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In order to solve structures destroyed problems caused by high-strength underground mining which been widely used, the paper used field surveying, theoretical analysis, similar materials model and numerical model methods to carry out research on embankment damage mechanics and integrated repair methods under the conditions of high-strength underground mining.
     Three-dimensional laser scanning technology have been carried into subsidence and deformation monitoring, with studied data processing method , ground movement and deformations rules of high-strength mining have been summed up. Combined with surveyed parameters, established a forecasting model which can used for dynamic and steady-state forecast. The paper analysis plane and depth develop rules of cracks on ground and embankment caused by high-strength mining, crack angle, dynamic crack angle and restore crack angle were proposed to describe the develop of cracks. The model of crack plane distributes and depth develops on ground and embankment has been established. The slope stability, seepage stability and kinetic stability of embankment under high-strength mining have been analysis, and the calculate formula of embankment stability has been advanced, which has been used to evaluate an engineering example. Based on comprehensive, accurate, and reliable forecasting techniques, the paper proposed optimization method to determining repair timing, researched the special repair technology of embankment, and put forward comprehensive repair technologies which include pre-consolidation before mining, dynamic control with mining and systemic repair after mining, forming an integrated embankment repair system, which has been successfully applied in practice. Embankment after treatment experienced the test of a flood period; geophysical analysis showed that there isn’t cracks and weak surface with in treated embankment, which demonstrated the feasibility and reliability of embankment repair technology.
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