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     1, Ti3AlC2与Fe之间的原位反应机理,为Fe原子与A1原子之间成键能力较强,使Ti3AlC2中的Al原子析出并扩散到Fe中形成A1原子含量局域梯度变化的Fe-Al过渡层偏聚结构,而Ti3AlC2则转变成TiCx相。所制备的TiCx/Fe-Al复合材料中,最优界面为(110)Fe-A1的晶面与(100)Ticx的晶面联接。
     2, Ti3AlC2在Fe的环境中分解温度会降低,最终在复合材料形成反应产物为TiCx和Fe-Al,并表现出放热效应。Ti3AlC2-Fe体系的反应活化能为75.26kJ/mol。
     3, TiCx/Fe-Al制备的最优烧结温度为1300~1400℃,最优保温时间为30mins,原料中Ti3AIC2的含量应低于30vol.%。
     4, Fe-Ti3AlC2体系反应机制为原位反应-扩散-溃散-颗粒形成,反应后,所形成的TiCx颗粒厚度甚至只有50nm,且颗粒与基体界面洁净,联接较好。
Metal matrix composites (MMCs) have already attracted much attention for their potential applications in many fields such as nuclear energy, metallurgy, mining and traffic engineering industries where conventional alloy systems are not suitable. But, it is not easy to get a strong interface bonding between conventional reinforcements with metal matrix, and deal with the intractable problems of particles agglomerating caused by the lager surface activity by using conventional methods, such as casting and mechanical alloying. In addition, the preparation and the preservation are also difficult for sub-micron or even nanosize powders.
     By in situ reaction compound method, this work has prepared TiCx/Fe-Al composites through pressureless sintering technique and hot extrusion technique, which consists of nonstoichiometric TiCx particles and Fe-Al matrix and can fulfill many industrial applications requirements. The technology roadmap was adopted via EET and DFT, CALPHAD technique and thermal analysis, the optimum preparation process, mechanical properties and plastic behavior. The major research contents are as follows:
     1, Theoretical aided composite materials were designed at electronic and atomic scale by EET and DFT.
     2, Thermodynamic and thermal kinetics mechanism of Ti3AlC2-Fe investigated according to CALPHAD technique and thermal analysis, and the path of topotactic transformation of Ti3AIC2into TiCx in Fe matrix was judged.
     3, The relation between the preparation process, microstructure and performance were studied.
     Key problems have been solved:
     1, How to control the breakup of MAX and get TiCx phase.
     2, How to realize the adjustment of phase and microstructure in TiCx/Fe-Al composites.
     3, How to overcome the densification and other process problems during composites preparation.
     Main conclusions:
     1, The essence of the reaction is the bonding ability between Fe and Al is stronger than Ti-Al in Ti3AlC2, and lead to break down of Ti3AlC2into TiCx. The interface connection of (110)Fe-Al//(100)TiCx is preferably.
     2, Ti3AlC2can topotactic transform into TiCx in Fe matrix, those reactions are exothermic and their decalescence about75.26kJ/mol.
     3, The optimal sintering temperature of1300-1400℃, the optimal soaking time are30mins, and Ti3AlC2contents in starting materials are better below30vol.%.
     4, Reaction scheme of Fe-Ti3AlC2system can be divided into4steps:In situ reactions-Diffusion-Collapsing-Further decomposed; The TiCx grains generated possess a platelike shape with about50nm in thickness, and the grain boundary between the TiCx grain and matrix is clear and no interface phase can be found.
     5, The prepared material exhibited a higher tensile strength of about666MPa and a uniform deformation of about7%.
     The innovations of this work can be drawn mainly as follows:
     1, Systematic investigations were done on the fabrication and microstructural characterization of TiCx/Fe-Al composites by pressureless sintering technique and hot extrusion technique.
     2, Systematic investigations were done on the reaction mechanism between Ti3AIC2and Fe, and the results have initially been confirmed by TEM.
     3, Systematic investigations were done on the mechanical and electrical properties of TiCx/Fe-Al composites by pressureless sintering technique and hot extrusion technique. The prepared material exhibited a higher tensile strength of about666MPa and a uniform deformation of about7%.
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