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Small-and-Mid-Size Enterprise(SME) cluster is the main form in the regional economicdevelopment. Because of the embedded social network relationship and resourses share andetc.,the member enterprises in the SME cluster are shown as dynamic network organization tothe integration of the network resources. In the increasingly complicated environment and fiercecompetition, higher and higher requirements for the SME cluster resource integration is putforward. The problem about improving the competitiveness of the whole clusters and enterpriseby enhancing the resource integration capability in SME cluster complex is desiderated to solvefor the manufacture in our current. According to the actual condition of the SME clusteroperation of Guangdong Province, and using some results of the SME cluster theory, theresource integration capability was studied from the perspective of the complex network and thewhole systemic. At the same time, the strategies&suggestions of resource integration werepresented in this dissertation.
     At first, local bilateral fitnessmodel for SME cluster complex network was constructed onthe basis of local world, competition, incomplete and asymmetric information of the SME clustercomplex network and BA mode. And a k-mean algorithm to mine the community of SMEcluster by using clustering analysis was proposed, On the basis of analysis data object of SMEcluster, and core enterprise was distinguished. Then, from the statical perspective, therelationship between the structure and the resource integration capability on SME clustercomplex network was studied on the basis of analysis the structure of SME cluster complexnetwork and resource integration capability, It is discussed that the relationship about the fiveimpacting factors on the structure from network-density, network-centric, peer-to-peer networkstructure, structure-hole and social capital with the four impacting factors on the resourceintegration capability from the breadth, depth, speed, and openness on SME cluster complexnetwork, and pertinent models was presented. An index system is developed for the evaluation ofresource integration capability of SME cluster. It mainly includes integration breadth, depth,speed, and openness. By combining grey system theory with analytic hierarchy process (AHP)method, a hybrid evaluation model is presented. From the point of view of the dynamic, it is analyzed that the role of SME cluster network structure, SME cluster scale and the governmentin resource integration with the system dynamics theory and methods, the key link influencingresource integration is found out. At last, according to the results of above, the model of theResource Integration on SME cluster network was presented, and strategies&suggestions forthe resource integration on SME cluster network was put forward from the point of view of theenterprise (or SME cluster) and the government.
     The study can provide theoretical basis for the practice of the resource integration on SMEcluster complex network, in the meantime, it can provide important practical significance for theupgrade industries and innovation development of SME clusters.
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