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     研究被试包括50人,其中颞叶癫痫组26人,全部来自广东三九脑科医院住院病人,健康对照组24人。所有颞叶癫痫患者均为住院病人,均行常规MR检查,以及视频脑电检查,脑电图包括头皮电极或/与蝶骨电极。颞叶癫痫纳入标准:①癫痫发作类型与临床症状符合1981年以及1989年国际抗癫联盟的诊断标准与分类标准;②视频脑电图显示异常痫性放电(Interical epileptiformdischarges, IEDs)起源于颞部。MR检查显示单侧或双侧海马硬化、颞叶皮层局灶性发育不良。临床发作具有以下特征:内侧颞叶癫痫(mTLE)发作先兆包括胃气上升感、胸闷、心慌等。外侧颞叶癫痫(1TLE)发作先兆包括幻听、精神症状、躯体感觉异常等。综合临床表现、脑电图(Electrocephalographic, EEG)与MR结果最终诊断为TLE。排除标准,MRI检查示颅内占位性病变(如肿瘤、寄生虫、血管畸形等)、白质变性、软化灶等其它病变,EEG示可疑不正常,EEG定侧结果与临床表现不相符者。8例被试者从本研究中排除(包括6例颞叶癫痫患者与2例健康对照组受试者),剩余42例被纳入本次研究,即:20例颞叶癫痫患者(男性:16例,女性:4例,平均年龄:25.55±8.67岁),22例正常健康对照组(男性:13例,女性:9例,平均年龄:25.23±6.67岁)。
     磁共振DTI数据采集使用飞利浦1.5T磁共振扫描仪(Philips Gyroscan Intera1.5T),并采用6通道相位陈列(神经血管线圈6,NV6)线圈接收核磁共振信号。DTI数据采集之前均进行全脑轴位T1WI、T2WI及FLAIR扫描,以排除脑部疾患。DTI数据采集采用单次激发自旋回波平面回波序列,平行于大脑前后联合得到全脑轴位弥散加成像。b=800s/mm2共32组图像(32个扩散梯度方向),和一组扩散敏感系数b=0的非扩散加权图像。磁共振扫描具体参数如下:重复时间(TR)=11000ms;回波时间(TE)=71.614ms;翻转角(flip angle)=90°;矩阵(matrix size)=144×144;视野(FOV)=230mm×230mm;激励次数(NEX)=1;层厚(thickness)=2.Omm;层数(slice)=67;层间距(slice gap)=0。
     首先利用MRIcro(Chris Rorden, http://www.psychology.nottingham.c.uk/staff/crl/mricro.html)将每个被试者的1组Bo图像与相应的32组扩散权重二维图像DICOM数据转化为包含三维影像与代表不同扩散权重梯度场强方向的四维NIFTI格式数据。
     DTI数据分析采用FSL (FMRIB Software Library, www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl, version4.19)软件。具体处理步骤包括:①首先使用FSL软件FDT套件中的eddy correct函式来矫正图像的失真。②利用FSL软件中BET套件以每个被试者的B0图像作为依据产生各自的脑mask。③将梯度磁场方向、磁场强度的数值以及四维NIFTI格式图像,连同各个被试的mask输入FDT套件中的dtifit函式中来进行扩散张量的计算。输出的结果将包含FA(fractional anisotropy)、MD(mean diffusivity)图像。以FA值、MD值进行基于纤维束体素的空间统计的群组分析。
     应用基于Matlab R2009b分析软件平台的SPM5(http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac. uk/spm)脑成像处理软件进行图像数据处理分析。结构网络流程:①ICOM数据格式转换为NIFTI格式;②刚性配准将T1像转换到DTI空间,将配准后的T1像通过非线性转换转至MNI空间;③用第二步转换得到的翻转矩阵将MNI空间中的AAL-90模板反向转换到DTI空间;④利用DTIstudio计算扩散张量矩阵并得到特征值和特征向量;⑤利用DTIstudio里的FACT算法重建全脑白质纤维束;⑥用90个脑区作为节点与纤维束作为边构建大脑结构网络。大脑结构网络图的可视化是基于Brainnet viewer Version1.1软件实现。
