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“每一代人都相信自己生活在巨大的变迁之中,我们这一代人也不例外”(Hutton and Giddens,2001)。从二十世纪90年代初互联网踏上商用的步伐之后一直到今天,现代信息与网络就成了推动当今世界变革的主要力量,人类开始宣称进入了“以知识和信息为基础的经济时代”(OECD,1996)。尽管有人把互联网当作“玩具”,然而,它的飞速发展的确已经深刻地影响了我们的社会系统和经济结构,同时也在重构全球生产和消费的空间结构形式。
"Each generation believes that they are living in rapid changes, so do we." (Hutton and Giddens, 2001) Since 1990s when Internet was applied in business at the first time, the modern information and network has been the main power to push forward revolutions nowadays. From then on, human beings have claimed to enter "a new economic era based on information and knowledge"(OECD, 1996). Although Internet is considered by someone as a toy, however, the rapid growth of the Internet has not only had strong impacts on our social system and economical structure, but also restructured the architecture of global production and consumption.
     Based on the relation of production and consumption and focusing on the economic values of information, this dissertation follows the main clue of relation between Internet and information and makes a micro-analysis about the Internet's impact on production and consumption from three microcosmic aspects—the basic theoretical pattern, the space action pattern and the edge effect pattern.
     This dissertation elaborates with microeconomics, especially the new classical microeconomics, game theory, industry organization theory, complementing with the theories of transaction cost of new institutional economics, marketing and management. In order to explain various kinds of phenomena, some corresponding theoretical models are created, mainly including the production model of Internet information, the new classical microeconomics model and game theory model, and necessary mathematics analysis are added.
     This dissertation can be divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the feature of two phases and the character of low marginal replication cost in the production process of information, and constructs a new cost curve model to analyze the phenomena of Internet production and consumption, including the supply-demand analysis, the allotment of economic surplus of information products, which sets the foundation for the original theory in this paper and provides theoretical support to Internet production and consumption .The second part makes a clear and original explanation on the phenomenon of real-virtual space of production and consumption in Internet era, revealing the essence of virtual space—the information value space, as well as the intention, styles and impact of the parallel cooperative ways of real-virtual space on people's production and consumption activities. In the third part, with an introduction of the technical features, process of development and space property of the Internet, this dissertation firstly summarizes the edge features of Internet production and consumption, and then makes a typical analysis and points out the influence on production and consumption brought by the edge features of Internet through game theory model and digital divide model. Some brief policy suggestions are given, too.
     The detailed innovative contributions of this dissertation are as follows:
     (1) Focusing on the economic value of information but not following others' thought path, a basic theoretical model is put forward in a new way, which sets the foundation for the original theory in this paper and provides theoretical tools and a new framework for Internet production and consumption.
     (2) Based on the transmutation of real space—the evolution between arenas and rulers, the economic essence of virtual space that is the "relation space" and "information value space" is revealed.
     (3) Economic analyses are carried on the action pattern of Internet production and consumption—parallel coordination of real-virtual space. Through studying on two typical ways—conversion between logical distance and absolute distance, crossing the thickness of market, we make a further analysis on the necessity, rationality and validity of parallel coordination of real-virtual space.
     (4) An edge impact pattern of Internet production and consumption is established and analyzed.
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