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As a result of the require of CAGD in airplane, automobile shipping and
    electrical appliance etc, fairing of curves and surfaces has become the hot subject in all over the world. This paper presents a new method for fairing of curves based on fitting the derivative of second order of curves. Several practicality examples has been given to show the advantage of this arithmetic. The main results in this paper are as following:
    1. Summarize the develop and actuality of CAGD. Introduce the meaning and foreground in fairing of curves and surfaces.
    2. Introduce the principle and method in fairing of curves and surfaces. Through the analyze to existing method of fairing of curves and surfaces, we point out the disadvantage in presently method in fairing.
    3. Presents a new method for fairing of curves which has a small flexibility based on fitting the derivative of second order of curves. We fit the derivative of second order of curves by a polynomial fitting, then find an indefinite integral of this polynomial to get a approach of curves. Otherwise, we discuss the analyze of the error and the optimize of fairing to this arithmetic.
    4. Give several examples which is got from the practicality engineering problem to show the validity and advantage of the arithmetic in this paper.
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