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The respect education as a kind of education principle is the extention of the philosophy category in the educational field. The education principle is the motivation of educational practice and the foreruner of educational reform.
    Respect, including self-respect and respecting others, is the behavior standard of handling the interpersonal relation. "Respect" education is the cut-in point and , breakthrough mouth of basic moral education and respect education is an effective way to strengthen the teaching efficiency . Based on the latest research fruits , the paper explores the respect education principle, which considers that respect education refers to the education that looks at respect as its premise, developing students'individual character and all-around quality as its target, constructs educational atmosphere of respect and has humanistic value tropism. It has three basic connotation, the first one is speaking respect, insisting respect in the education, namely respect is the jumping-off point and premise of the education and penetrate in the whole educational couse, its core is to respect the students; The second one is in the respect to educate, to stengthen educaton and display the essence of education, that is, the key point of educating in the atmosphere of respect is constructing a new type of relationship between teachers and students to improve the teaching efficiency; The third one is to instruct respect ,cultivate respect and healhilize personalities , this is the realistic approach of respect education. Respect has the characteristic of humanity, flaxibility, comprehensiveness, democracy and operation.
    In western countries, respect education develops with the enhancement of human's self-consciousness and affirmation of human's value and dignity. Education came through the development from the respect of human's nature to human's thinking from the "adapting nature" principle of Jan Amos Komensky and Rousseau, J.J to the view of Dewey, J. - education is growth, to the principle of
    trust and understanding from AHTOH CeMeHOBNH MakapeHko.In the educational history of China, importance was attached to respect education. Confucius taught people behaving, Cai Yuanpei and Tao Xingzhi advocated respecting students, till it was suggested that students's main body should be respected and students' personality should be exerted, which indicates respect education has profound historical origin.
    The reconstruction of respect education is not only possible, but also very necessary. It is considered in this paper that respect education is the internal requirement of educational rule, which accords with the request of knowledge-Based economy ages and the big trend of international education development and embodies the spirit of our constitution and law. Respect education is the reflection of the educational reality, which it is regarded that traditonal education attached importance to the education of knowledge and the training of speciality, but made light of the training of spirit and humanistic education, acting against the essence of education-educating people seriously. It is necessary to conduct the idea of respect education and further strengthen and accelerate the higher educational reform.
    Respect education includes rich humanistic spirit. It is expounded in the paper that conducting respect education and respecting students' personality dignity is to inspire students' inner demand to study the knowledge and promote the all-around development of the students freely. It is also demonstrated that respect education is also the education based on combination of humanistic education and science education to improve the quality of humanity and science and cultivate the humanistic spirit.
    It's necessary to strengthen respect education, cultivate the students' personality character of self-respect and self-consciousness, mold their good behavior criterion, guide the university student to practice creative thought, set up the spirit of science exploration, and foist the high social sense of respo
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