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Fluid inclusions not only records the message of sedimentary diagenetic fluid,include composition,temperature and pressure,also records the basin of hydrocarbon generation and evolution,especially the hydrocarbon inclusions in the reservoir diagenesis,hydrocarbon migration,hydrocarbon reservoir,basin analysis,and the geochemical fields such as research has important theoretical significance and application value. Hydrocarbon inclusions were valued in mineralise and petroleum area. But because the composition and thermodynamic behavior of hydrocarbon were complexity,there were some problems in recovery of capture condition and mechanism. In this paper,synthetic hydrocarbon inclusions were used to standard sample. Microthermometry,Fluorescence spectroscopy,Fourier Transform Infrared spectrum and Confocal Scanning Laser Microscopy analysis were carried out on reservoir fluid inclusions to gain their homogenization temperature(Th),salinity,CH_2/CH_3,the mole percent content of CH_4 and alkanes,gas and fluid ratio. Low temperature laser Raman spectroscopy analysis,NaCl-H_2O、CaCl_2-H_2O、MgCl_2-H_2O、KCl-H_2O、NaCl-CaCl_2-H_2O、CaCl_2-MgCl_2-H_2O and FeCl_3-H_2O systems were freezed multiple times under low temperature Raman spectroscopy testing. Using the characteristic peak ratio method to be established the NaCl-H_2O and CaCl_2-H_2O systems laser Raman characteristic peak ratio and salinity related formulae,realized the laser Raman spectra of quantitative analysis for aqueous inclusions. For MgCl_2-H_2O、NaCl-CaCl_2-H_2O and CaCl_2-MgCl_2-H_2O systems,according to chlorine ion hydrate under low temperature Raman characteristic peaks position and intensity can be quantitative and Semi-quantitative analysis.Based on these thermodynamic parameters,PVTX calculation for various inclusions,the trapping temperature and presssure were recoved,and the application of Dongying sag Es4x.
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