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     第二步,本文采用了CpG编码和五联体(Pentamers)编码,从不同的角度对人类RNA POLⅡ启动子序列进行编码,提取变量信息,找出预报结果最佳及搭配最合理的编码方式用于后面的研究。
     第三步,本文还尝试了一种新的编码方法——模式字典(Pattern Dictionary)的编码方法(由本实验室开发),并且针对启动子数据的特点,将ATCG四碱基两两结合,扩展成十六种字符进行编码,以增加数据的特征变量。
Promoters Recognition is an important part of the research of the gene recognition. Finding the knowledge of the promoter regions not only redounds to the analysis and research in the laboratory, but is helpful to the human knowing the function of the whole genome, the mechanism of the gene expression and controlling, and the relationship of the human diseases and the polymorphism or mutation of the promoters.
     This paper aimed to do the recognition of the human RNA POLⅡpromoters, classify the promoter sequences, and promote the veracity of the recognizing results. We applied novel encoding methods to the encoding of the human promoter sequences, built up right consensus models, and recognized the promoter sequences with the Support Vector Machine (SVM), and finally improved the veracity of the recognizing results.
     Firstly, we got the promoter and non-promoter sequences data from Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD) and non-promoter databases, which were used for the recognition research. Both of the positive and negative data were divided into 5 and 10 parts, for the 5-fold and 10-fold cross-validation. Otherwise, we also got the human chromosome promoter data from the DataBase of Transcriptional Start Sites (DBTSS), which were got from experiments. The data were used for the following research.
     Secondly, we did the pre-processing of the sequences data, including guarantee the non- redundant of the data, encoded the sequences data, and selected the suitable parameters and encoding methods. This part of our work is the emphasis and difficulty of the research, and we divided it into three steps:
     Step one, we applied the knowledge-based statistical encoding method, which were expanded into 6 sub-encoding methods, such as, single-base statistical encoding method, adjacent dual-base statistical encoding method, one-base apart dual-base statistical encoding method, two-base apart dual-base statistical encoding method, three-base apart dual-base statistical encoding method and adjacent ternate-base statistical encoding method. Then we recognized the data with SVM, the accuracy of the 10-fold cross-validation reached 89.68%, the sensitivities were from 86.24% to 90.11%, and the specificities were from 85.91% to 98.35%, compared to other SVM used promoter recognizing tools, our results had nearly 5% precedence.
     Step two, we applied the CpG islands and Pentamers encoding methods, encoded the promoter sequences data in a different perspective, extracted the information of the variables, and selected the encoding method which got the best recognizing result, used for the following research.
     Step three, we tried the Pattern Dictionary encoding method, and expanded the 4 bases into 16 bases, combining the arbitrary two of the A, T, C and G four bases, to increase the amounts of the variables, according to the characteristic of the promoter sequences data.
     Thirdly, we built up the right consensus models, according to the results of the different encoding methods. Based the differences of the encoding methods, the differences of the sample selecting methods, the differences of the kernel functions, .etc, we built up consensus models with different sub-models, and did the recognition with dual-SVM. We finally promoted the accuracy of the recognition, for the consensus models included the independence and difference of each sub-models, and exerted the superiorities and the complementarities of the sub-models.
     At last, we applied the excellent recognition model into the human chromosome 22 promoter recognizing, and the accuracy of the recognizing reached 90.98%.
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