     研究被试包括63人,其中颞叶癫痫组35人,全部来自广东三九脑科医院住院病人,健康对照组28人,9例被试者从本研究中排除,剩余54例被纳入本次研究:25例正常健康对照组(男性:17例,女性:8例,年龄:24.24±5.31岁),16例左侧颞叶癫痫患者(男性:11例,女性:5例,年龄:23.13±7.14岁)13例右侧颞叶癫痫患者(男性:8例,女性:5例,年龄:26.31±10.10岁)。颞叶癫痫纳入标准:①癫痫发作类型与临床症状符合1981年以及1989年国际抗癫联盟的诊断标准与分类标准;②视频脑电图显示异常痫性放电(Interical epileptiform discharges, IEDs)起源于单侧颞部。排除标准:MRI检查示颅内占位性病变、白质变性、软化灶等其它病变,EEG示可疑不正常,或双侧IEDs(或无单侧定侧意义),EEG定侧结果与临床表现不相符者。正常对照组入选标准同第一部分。
     磁共振仪器设备同前;静息态BOLD-fMRI数据采集前,并告之被试者在进行MR检查时务必避免系统性思考问题,保持清醒状态、闭眼,不能睡觉。BOLD数据采集采用梯度回波平面回波序列(GRE-EPI),平行于大脑前、后联合得到全脑轴位成像,具体参数如下:TR=3000ms; TE=50ms;翻转角=900;究康复治疗Matrix=128×128; FOV=230mm×230mm;层厚=4.5mm;层间距=0;共160个动态。静息态扫描时间约7分钟。
     对采集到的原始DICOM数据首先应用基于Matlab R2009b分析软件平台的SPM5(http://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm)软件进行图像数据处理。具体预处理步骤包括:①将原始图像的DICOM格式转化为用于数据分析的NIFTI格式;②手动去除前十个时间点的扫描图像,保持磁场稳定性;③头动校正(realignment),被试者头动范围超过±1mm或者±1。的数据从研究中剔除;④时间序列校正(slice timing)以扫描位置中心点为参考层,把被试者所有个体静息态BOLD-fMRI图像进行时间差异校正;⑤标准化(normalization)处理,将头动校正后的数据标准化到SPM5内MNI模板并转化到Talairach and Tournoux空间。⑥进行去线性飘移(linearly detrended)与低频滤过(1ow-frequency filtering)处理。预处理之后的时间序列信号做进一步的功能连接分析与图论分析。
     基于上述构造的相关矩阵,我们以每个脑区为节点,脑区间的相关系数为边,来构建二值矩阵。最后我们基于二值矩阵来计算全局网络参数和节点参数。大脑功能连接网络图的可视化是基于Brainnet viewer Version11软件实现的。
Part one:White matter microstructural damage in temporal lobe epilepsy individuals DTI-TBSS and structure network study
     The purpose of present study is to explore white matter microstructure abnormalities of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) by using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and tract based spatial statistic (TBSS) methods, and the differences between two index of DTI (FA value and MD value) on evaluating white matter microstructure of TLE, in order to setup image basis for clinical diagnosis, analysis, assessment of treatment on TLE. In addition, we explored the change of "small world" properties and their clinical significance through the topology network of brain that created through DTI data.
