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  • 英文题名:On Basic Legal Issues of Policy-oriented Agricultural Insurance
  • 副题名:以法治逻辑与规范进路为中心
  • 英文副题名:Focusing on Legal Logic and Legislation Development
  • 作者:陈风
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:民商法学
  • 学位年度:2012
  • 导师:冯果
  • 学科代码:030105
  • 学位授予单位:武汉大学
  • 论文提交日期:2012-11-01
Agricultural insurance has become one of the three pillars of the development of modern agriculture in the market economy together with agricultural technology and finance. It is a common practice world-widely to use agricultural insurance to promote agricultural industrialization and increase the income of farmers, which is also permitted by WTO as one of the Green Box Policies. It has been approved pragmatically a failure to operate agricultural insurance on a commercial way and currently it is a common practice to develop agricultural insurance on a policy-oriented way globally. However, due to the lack of reflection, restructuring, and specialized legislation, agricultural insurance in China is still at the awkward stage of "lack in needs and limit in supply". This dissertation elaborates basic issues relating to agricultural insurance and comes up with some legislative suggestions. Besides introduction, the dissertation is framed with five parts as follows:
     Following the approach of'insurance-agricultural insurance-policy-oriented agricultural insurance', the first part clarifies the meaning of policy-oriented agricultural insurance, and refines its features, and interprets it through categorization. Policy-oriented agricultural insurance is a kind policy-oriented financial activity whose compensation is provided in the means of insurance benefit, financial subsidies or tax allowance by governments or agricultural insurance remedy for economic losses caused by certain accidents, natural disasters or other risks during the production of planting or livestock breeding. Because its nature of quasi public good, welfare effects, and weak insurability, agricultural insurance can only succeed with the model of policy oriented management. Meanwhile, policy-oriented agricultural insurance can be sufficiently self-explained by the theories of market failure, Green Box Policies, and externality.
     The second part takes the path of "subject-content-object" to analyze the framing of legal relationship in the policy-oriented agricultural insurance. The subject of this legal relationship consists of governments, agricultural insurance business and agricultural producers. The insurance business includes policy oriented agricultural insurance companies, agricultural insurance cooperation, mutual insurance companies, and government-control business. It is government's option to choose proper forms of insurance business according to its national condition. The content of the insurance legal relationship means the competence and accountability of the government and rights and obligation of the insurance business. With government domination as the precondition, the government should play a crucial role in financial subsidy, tax allowance, policy support, establishing risk diversification mechanism, monitoring and management, and creating a sound external environment for the smooth development of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance. Moreover, it is necessary to highlight the diligence of the insurance business and the protection of the rights of the producers. Objects of the legal relationship refer to the rights and obligation of the subjects, meaning various legal activities undertaken by different entities such as governments, insurance business, and producers. The most popular three legal activities of the governments lie in the financial subsidy, insurance reserves of extremely agricultural disasters, and reinsurance.
     The third part examines the systematic changing process of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance in China, and argues that it is necessary to have a new logic starting point and innovative developing path. In addition to that, policy-oriented agricultural insurance shall take the path of'policy legislation'together with the changing of'law-dominant'to'policy-dominant'. By comparing the business model of agricultural insurance in the USA, Japan, EU and other developing countries in Asia, this part also concludes the common findings:complete legal system creates the precondition when powerful government support is indispensable. Thus, China should learn from the successful experience and transplant those universal rules in an accelerated legislation process for better institutional context. Nevertheless, China cannot simply copy the foreign model of agricultural insurance considering its local context and economic level. It should rather explore its own developing path of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance based on the wisdom of practice.
     The forth part suggests the establishment of monitoring mechanism of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance. The publicity of the insurance, the feature of the insurance contract, the complexity of the insurance technology, and the asymmetry of trade information justify the governmental monitoring. Meanwhile, the interest theory, legal theory and balance theory of financial monitoring also provide sound logic basis for the monitoring of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance. Comprehensiveness and socialization shall be the core principles of agricultural insurance monitoring when we are targeting for security, efficiency and fairness. It is necessary to establish a Bureau of Agricultural Risk Management as a specialized supervising agency to monitor agricultural insurance qualification, provisions and rate, structure an activities, moral risk, and adverse choice for the sake of restructuring the monitoring power in agricultural insurance.
     The fifth part elaborates more on the legislation designing of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance for future legislative reference. The legislation should firstly solve the fundamental problems, e.g. goals and principles. The goals are to maintain the stability of agriculture, promote the economic development of rural area, lead the normative and healthy evolvement of the agricultural insurance, enhance the supervising of the policy-oriented agricultural insurance, protect the lawful interest of all parties, optimize the allocation of agricultural finance resources, and realize the fairness of income redistribution. The principles should include:government support, overall recompense, and the combination of volunteer, mandatory, and guiding. Three main mechanisms under legislation shall consist of the rules for the management of agricultural insurance business, the state support mechanism, and the legal supervision system. Moreover, the management rules should focus on the selection of business, the scope of the insurance, the optimization and innovation of the insurance contract, and etc. The state support mechanism is supposed to solve the problems such as financial subsidy, credit support, fund of extremely disasters, and agricultural reinsurance.
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