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    11.R. Shep Melnick, Regulation and the Courts, The Brookings Institution ed.,1983.
    12.Richard Stewart, Reformation of American Administrative Law, Harvard Law Review (1974).
    13. ean R. Nicyper, Note: Attorney's Fees and Ruckelshaus v. Sierra Club: Discouraging Citizens From Challenging Administrative Agency Decisions, 33 Am. U. L. Rev. 775 (1984).
    14. olly Doremus, Symposium: Preserving Citizen Participation in the Era of Reinvention: the Endangered Species Act Example, 25 Ecology L. Q. 707 (1999).
    15. Harold J. Krent and Ethan G. Shenkman, Of Citizen Suits and Citizen Sunstein, 91 Mich. L. Rev. 1793 (1993).
    16. United States Army Legal Services Agency, USALSA Report: Environmental Law Division Note: Supreme Court Rules Citizen Suits not Allowed for Past EPCRA Violations, 1998 Army Law. 50 (1998).
    17. Karl S. Coplan, Refracting the Spectrum of Clean Water Act Standing in Light of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 22 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 169 (1997).
    18. Katarina K. Bumoer, United Musical Instruments v. The Steel Company: the Conflict Over the Safety of Our Communities and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, 91 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1599 (1997).
    19. Laveta Casdorph, The Constitution and Reconstitution of The Standing Doctrine, 30 St. Mary's L. J. 471 (1999).
    20. David R. Hodas, Environmental Federalism: Enforcement of Environmental Law in a Triangular Federal System: Can Three not be A Crowd When Enforcement Authority is Shared by the United States, the States, and Their Citizens? 54 Md. L. Rev. 1552 (1995).
    21. Cass R. Sunstein, What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III, 91 Mcih. L. Rev. 163(1992).
    22. Lawrence Gerschwer, Note: Informational Standing Under NEPA: Justiciability and the Environmental Decisionmaking Process, 93 Colum. L. Rev. 996 (1993).
    23. Cass R. Sunstein, Informational Regulation and Informational Standing: Akins and Beyond, 147 U. Pa. L. Rev. 613 (1999).
    24. Richard J. Pierce, JR., The Role of the Judiciary in Implementing and Agency Theory of Government, 64 N. Y. U. L. 1239 (1989).
    25. Matthew William Nelson, NEPA and Standing: Halting the Spread of "Slash-and-Burn" Jurisprudence, 31 U. C. Davis L. Rev. 253 (1997).
    26. Daniel A. Farber, Scholarship: Taking Slippage Seriously: Noncompliance and Creative Compliance in Environmental Law, 23 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 297 (1999).
    27. Michael S. Greve, The Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 39 (1990).
    28. Nancy Perkins Spyke, Public Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking at the New Millennium: Structuring New Spheres of Public Influence, 26 B. C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 263 (1999).
    29. Krista Green, An Analysis of the Supreme Court's Resolution of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Citizen Suit Debate, Boston College Environmental Affairs Law Review (1999).
    30. Harold Feld, Saving the Citizen Suit: The Effect of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife and the Role of Citizen Suits in Environmental Law Enforcement, 19 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 141 (1994).
    31. Jeannette L. Austin, The Rise of Citizen Suit Enforcement in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Pubic Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    32. Note, Noticeby Citizen Plaintiffs in Environmental Litigation, 79 Mich. L. Rev. (1980).
    33. Adeeb Fadil, Citizen Suits Against Polluters: Picking Up the Pace, 9:1 Harvard Environmental Law Review (1985).
    34. Barry Boyer and Errol Meidinger, Privatizing Regulatory Enforcement: A Preliminary Assessment of Citizen Suits Under Federal Environmental Laws, 34 Buffalo Law Review 833 (1985).
    1 这条信息来自互联网和报刊。
    2 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Rules 23, 23.1.
    3 Michael S. Greve, The Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339, (1990).
    4 Harold Feld, Saving the Citizen Suit: the Effect of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife and the Role of Citizen Suits in Environmental Enforcement, 19 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 141, (1994)
    5 Karl S. Coplan, Refracting the Spectrum of Clean Water Act Standing in Light of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 22 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 169 (1997).
