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Acute exacerbation of generalized myasthenia gravis (MG) can cause swallowing impairment,respiratory failure or life-threatening. It is important to identify immunological factors reliably predict the severity variation of MG. The aim of present study to investigate correlations among the complement (C) 3, acetylcholine receptor antibody (AChRab) titer and clinical severity of generalized MG (GMG). AChRab titer and C component 3 concentration was tested by radioimmunoassay and nephelometry respectively. Correlations among MG score, AChRab titer and C3 concentration were dissected. C3 level did not correlate with the severity of MG and AChRab titer, but variation of GMG severity correlated with variation of C3 concentration in AChRab positive GMG patients. Current study indicates that monitoring the variation of C3 concentration can predict the variation of clinical severity of AChRab positive GMG.
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