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One-person company is the company in which the single shareholder has its all outs or shares. It existed as a kind of non-legal forms before. One-person company promotes the compact in economy and the development of the business enterprise, but also brings the many repressing risks, which break the market economy order on a certain degree.
     Owing to the special risk of the one-person company itself, some provisions in the traditional company law are hard to adapt to the demands of one-person company. Therefore, accompany with all countries admitting one-person company's establishment and existence, many countries enhanced the control of one-person company and led the disregard of corporate personality system into the company law. Disregard of corporate personality system of one-person company in our country has just been established, a lot of concrete contents are still in the "vacuum" condition, so the transplantations and the localization reforms is the most urgent matter we are facing at this moment.
     This text mainly contains four parts: first, the author analyses the creation background of "Disregard of one person's corporate personality theory". Secondly, the author elaborates general legal theories of "Disregard of one person's ?corporate personality theory". Thirdly, the author introduces the related theories and investigations about "Disregard of corporate personality system" abroad. Finally, the author inquiries into one-person company's research and lawmaking condition of "Disregard of corporate personality system" in our country.
     Though countries have different provisions about the conditions in which we can use the disregard of corporate personality system in the one-person company, but there are still some measures that deserve to draw lessons from, such as, the manager joint liability system, the outs of the single shareholder's guarantee.
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