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At present,most rivers in China are facing severe problems caused by the destruction ofriver environment and further deterioration of ecological landscape. The previouslysingle andextensive approachesare impossible to solve these problems. To improve the ecologicallandscape and complete the functions of river scientifically, it is a consensus on developing theriver based the guidance of ecological landscape theory and methods.
     Nowadays, the construction of ecological landscape of Beijing rivers is still in exploration.To realize the environmental protection and function development of Beijingriversscientifically and systematically, and achieve the sustainable development, it is necessary tofurther develop and perfect the theory and methods of ecological landscape design.
     Under the guidance of landscape architecture, city planning and ecology, and on the basisof explicit concepts of ecological landscape and river ecological landscape, this paper exploredthe generation, development and deficiency of river ecological landscape. By discussing theprogress, design theories and methods of ecological landscape, this paper further demonstratedthat the essence of ecological landscape design is a process of improving, harmonizing andmanaging the natural environment and social environment, is a reasonable configuration ofvarious resources in space, structure and pattern in particular space scales, and is on the targetto realize harmony between human and nature and realize sustainable development in humansociety. Then this paper revealed that the thought of river ecological landscape, whose coresare sustainable development and harmony between human and river, is originated in thethought of ecological landscape.This study explored the theoryandmethod as well asthedevelopment process ofthe river ecological landscapeboth outand in Beijing area. Besides, italso summarized the development process, theory and methods of river ecological landscape,analyzed the current situation and existing problems of the design of river ecological landscape,and pointd out that our river ecological landscape designs in systematic and scientific aspectsneed to be further improved.
     This paper summarized the history process and the status of ecological landscape ofBeijing rivers, discussed the social demand of ecological landscape constructionof Beijing river,analyzed the relationship and interaction between the Beijing rivers and the ecologicallandscape.On the basis of design theory and methods of ecological landscape and riverecological landscape, and from the scientific and systematic point, the ecological landscapedesign of Beijing riverswas studied. We puts forward the target, principle and content of ecological landscape design of Beijing rivers, and analyzes the connotation of vernacularlandscapeand ecological landscape corridorof Beijing rivers. Through the research methods ofriver floodplain, river water space, ecological protection, wetland, ecological buffer area,biodiversity, protection and utilization of water resources, river vernacular landscape spatialpattern and historical form of protection and utilization, natural river morphology recovery,hydrophilic space construction, waterfront landscape setting control, waterfront spacetransportation network, sense of place create, river recreation space types and spatialorganization, recreational space landscape pattern and facilities, river recreation space securityand accessibility, river ecological landscape corridor continuity and ecological restoration, riverecological landscape corridor of land use patterns and space systems,ecological landscapecorridor natural gender and regionalism, we deduced that the Beijing river ecological landscapeis composed of five aspects:ecological landscape security pattern design, ecological design,human landscape protection and utilization design, recreational space design and ecologicallandscape corridor design.
     Based the guidance of design theory and method of ecological landscapeof Beijing river,and in combination with the current situation and existing problems of the ChuanbeiRiverecological landscape, we obtained the design idea that we should regard the shaping ofecological space pattern, and recovering and protecting the ecological environment as the core,and take the natural and human landscape as the physical appearance of river system value. Weputted forward design methods of the Chuanbei River about spatial patterns, ecological slopeprotection, wetland restoration and protection, water conservation and utilization, ecologicalforest, biodiversity, cultural landscape zoning and design, space for recreation and ecologicallandscape corridor. And we evaluated the ecological benefits and risks of ecological landscapeconstruction implementation of the Chuanbei River. The ecological landscape designof theChuanbei River is a practical application of the studies on ecological landscape design ofBeijing rivers.
     The study provided valuable design theories, methods and technical supports tosystematically solve the protection and utilization of ecological landscape of Beijing rivers.
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