    6 同上。
    7 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    8 同上。
    9 Clean Water Act, 33 U. S. C. A. §1365(g).
    10 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    11 Sierra Club v. Morton 405 U. S. 727 (1972).
    12 Cass R. Sunstein, What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III, 91 Mich. L. Rev. 163, (1992).
    13 同上。
    14 同上。
    15 Karl S. Coplan, Refracting the Spectrum of Clean Water Act Standing in Light of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 22 Colum. J. Envtl. L. (1997).
    16 Harold Feld, Saving the Citizen Suit: the Effect of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife and the Role of Citizen Suits in Environmental Enforcement, 19 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 141 (1994).
    17 同上。
    18 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    19 Clean Water Act 33 U. S. C. A. §1365(a).
    20 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    21 Karl S. Coplan, Refracting the Spectrum of Clean Water Act Standing in Light of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 22 Colum. J. Envtl. L. (1997).
    22 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    23 同上。
    24 Katarina K. Bumoer, United Musical Instruments v. The Steel Company: the Conflict Over the Safety of Our Communities and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, 91 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1599 (1997).
    25 同上。
    26 United States Army Legal Services Agency, USALSA REPORT: Environmental Law Division Note: Supreme Court Rules Citizen Suits not Allowed for Past EPCRA Violations, 1998 Army Law. 50 (1998).
    27 “判发”为台湾学者所用的词汇,意为由法院判决发放,本文为方便起见,借用这个表述方式。
    28 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    29 Dean R. Nicyper, Note: Attorney's Fees and Ruckelshaus v. Sierra Club: Discouraging Citizens From Challenging Administrative Agency Decisions, 33 Am. U. L. Rev. 775 (1984).
    30 同上。
    31 同上。
    32 同上。
    33 Daniel A. Farber, Scholarship: Taking Slippage Seriously: Noncompliance and Creative Compliance in Environmental Law, 23 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 297 (1999).
    34 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    35 Karaina K. Bumoer, Comment: United Musical Instruments v. The Steel Company: the Conflict Over the Safety of Our Communities and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, 91 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1599 (1997).
    36 Note, Notice by Citizen Plaintiffs in Environmental Litigation, 79 Mich. L. Rev. (1980).
    37 Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    38 只有两项环保法律,《濒危物种法》和《海洋保护、研究和禁捕区法》(Marine Protection,Research,and sanxtuaries Act),不允许公民允与诉讼。 见,同上。
    39 这两项法律是《有毒物质控制法》和《水质量法》)。见,同上。
    40 Barry Boyer and Errol Meidinger, Privatizing Regulatory Enforcement: A Preliminary Assessment of Citizen Suits Under Federal Environmental Laws, 34 Buffalo Law Review 833,(1985).
    41 Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    42 同上。
    43 同上。
    44 美国的这种民事处罚,类似我国的罚款,由法院科处。在此暂将其翻译为民事处罚。
    45 Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    46 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    47 Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    48 见,Clean Water Act 33U. S. C. A. §1365(a)(2),"......各地方法院不论争讼金额或当事人的州籍,有权执行前述标准、限制或依案件的种类命令环保局长执行前述职责,并依本法505(d)予以适量罚金。"
    49 叶俊荣,《民众参与环保法令之执行:论我国引进美国环境法上“公民诉讼制度”之可行性》,载于《环境政策与法律》,月旦出版公司,1993年。
    50 Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    51 同上。
    52 同上。
    53 同上。
    54 David R. Hodas, Symposium: Environmental federalism: Enforcement of Environmental Law in a Triangular Federal System: Can Three not be a Crowd When Enforcement Authority is Shared by the United States, the States, and Their Citizens? 54 Md. L. Rev. 1552(1995).
    55 Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    56 Michael S. Greve, the Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339, (1990).
    57 同上。
    58 Daniel A. Farber, Scholarship: Taking Slippage Seriously: Noncompliance and CreativeCompliance in Environmental Law, 23 Harv. Envtl. L. Rev. 297 (1999).
