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     Mazzarello (2000)在其研究报告中指出睡眠有助于激活顿悟;进一步研究认为睡眠可能是通过强化近期记忆并改变其表征结构,从而产生顿悟(Smith,1995; Maquet,P.,2001)。依据已有的研究,本实验假设,剥夺有午睡习惯的被试的午睡,会影响原型启发的效果。
Prototype elicitation is one of the usual strategies in problem thinking. Zhang Qinglin proposed the heuristic theory of prototypal matters which divided the process of prototype elicitation into two phases:"prototypal events activation"and "key heuristic information activation".This view has been confirmed by a series of experiments, and found that the activation of prototype is automatic processing, and the extraction of key heuristic information contained in prototype is control processing. However, experimental studies have not yet that how the brain state affects the two-stage process of prototype elicitation.
     Mazzarello (2000) reported on scientific discovery that pivotal insights can be gained through sleep.Thus, substantial evidence now suggests that sleep provides crucial mechanisms for memory processing that might be important for functions beyond the consolidation and strengthening ofmemory traces(Smith,1995;Maquet, P.,2001). The present study was designed to explore that it could effect the elicitation in creative problem solving when deprived nap between habitual nappers.
     The materials used in the past studies of creativity were few and lack of objective criteria,little scientific inventions campared with truly.So we chose scientific inventions-creations problems as our research materials which were more simulated by the real-life,and we chose habitual nappers as the subjects in our research.This study selected tirty-two scientific inventions-creations problems as the material and adopted by two kinds of the learning and testing experimental paradigm:"1 vs 1"and "8 vs 8" to compare the variation between nap and no-nap subjects in activated prototypal events and key heuristic information.
     We adopted the activation rate of prototypal events and the accuracy of problem solving as two dependent variable index in order to depart the process of "prototypal events activation"from the process of "key heuristic information activation". The results showed that the activation rate of prototypal events was effected evidently by the treatment of nap or no-nap in both two experiments,as the same as the activation rate of key heuristic information,and the types of the experiments was also significant effecting the activation rate of prototypal events key heuristic information..
     Accroding to the research,we can include the conclusion that no-nap has the effect in scientific inventions-creations problems solving.The group which has the normal nap hired higher effects inspired prototype than the one which has no-nap at all.Compared with the no-nap group,nap can improve the ctivation rate of prototypal events and the rate of problem sloving.Accroding to the high level of prototypal inspiration,we can inferense thhat when prototype is activated, which contains key heuristic information can easily be activated simultaneously.
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