     Materials and Methods
     1. Subjects
     Fifty subjects have participated in present study, including26TLE patients and24normal adults. All patients were recruited from Guangdong999hospital, and underwent MR scan, Video-EEG monitoring, scalp EEG and/or sphenoidal electrodes. The inclusion criteria included the following:①seizure types and epileptic syndromes as diagnosed according to the classification of the International League Against Epilepsy (Anon.,1981,1989);②TLE diagnosis when continuous interictal-ictal scalp video electroencephalography showed interical epileptiform discharges (IEDs) of temporal origin. Unilateral or bilateral hippocampal sclerosis, focal cortical dysplasia (FCD) of temporal lobe were showed on MR imaging. Main clinical symptoms as follows:hoven, dyspnea and dither were indicators of a possible medial TLE, acousma, psychotic symptoms, somatosensory abnormality were indicators of a possible lateral TLE. The final diagnosis of TLE from patients'clinical performance and electro-cephalographic results. The exclusive criteria:with ace-occupying lesion (such as tumor, parasite and vascular malformation), white matter lesion, encephalomalacia on MRI, EEG showed suspicious abnormality, the results of EEG and clinical performance were not consistent. Eight subjects were excluded from this study (including6TLE patients and2health controls), remaining42subjects were included in this study, which included20TLE patients (mean age=25.55±8.67years,16males,4females),22health controls (mean age=25.23±6.67years,13males,9females).
     2. DTI-MRI data acquisition
     DTI-MRI data were collected using a1.5-Tesla scanner (Philips Gyroscan Intera) with a6channel neurovascular (NV) coil to receive the signal. Firstly, axial T1-weighted, T2-weighted images and FLAIR images were acquired for detecting incranial lesions. A Single-shot turbo spin echo sequence was used to obtain the DTI data, TR (repetition time)=11000ms; TE (echo time)=71.614ms; flip angle=90°; matrix size=144×144; FOV (field of view)=230X230; NEX=1; thickness=2mm; slice=67; slice gap=0. Thirty-two diffusion gradient directions with b-value=800s/mm2. In addition, images without diffusion weighting were acquired corresponding to b-value=0.
     3. DTI data preprocessing and TBSS analysis
     The DICOM data format of B0image and32diffusion weighted images of each subject were converted to NIFTI data format with four dimension
     DTI data preprocessing was partly carried out using FSL (FMRIB Software Library, www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl, version4.19). The procedure of DTI data process included:①Diffusion tensor images were corrected for head movement by using FDT tool of the FSL software.②Mask for each brain was created by using each subject'Bo image with BET tool of the FSL software.③Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) were obtained with diffusion tensor calculation by using dtifit function, the FA and MD output images were used as input for tract based spatial statistic (TBSS).
     4. Brain structure network graph visualization
     DTI data preprocessing was partly carried out using SPM5software (http://www.fil. ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm) based on Matlab R2009b. The reprocessing as follows:①Dsta with DICOM format were converted to NIFTI format;②Each individual structural image (Ti-weighted image) was coregistered to the Bo image in the DTI space using a linear transformation, the transformed structural image was then mapped to the T1template in the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) space using a nonlinear transformation;③The resulting inverse transformation was then used to warp the AAL-90mask from the MNI space to the DTI native space;④The diffusion tensor matrix was then calculated voxel-by-voxel and diagonalization was performed to yield eigenvalues;⑤Fiber bundles of white matter were reconstructed by using FACT algorithm with DTIstudio software;⑥The topological properties of brain structural networks were defined on the basis of a90X90binary graph, which was consisted of nodes and edges, the edges between nodes could be constructed by applying a correlation matrice, the regional centroid of each node was positioned by using Brainnet viewer Version1.1software.
     5. Statistic analysis
     Two-sample t-test was performed with age, years of education between TLE patients and controls, chi-square test was performed with sex between TLE patients and controls. Two-sample t-test was performed with whole brain mean FA value and MD value between TLE patients and controls, we used a statistical significance level of P<0.05. Then, we used Pearson correlation analysis to investigate the underlying relationship between mean FA value of TLE patients and epilepsy duration.
     Two-sample t-test was performed with network topological measures(λ、σ、Cp、 Lp、Eglob、Eloc、Cost) between TLE patients and controls. Then, we used Pearson correlation analysis to investigate the underlying relationship between properties measures (Eglob, Cost) of the brain structure networks and epilepsy duration (P<0.05).
     1. The results of TBSS:
     Reduced FA values were found in many brain regions, which included bilateral temporal lobes, frontal lobes, parietal lobes and part of the occipital lobes, bilateral internal capsule, centrum semiovale (P<0.05). Increased MD values were found almost in left hemisphere, including left frontal lobe, temporal lobe, parietal lobe and occipital lobe (P<0.05). Moreover, it has a significant negative correlation (r=-0.5535, P=0.0114) for the mean FA value in FA skeleton of each patient with the epilepsy duration.
