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     第二部分在监测环境控制室内构建的发酵床养猪系统空气中PM_(10)浓度和换气量,分析发酵床的微粒和水汽分布特性;随后监测补充锯末及停止养猪两种情况下的发酵床温度变化,剖析发酵床及镇江TC发酵床猪舍环境的特点。结果显示:环境控制室内空气中PM_(10)浓度随发酵床的形成逐渐下降,稳定后浓度为0.254mg/m~3,低于畜禽场环境质量标准293.7%,较常规养猪低,畜舍实效换气量为0.31m~3/s,发酵床垫料PM_(10)产生量为1.453mg/min·m~2,水汽产生量为0.198g/min·m~2,远小于猪的水汽产生量,补充木屑有利于发酵进行,床温升高了6-11℃,停止养猪53d后,床温下降16℃,持续30℃的低温发酵;镇江市TC猪舍,PM_(10)浓度为0.392 mg/m~3,氨气浓度为0.893mg/m~3,垫料中丙酸含量甚微,乙酸、丁酸未测出,发酵床垫料以好氧型发酵为主,粪便干物质铜含量为350mg/kg,3年床的垫料中铜含量为380mg/kg,而1年床的上层垫料铜含量为226mg/kg,中层为214.3mg/kg。为防止温度过高抑制微生物活性,必须加强通风,饲料低铜、粪便及其水分调整管理至关重要。
Biology-Bed is a housing system where the mixture of bedding, faeces and urine is stored in a thick on the floor in the pen. The layer with organic material degrades aerobically in a slow composting process. One biology bed model was established in bench-scale laboratory, and was studied. The study conducted in three parts.
     Part1:Sawdust, soil, wheat bran and so on were mixed and made to two group of fermentation of high temperature and low temperature. Four pigs with 20 kg BW were fed in low temperature groups. Bedding temperature in top, middle and bottom layer was measured. Ferment ability results showed that the temperature rose rapidly in high temperature fermentation group whose fermentation was formed, but lasted only eleven days; control group and low temperature fermentation group (before feeding pigs) were close to room temperature and the bedding didn't ferment. The temperature of dunging area in low temperature fermentation group (after feeding pigs) went stable in fifteen days and was kept in 52℃.It suggested that native biology bed was available and high temperature ferment can be used for epidemic prevention sanitation management after to kill bacteriums and worms.
     Part2:The concentration of PM_(10) and the rate of ventilation indoor were measured, and the characteristics of production volume of dust and vapor were also analyzed, and then temperature of the bed on situations of adding sawdust and stop raising pig were masured, and studied the environment of the biology bed and one in Zhenjang TC. The results showed that the concentration of PM_(10) descended among with the fermentation process and finally maintained in 0.254 mg/m~3.The practical ventilation rate was 0.31m~3/s.The volume of PM_(10) and vapor produced from bedding was 1.453mg/min·m~2 and 0.198±0.010g /min·m~2 respectively. After adding sawdust, the temperature of the litter was raised about 6-11℃and it declined 16℃after stop raising pigs. The results in Zhenjiang TC show that the concentration of PM_(10) in door was 0.392mg/m~3 and NH_3 was 0.893mg/m~3.There was very little propionic acid, and acetic acid and butyric acid can not be seen within the measurable area of the equipment, and aerobic fermentation was mostly.The concentration of cuprum in air-dried feces and the litter used 3years was 350mg/kg and 380mg/kg, and the concentration of cuprum in surface layer is 226 mg/kg which was higher than the middle layer's in litter used 1 year.
     Part3:The relationship between the resting position of pigs and thermal environment was studeed. During the temperature of environment between 29℃-32℃in summer and5.9℃-6.7℃in winter, the temperature of bio-bed around 31℃-37℃in summer and 17.5℃-23.8℃in winter.The average of respiration rate reached 57/min in summer and 22.8/min in winter.The proportion of resting position was 81% in summer and was only 47.8% in winter.The maintenance behavior on the concrete ground was highly to 73% in summer and he maintenance behavior on the bio-bed was highly to 83.6% in winter, and the proportion of scattering was 60% in summer and the proportion of physical contact was 37.0% in winter. The heat preservation of bio-bed put press on heat loss of pigs in summer, and had a good effect in winter.
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