    59 Michael S. Greve, the Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339, (1990).
    60 同上。
    61 例如,有法院在判决中指出,国会赋予公民诉讼的原告执行环境法的权力,并将这种权利视为一种公共职能。见,Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    62 许多法院都持这种观点,如,在Hamker v. Diamond Shamrock Chem. Co., 756 F. 2d 392,395 中,法院认为,行政机关在执行清洁水法中发挥中心作用,公民诉讼条款不允许公民诉讼同行政机关的权力相重叠。见,Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).又如,在Gwaltney of Smithfield, Ltd. V. Chesapeake Bay Foundation Inc. 484 U.S. (1987)一案中,最高法院认为公民诉讼对行政机关的执法起补充作用,公民诉讼的原告只有在“联邦、各州和地方的行政机关没有行使其职责时方可起诉。见,Katarina K. Bumoer, Comment: United Musical Instruments v. The Steel Company: The Conflict Over the Safety of Our Communities and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, 91 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1599 (1997).
    63 在Student Pub. Interest Research Group v. AT & T Bell Labs, 617 F. Supp. (D.N. 1985)一案中,法院指出,国会设立公民诉讼制度的目的在于防止各州怠于行使其职责。见,Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).有学者指出,国会建立公民诉讼制度的目的是为了促使行政机关忠实于国会的环境政策。见,Harold Feld, Saving The Citizen Suit: the Effect of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife and the Role of Citizen Suits in Environmental Enforcement, 19 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 141 (1994)
    64 见前注35-42及相关正文。
    65 Note, Notice by Citizen Plaintiffs in Environmental Litigation, 79 Mich. L. Rev. (1980).
    66 见,前注24及相关正文。
    67 Barry Boyer and Errol Meidinger, Privatizing Regulatory Enforcement: A Preliminary Assessment of Citizen Suits Under Federal Environmental Laws, 34 Buffalo Law Review 833 (1985).
    68 Katarina K. Bumoer, Comment: United Musical Instruments v. The Steel Company: The Conflict Over the Safety of Our Communities and the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, 91 Nw. U. L. 1599 (1997).
    69 Jeannette L. Austin, Comment: The Rise of Citizen-Suit Enforce4ment in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    70 见,前注37及相关正文。
    71 Michael S. Greve, The Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339 (1990).
    72 见,前注29及相关正文。
    73 Michael S. Greve, The Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339 (1990).
    74 一个例外是清洁空气法,允许将罚款支付给“缓和计划”(mitigation project),而非国库。见,前注48。
    75 见,前注59及相关正文。
    76 Barry Boyer and Errol Meidinger, Privatizing Regulatory Enforcement: A Preliminary Assessment of Citizen Suits Under Federal Environmental Laws, 34 Buffalo Law Review 833 (1985).
    77 Michael S. Greve, The Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339 (1990).
    78 见,前注42及相关正文。
    79 见,前注32及相关正文。
    80 见,前注50及相关正文。
    81 Micheal S. Greve, the Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339 (1990).
    82 Adeeb Fadil, Citizen Suits Against Polluters: Picking Up the Pace, 9:1 Harvard Environmental Law Review 23, (1985).
    83 Micheal S. Greve, the Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339 (1990).
    84 Cass R. Sunstein, What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III.
    85 见,前注12-15及相关正文。
    86 Laveta, Casdorph, Comment: the Constitution and Reconstitution of the Standing Doctrine, 30 St. Mary's L. J. 471 (1999).
    87 Cass R. Sunstein, What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III.
    88 Karl S. Coplan, Refracting the Spectrum of Clean Water Act Standing in Light of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 22 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 169 (1997).
    89 Cass R. Sunstein, What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III。
    90 Karl S. Coplan, Refracting the Spectrum of Clean Water Act Standing in Light of Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 22 Colum. J. Envtl. L. 169 (1997).
    91 Cass R. Sunstein, What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III。
    92 同上。
    93 同上。
    94 Stewart, Reforming of American Administrative Law, 转引自R. Shep Melnick, Regulation and the Courts, (the Brookings Institution ed., 1983)
    95 Richard J. Pierce, JR., the Role of the Judiciary in Implementing an Agency Theory of Government, 64 N. Y. U. L. Rev. 1239 (1989).
