individual business and the bundled pricing decision between businesses. The results show that the different relative market position between the operators and service providers has a significant impact on price, the quality of service and the revenue-sharing between them. While the selection of strategy of a bundle of businesses and the price are depend on the size and risk of the market and correlation between the business being tied up.
     Finally, we take Monternet for example, and do a detailed analysis on the background and forming process of its business model, and focus on the values standard's setting and normalization, transactions, the establishment and improvement of the split-level design between service providers and China Mobile, and inspect the positive impact of the win-win value relationship on value realization of the Monternet business model and long-term development between the subjects of operation, thus verify and explain the conclusions and achievements of the research this time.
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