     2. The results of structural network topological measures:
     Compared to normal controls, the global efficiency (Eglob) showed significantly decreased in TLE patients, and the local efficiency (Eglob) showed significantly decreased also in TLE patients, which included left middle frontal gyrus, bilateral inferior occipital gyrus, left angular gyrus, left Heschl gyrus, right anterior cingulate and paracingulate gyri. Moreover, the shortest path length (t=-4.18, P=1.55e-04) and cost (t=-4.04, P=2.35e-04) showed significantly increased in TLE. It also showed a significant negative correlation (r=-0.63, P=0.0053) for Eglob of left Heschl gyrus in patients with the epilepsy duration. The TLE patients showed statistically significant decrease inEglob, Eloc, and increase in Lp, Cost, compared to health controls. However, it has no statistically significant difference for Cp between TLE patients and controls.
     It offered the evidence that there have extensive damages of brain white matter on TLE patients, and the severity of this damage increased with the epilepsy duration. Moreover, it seen to be more sensitivity to damage for left hemisphere than right hemisphere. Though graph-theory analysis, we found that the structural network of TLE patients also have "small-word" attributes. However, the topology of structural network parameters have altered remarkably in TLE patients compared to health controls, which included increase of Cp and Cost, decrease of Eglob and Eloc, the location of brain Hubs have also altered. This demonstrated that there have extensive damages of brain white matter on TLE patients, which mean decrease in efficiency of information transfer, that would be related to hypothymergasia, memory losses, learning ability and cognitive decline in TLE patients.
     Part two:Research on brain functional network of temporal lobe epilepsy via BOLD-fMRI and graph theory
     To investigate alterations of functional connectivity and small-world topological properties related to temporal lobe epilepsy through functional connection technology and graph-theory based on blood oxygen level-dependent functional MRI and its clinical significance.
     Materials and Methods
     1. Subjects
     Sixty-three subjects participated in the study, including35TLE patients and28 health adults, all TLE patients were recruited from Guangdong999hospital. The inclusion criteria included the following:①seizure types and epileptic syndromes as diagnosed according to the classification of the International League Against Epilepsy (Anon.,1981,1989);②TLE diagnosis when continuous interictal-ictal scalp video electroencephalography showed interical epileptiform discharges (IEDs) of unilateral temporal origin. The exclusive criteria:with ace-occupying lesion (such as tumor, parasite and vascular malformation), white matter lesion, encephalomalacia on MR image, suspicious abnormality of the results for EEG, the results of EEG suggested bilateral TLE, or not consistent to clinical performance of TLE patients. The inclusion criteria for health controls was as same as part one. Nine participants were excluded from this study, remaining54subjects were included in this study, which included25health controls (mean age=24.24±5.31years,17males,8females),16left TLE patients (mean age=23.13±7.14years,11males,5females),13right TLE patients (mean age=26.31±10.10,8males,5females).
     2. Data acquisition
     MRI data were collected using a1.5-Tesla scanner, participants were instructed to rest with their eyes closed and to be still, without considering the specific problems, and not to fall asleep. BOLD functional images covering the whole brain were acquired axially using an gradient echo-echo planar imaging sequence (GRE-EPI), TR=3000ms, TE=50ms, flip angle=90, matrix=128×128, FOV=230mm×230mm, slice=4.5mm, slice gap=0. For each subjects, the resting state fMRI scanning lasted seven minutes, thus collecting160volumes.
     3. Data processing
     3.1Data preprocessing
     Data preprocessing was partly carried out using SPM5software (http://www.fil. ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm) based on Matlab R2009b. The reprocessing as follows:①Data with DICOM format were converted to NIFTI format;②The first10images were discarded to ensure the magnetization equilibrium;③Then the remaining images were realigned, the subjects would be excluded for head translation or rotation exceeded±1mm or±1°;④lice timing, correct differences in image acquisition time between slices;⑤Normalization, normalize images into a standard Talairach and Tournoux space by MNI template images which supplied with SPM5;⑥The images were proceed with linear detrend and low-frequency filtering, then the preprocessed time series were used for further functional connectivity and graph-theory analysis.
