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Integrated optimization of train plan and train diagram on dedicated passenger network is to arrange the grade, number, marshalling structure, starting and terminal station, running route, arrive and depart time at passed station scientifically and rationally for each train, which is based on the railway transportation facilities and passenger travel demands, oriented by passenger transport market, aims to improve the passenger travel services level and facilitate the passenger station organization operation. It can reflect the organization plan from passenger flows to train flows. Due to the intense capacity of railway transport, the railway passenger transportation organization focuses to meet the demand quantity of passenger travel, while the demand quality of passenger travel can not be satisfied in our country for long time. With the construction of dedicated passenger railway, the conformation of dedicated passenger network mainly constituted by four-vertical-and-four-horizontal fast-track railway and four inter-city fast passenger transport system, which can improve the capacity of railway transport greatly. Therefore, it is a key issue in railway passenger transportation organization for railway enterprise to further optimize the running trains on dedicated passenger network and provide high quality travel service level for passengers, when confronting with high quality travel service demand and fierce competition with other passenger transport modes nowadays. It has practical significance to integrated optimize of train plan and train diagram on dedicated passenger network.
     Firstly, the passenger train plan and train diagram are optimized respectively in this paper. A method for optimizing the passenger train plan on dedicated passenger network with elastic demands is designed and a method for drawing train diagram on dedicated passenger network based on fixed order optimization is proposed. Then an integrated optimization method for passenger trains plan and train diagram on dedicated passenger network is put forward. The main contents are as follows.
     (1) Considering the fluctuation of passenger travel demand caused by the quality varying of passenger train plan on dedicated passenger network, based on analyzing the influence factors of railway passenger travel demand, establishing the railway passenger travel elastic demand function and calculating the train running profit and passenger travel benefit, the bi-level programming model for the passenger train plan with elastic demands is set up by utilizing the stackelberg game relation between railway enterprise and passengers.
     (2) Combining the characteristics of passenger train plan and its bi-level programming model, the optimal algorithm based on the simulated annealing algorithm is designed to optimize the passenger train plan. The simulated annealing algorithm, which is regarded as the basic framework of the whole algorithm, is used to solve the upper programming model for passenger train plan, while the adjusted GP algorithm based on elastic demand is used to solve the lower programming model for flow distribution in conditions of certain passenger train plan.
     (3) Considering the passenger train departure time domain and comprehensive window maintenance, the model for drawing the passenger train diagram for dedicated passenger lines is built to minimize the travel time of passenger train. Through extending the multi-parallelogram and diagraph of the relaxation train diagram, the method for drawing train diagram of dedicated passenger line based on fixed order optimization is designed, which applies the diagraph to optimize the train diagram by moving operation time, exchanging operation order, changing stop plan and adjusting passenger train departure time domain on the basis of drawing relaxation train diagram.
     (4) Considering the time interval constraint among all direction train operation of the station, the model for drawing the passenger train diagram for dedicated passenger network is built to minimize train travel time based on the train diagram optimization model of dedicated passenger line. Through extending network diagram's digraph and building order optimization linear programming model of network relaxation diagram, the model's solution method based on fixed order optimization is designed combining with moving operation time, exchanging operation order, changing stop plan and adjusting passenger train departure time domain.
     (5) Through accurately describing the passenger travel costs based on the passenger train diagram, Combining the bi-level programming model of passenger train plan and the optimization model of train diagram on dedicated passenger network, the bi-level programming model for integrated optimizing the passenger train plan and train diagram is established to maximize the passenger train operating benefit with the constraint of preparedness capacity of the station, total number of vehicles, number of train vehicles and compatibility of train running time.
     (6) The optimization of passenger train plan and train diagram are combined effectively by the flow distribution based on different transfer network with different levels of information such as passenger railway network, passenger train plan and train diagram. The integrated optimization algorithm of train plan and diagram is designed on the basis of simulated annealing algorithm.
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