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     (ii)存在V∈C1,2(R+×Rn;R),Λ,c1,c2>0,使得(?)0V(t,x)≤-λV(t,x), c1|x|2≤V(t,x)≤c2|x|2,
Based on the Peng's theories of G-expectation, G-Brownian motion and the stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motion[57], and inspired by the canonical theories of Lyapunov's stability criteria[44],[45],[61] and the theories of H∞control for the deterministic or stochastic systems[29],[76],[78], we mainly discussed the mean square stability and the H∞problems for the stochastic systems driven by G-Brownian motion. The main contents of this paper include:the derivatives of the solutions of stochastic differential equations driven by G-Brownian motions(G-SDEs) and their properties, the stability criteria of Lyapunov's method for G-SDEs and its applications to the systems with uncertainty coefficients, the stabilization for the systems driven by G-Brownian motions and the state feedback H∞control designing for such systems. This paper is organized as followings.
     In Chapter1, the theories of G-expectations and some basic knowledge are reviewed. Based on those, the existence and unique-ness of the infinite-time interval G-SDEs and G-BSDEs with follow-ing types are prove.
     Theoreml.16Suppose b,hij,σj satisfy the Lipschitz conditions (1.3.25) and (1.3.27), then there exists a unique solution in MG,l(R+,Rn) for G-stochastic differential equation (1.3.24) with infinite time interval.
     Theoreml.20Suppose f,hij satisfy the Lipschitz condition (1.3.25) and (1.3.27),(?)∈LG1(Ω;R), then the infinite-time interval G-SDEs(1.4.32) has a unique solution in MG,l(R+,Rn).
     In Chapter2, the derivatives of G-SDEs w.r.t. the initial value x are discussed, and the generator for such equations are also intro-duced, based on which we proved that the differential properties of function u(l,x)=E|Xst,x|2under the meaning of viscosity solution.
     Theorem2.19Suppose b, hij and Oj are continuous w.r.t t, V∈C1.2(R+×Rn;R)) and the second derivatives of V,(?)iV w.r.t. x are hounded and satisfy the Lipschitz conditions, then the generator operator C can be represented as the following forms where <(?),rV(t,.r),h.(t,.r)>+<(?)xx2Vσ(t,.r),σ(t,r)) is the symmetric matrix in Sd(R) with the form
     Moreover, the derivatives for the G-SDEs can be obtained.
     Theorem2.24Suppose the coefficients of the G-SDE(1.3.24) b,hij,σje Cb1,2(R+×Rn;R), and the solution of G-SDE (1.3.24){Xts,r}t≥s is in the pro cess space MG4([O,T];Rn), then Xts,r is twice differentiable w.r.t. x. Moreover,(?)xkXts,x satisfies the following G-SDEs and (?)xkx,Xts,x is the solution of following G-SDEs where (?)xx2b,(?)xx2hij,(?)xx2σj is the block matrix instructed by the partial deriva-tives w.r.t. x, i.e.,(?)xx2b=((?)xxbv(u,Xus,x))vn=1∈Rn2×n, and (?)xxbv is the Hermite matrix of bv, and
     Proposition2.28Suppose the G-SDEs satisfy the conditions of Lemma2.25. then u(s,x)=E|Xts,x|2is the viscosity solution of
     In chapter3, the Lyapunov's method of the stability of G-SDEs is applied, and the corresponding Lyapunov's criteria are obtained. Moreover, the main results are applied to the analysis of the stability of the systems with uncertainty coefficients.
     Theorem3.6If, there exists a function V∈C1,2(R+×Rn;R), satifies the following condtions:
     (ⅰ) For all (t,x)∈R+xRn. there exists (?)v(t,x)≤0,
     (ⅱ) There exists c1, c2>0, such that c1|x|2≤V(t,x)     Theorem3.7If there exists a function V∈C1,2(R+×Rn;R) satisfies the following conditions:
     (ⅰ) There exists A>0, such that (?)V(t,x)≤-λV(t,x),
     (ⅱ) There exists cuc2>0, such that, for all (t.x)∈R+×Rn, c12≤V(t,x)≤c22, then the solution of (3.2.1) is mean-square exponentially asymptotically sta-ble.
