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It is knowledge-based economy time in 21 century and its nature is the talent-based economy. Talents have become the decisive factor on success. The college plays an important role in the Knowledge-based Economy appearing as incubator of the human resources and the teacher which acts as the kernel sources of the college has become one of the crucial factors effecting the development of the colleges. Thus, it is important to establish and perfect the teacher recruitment system to attract talents in broad range. So, it is of great practical significance to study on the reformation of the teacher recruitment system.
     Based on the theories of recruitment and human resources selecting, this paper analyzes the existing problems about the recruitment of human resources, such as lack of human resource planning combined with the strategy for college development, lack of appeal for young college teacher because of pay system, monotonous means to select teachers, fuzzy duties between personnel department and faculties, and the management after recruitment. This paper tries to explore the causes of such problem mentioned above and provides solutions to these problems through borrowing the foreign successful experience. The principal aim of this paper is to help the college to establish and perfect the system of recruitment. The detailed measures to such problems mentioned above including the following. Firstly, long-term plans should be formulated based on the strategy for high school development. Secondly, the recruitment power should be rational divided between personnel department and the employing units. Thirdly, recruitment means should be perfected. Fourthly, different methods of absorbing human resources should be arranged depending on the different needs. Lastly, supervision and guidance should be strengthened after recruitment. Revised recruitment system integrates the factors concerned in the recruitment and it can meet the needs the colleges and the teachers. Specially, the revised recruitment system places the needs and developments of the teacher to the primary state. Thus, the revised recruitment system has more attraction, feasibility and flexibility. In the last part of this paper, the author expresses the views mentioned above through the revision of recruitment about Dalian University of technology.
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