     3.2Image segment
     The images were segmented into90anatomical regions of interests (ROIs)(45ROIs for each hemisphere) using anatomically labeled-90(AAL-90) template. These anatomical ROIs were extracted by the MarsBaR toolbox (http://marsbar.sourceforge. net)
     3.3Computation of correlation matrix
     The resting state BOLD time series were correlated region by region for each subject across the full length of the resting time series. Then a square90X90correlation matrix was obtained for each subject,4005(C920=90X89/2=4005) inter-regional correlations were subjected to statistic analysis.
     3.4functional network graph visualization
     The topological properties of the brain functional networks were defined on the basis of a90X90binary graph, which was consisted of nodes and edges, the edges between nodes could be constructed by applying a correlation matrice, the regional centroid of each node was positioned by using Brainnet viewer Version1.1software.
     4. Statistic analysis
     4.1Function connectivity comparison
     Two-sample t-test was performed with functional connectivity between left TLE patients and controls, and right TLE patients and controls base on matlab R2009b. To account for multiple comparisons, the false discovery rate method was applied, P﹤0.001was supposed to be a significantly functional connectivity.
     4.2Network topological measures comparison
     Two-sample t-test was performed with network topological measures between left TLE patients and controls, and right TLE patients and controls base on matlab2009b. To account for multiple comparisons, the false discovery rate method was applied, P﹤0.001was supposed to be a significantly functional connectivity.
     1. Results of functional connectivity:
     Left TLE patients produced significantly stronger connectivity than healthy controls between specific ROIs, e.g. right precentral gyrus vs right hippocampus; right inferior frontal gyrus orbital part vs right postcentral gyrus, and produced significantly lower connectivity than healthy controls between left posterior cingulated gyrus vs left thalamus. Right TLE patients produced significantly stronger connectivity than healthy controls between specific ROIs, e.g. left precentral gyrus vs left parahippocampal gyrus; left dorsolateral superior frontal gyrus vs left olfactory cortex, and produced significantly lower connectivity than healthy controls between right medial superior frontal gyrus vs temporal pole of right middle temporal gyrus; left posterior cingulated gyrus vs temporal pole of right middle temporal gyrus; right hippocampus vs right caudate nucleus.
     2. Results of brain functional network:
     2.1Clustering coefficients (Cp) and local efficiency (Eloc) showed significantly larger value in left TLE patients when compared to normal controls. However, there have no alteration with graph theory measures between right TLE and normal controls.
     2.2In the left TLE patients, some nodal parameters showed significant increase, e.g. right middle temporal gyrus; right parahippocampal gyrus, and some nodal parameters showed significant decrease, e.g. right thalamus, left middle frontal gyrus orbital part, especially for left middle frontal gyrus orbital part (P=0.0057). In the right TLE patients, some nodal parameters showed significant increase, e.g. right inferior parietal gyrus, bilateral angular gyrus, right postcentral gyrus, especially for right inferior parietal gyrus (P=6.8817e-4). However, the left inferior temporal gyrus showed significant decrease with nodal parameters.
     It showed that there have alterations of functional connectivity between many brain regions both in left TLEs or right TLEs, though graph-theory analysis, we found that the clustering coefficients (Cp) and local efficiency (Eloc) showed significantly larger value in left TLE patients when compared to normal controls. However, there has no alteration with graph theory measures between right TLE and normal controls. Furthermore, the nodal parameters of right thalamus and left middle frontal gyrus orbital part showed significant decrease in left TLE patients. It demonstrated that the damages of brain with left TLE were more serious than right TLE. Furthermore, it suggested that the alternation of functional connectivity and nodal parameters would be related to memory losses, emotional changes and cognitive decline in TLE patients.
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