    96 James A. Hecker, The Citizen's Role in Environmental Enforcement: Private Attorney General, Private Citizen, or Both?
    97 Cass R. Sunstein, What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III; Micheal S. Greve, the Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339 (1990).
    98 Micheal S. Greve, the Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339 (1990).
    99 同上。
    100 Nancy Perkins Spyke, Public Participation in Environmental Decisionmaking at the New Millennnium: Structuring New Spheres of Public Influence, 26 B. C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 263 (1999).
    101 R. Shep Melnick, Regulation and the Courts, (The Brookings Institution ed. 1983).
    102 《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》, 1989年4月4日第七届全国人民代表大会第二次会议通过。
    103 刘恒,《行政救济制度研究》253页,法律出版社,1998年。
    104 《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》。
    105 据笔者对最高法院行政庭法官的咨询。
    106 《最高人民法院关于执行行政诉讼法的若干问题的解释》,法释[2000]8号,2000年3月8日发。
    107 据笔者对最高法院行政庭法官的咨询。
    108 见,1989年《中华人民共和国环境保护法》第6条;1996年《水污染防治法》第5条; 1995年《大气污染防治法》第5条。
    109 据笔者对最高法院行政庭法官的咨询。
    110 见,《中华人民共和国宪法》(1982年通过,1993年修订)第三章,第一、二、七节。
    111 见,姜明安主编,《中国行政法制发展进程调查报告》325页,法律出版社,1998年版。
    112 同上,325页。
    113 刘春铃,《中国公众参与环境管理的法律机制研究》,北京大学硕士论文,1998年。
    114 如1996年人大常委会修改《水污染防治法》在第13条规定:“环境影响报告书中,应当有该建设项目所在地单位和居民的意见。”
    115 刘春铃,《中国公众参与环境管理的法律机制研究》,北京大学硕士论文,1998年。
    116 见,姜明安主编,《中国行政法制发展进程调查报告》325页,法律出版社,1998年版。
    117 同上。
    118 刘春铃,《中国公众参与环境管理的法律机制研究》,北京大学硕士论文,1998年。
    119 同上。
    120 同上。
    121 见,姜明安主编,《中国行政法制发展进程调查报告》3页,法律出版社,1998年版。
    122 《广州人大代表动真格的了》,《南方周未》2000年4月21日2版。
    123 见,前注96-101及相关正文。
    124 见,我国《民事诉讼法》第三条:“人民法院受理公民之间、法人之间、其他组织之间以及他们相互之间因财产关系和人身关系提起的民事诉讼,适用本法规定。”应当注意,此处不仅对得提起诉讼原告资格做出了限制,而且对得作为诉讼标的的利害关系的类型进行了限制,即“财产关系和人身关系”,以单纯的审美等环境利益为标的并不能提起诉讼。
    125 见,前注76-81及相关正文。
    126 1993年《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》第49条。
    127 《王海的权利、利益理论摘录》见,互联网,www.chiannews.com.cn/shidian。
    128 Cass R. Sunstein, What's Standing After Lujan? Of Citizen Suits, "Injuries," and Article III, 91 Mich. L. Rev.163 (1992).
    129 见《中华人民共和国宪法》(1982年通过,1993年修订)第123条。
    130 见,前注5及相关正文。
    131" A person suffering legal wrong because of agency action, or adversely affected or aggrieved by agency action within the meaning of a relevant statute, is entitled to judicial review thereof." 5 U. S. C. 702 (1988).
    132 见,前注105-107及相关正文。
    133 见,前注89-93及相关正文。
    134 见,前注126及相关正文。
    135 Jeannette L. Austin, The Rise of Citizen Suit Enforcement in Environmental Law: Reconciling Private and Public Attorneys General, 81 Nw. U. L. Rev. 220 (1987).
    136 Micheal S. Greve, The Private Enforcement of Environmental Law, 65 Tul. L. Rev. 339 (1990).
    138 见,前注113-115及相关正文。
    139 见,《排放污染物申报登记管理规定》1992年国家环保局第十号局令发布。

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