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At present, ecological compensation is an important part and approach to theundertaking of regional ecological construction, the necessary conditions to realize thecoordinated development of the economy, the fundamental path of solving economicdevelopment of our country's regional imbalances and constructing a harmonioussociety. Since Eco-compensation research in China is still in the exploratory stage,there is a gap between theory and practice of Eco-compensation, and has not formed asuit of standard principle and mechanism widely used for Eco-compensation, andthere is not a unified standard in the quantitative criteria of Eco-compensation. Themarket-oriented operation mechanism of Eco-compensation has not been formedbasically. Therefore, further studies on the ecological compensation theory、compensation methods of quantification and market-oriented operation mechanismthat are suitable for national conditions in China is particularly important in thecurrent situation, which is not only a useful complement for the mode of traditionalresource allocation, but also propitious to the sustainable and healthy development ofecological industry in China, conductive to raising the public ecologicalconsciousness, and the main safeguard for building a resource-conserving andenvironment-friendly society in our country. Based on the extensive review andreference to the existing theories,approaches and achievements,this thesis focuses onthe theory and application about the quantitative criteria of Eco-compensation and themarket-oriented operation mechanism of Eco-compensation by using somemethods,such as empirical analysis、 comparative analysis、inductive and deductiveanalysis and so on. First, this article analyses the relevant theories ofEco-compensation mechanism from the angle of Economics, Law, Geography,Management and Ecology, then points out the connotation of Eco-compensation.Second, it designs the framework of Eco-compensation mechanism, and defines thesubject and object of compensation, then puts forward the way of compensation, suchas policy compensation、 material compensation、 cash compensation、 market compensation and so on; The author also introduces the Eco-compensation standardfrom the angel of the value of ecosystem services、cost、profit、loss、ecologicalfootprint、willingness; and builds safeguard mechanism for Eco-compensation fromthe angel of the government, scientific research institutions and universities, the socialpublic and market system; in turn, constructs the evaluation mechanism ofEco-compensation according to the cost-benefit method. Third, this paper points outmodified ideas of the method about ecological footprint with the combination ofothers research results, based on the analysis of the related theory and the methodabout ecological footprint, determines the yield factor from the perspective ofdynamic and regional actual situation, builds the model of quantitative method ofEco-compensation in line with the actual output and the actual price, and analyses theecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity for each type of land,takingPutian city of Fujian Province as the empirical study area, the author calculates theamount of Eco-compensation of the arable land type and grass type. Fourth, itexplores the market-oriented mechanism of Eco-compensation from the perspective ofthe value of ecosystem service, builds the market-oriented mechanism ofEco-compensation from the angle of the four basic elements such as the productattributes, pricing, trading platform, supply and demand, based on analyzing themarket-oriented feasibility of the value of ecosystem service. Finally, the author putsforwards the corresponding improvement measures from the sources ofcompensation funding, compensation standards, property rights definition, publicparticipation, evaluation mechanism, the market-oriented approach after analyzing themain deficiencies in the process of the practice of Eco-compensation in our country.
     The main innovation of the thesis: First, this article analyses the relevant theoriesof Eco-compensation mechanism from a multidisciplinary perspective, whichpromotes to accurately understand and grasp the connotation of Eco-compensation.Second, in the given design of framework, it builds safeguard mechanism forEco-compensation from multi-angel rather than the government-led model mentionedpreviously. Third, creates the evaluation system of Eco-compensation and designs arelated index system, which provides the basis for making or adjusting policy Eco-compensation related and also provides a method for evaluatingEco-compensation. Fourth, the author improves the method, so-called ecologicalfootprint, by determining the yield factor from the perspective of dynamic andregional actual situation, then builds the model of quantitative method ofEco-compensation according to the real outputs and prices with stronger operability.Fifth, it takes Putian city of Fujian Province as a case study, from the angle of smallscale and time series in dynamic analysis, due to the current research situation mainlyfocusing on the macro scale and static angle in the process of the research aboutecological footprint, which provides a perfect reference for the continuousimprovement of the ecological footprint method. Sixth, the author puts forward fourfundamental elements related to mechanism of market operation: the productattributes, pricing, trading platform, supply and demand, which provides thebeneficial reference for accelerating the market-oriented process ofEco-compensation.
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