     For the linear systems with following forms: where D. Hij,Cj∈R×n We can choose the Lyapunov's function V(x) with the form V(x)=xTPx,P∈S+n(R). Let We have the following results.
     Proposition3.13Suppose; P∈S+n(R) satisfies the following couple linear matrix inequalities: where a takes values-1or1, then the linear G-SDEs(3.3.15) mean-sqmare exponentially asymptotically stable
     Furthermore, under some proper conditions, the existence of the Lya-punov's function is also discussed, which can be considered as the inverse of the Lyapunov criteria for G-SDEs.
     Theorem3.16Suppose the coefficients of G-SDE(3.3.15) b, hij,σj satisfy the conditions of the Lemma3.14. and (3.3.15) is mean-square exponentially asymptotically stable, then then; exists V∈C1,2(R+×Rn;R) satisfying (3.3.2) and (3.3.5).
     As the applications of the Lyapunov's criteria for G-SDEs, the stability for the following systems with coefficient uncertainty is also discussed. We can construct the G-function as followings, let G:Sd(R)→R defined by then there exist G-expectation and a random variable η(?)N(0,Σ) with G-normal distribution, such that G(A)=1/2E and the corresponding non-linear space is (Ω,(?),E).
     Theorem3.21Suppose b,hij,σj satisfy the conditions of the Lemma3.14, then the system (3.4.3) with coefficient uncertainty is uniformly mean-square exponentially asymptotically stable, if and only if the corresponding G-SDEs(3.4.6)is uniformly mean-square exponentially asymptotically stable.
     In chapter4, we discussed the robustness for the G-stochastic systems, in which the H∞norm as the main objective. This part contents the optimal stabilization and state feedback H∞control designing for such systems.
     Consider the following systems driven by G-Brownian motion. where v∈MG2(R+;Rnv) is the exogenous disturbance, z∈Rnz is the ob-servation, and the operator (?):MG2(R+;Rnv)→MG2(R+Rnv) is defined by:(?)v=z(·0,v), the norm of (?) is given by the H∞norm
     Theorem4.4Suppose there exists7>0,V∈C1,2(R+×Rn;R), such that, for all (t,x,v)∈R+×Rn×Rne, we have and (3.3.2), then (4.2.1) is externally stable on R+
     For the systems driven by G-Brownian motion with the following forms we also have the following results.
     Theorem4.5Suppose the coefficients b, hij, σj of (4.2.11) satisfy the con-ditions of the Lemma3.14, then the following results is equivalent:
     (i) The system (4.4.1) is internally stable;
     (ii) There exists V G C1,2(R+×Rn;R). A, c1, c2>0, such that
     (iii) There exists an M>0, such that and there exists V with bounded (?)x,x2V satisfying (4.2.12) and (4.2.13).
     Theorem4.6For a given7>0, if there exists a function V∈C1.2(R+×Rn;R) such that, for every (t,x)∈R+×Rn, the following equality is true. where and (3.3.2), then (4.2.11) is externally stable on R+, and‖(?)‖≤γ.
     We also consider the optimal stabilization for the following system driven by G-Brownian motion.
     Theorem4.14Suppose V∈C1,2(R+Rn;R) and the control uo(t,x)∈U satisfies the following conditions: Then u=uo(t,x) is the optimal stabilization control for (4.3.1), such that (4.3.1) is mean-square exopential asymptotically stable and uo(t,x) is the op-timal control for the optimal problem(4.3.2). Moreover, we also have Js,xo(uo)=V(s,xo).
     We also discuss the state feedback H∞, control designing for the systems with following forms.
     Theorem4.18For a given7>0, if there exists V∈C1,2(R+×Rn;R), such that where Thru the state feedback H∞control for system (4.4.5) on R+can be given by Here. λij(t,x) takes values λij which satisfies the following equality.
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