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     本研究监测了SBR除磷反应器启动过程微生物群落结构与演替。启动过程历时30天。前15天磷去除率较低,其原因可能在于Type 0803 filamentous bacterium和Uncultured alpha proteobacterium对聚磷菌的竞争抑制作用,同时功能微生物——聚磷菌数量较少所致。启动过程15天至30天磷去除率增长迅速,此阶段Tetrasphaera elongate , Gemmatimonas aurantiaca和Uncultured gamma proteobacterium这些功能微生物大量存在,同时Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis等起竞争抑制作用的微生物数量较少甚至消失。此时反应器内含量较多的微生物种群为Thauera sp.,Uncultured gamma proteobacterium,Tetrasphaera elongate等类群。
     本研究选取处于恶化期的第81天上清液,排泥和混合液的污泥样品进行DGGE分析。结果表明,上清液与排泥的微生物类群基本相同,而各种微生物的相对数量有所差别,排泥与混合液的DGGE图谱基本相同。恶化期含量较多的微生物种群为Uncultured bacterium clone SBRQ157 ,Uncultured actinobacterium clone GCP18 , Tetrasphaera elongata和Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis clone SBRQ22。其中Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis clone SBRQ22含量最多,为造成除磷效果恶化的重要原因。
     本研究比较了反应器启动末期和恶化期的微生物群落结构,发现其群落结构差别很大,但是其中的功能微生物基本相同,都为Tetrasphaera elongate和Gemmatimonas aurantiaca。同时,反应器启动末期Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis clone SBRQ22很少,对聚磷菌的抑制作用有限,而恶化期其数量在群落中最多。
Biological phosphorus removal system is a complex microbial community. It is significant to notice the microbes’species and composition for understand phosphorus removal process and keep a good operation. Pure culture presents the localization to catch the real-time and efficient information. Molecular biological methods such as PCR, DGGE, FISH etc. gets its application more and more extensively on this field. Parameter optimized DGGE protocol is used to analysis the microbial community structure and succession in start up and deteriorate period of a SBR phosphorus removal system.
     The period of start up lasted 30 days. In the former 15 days, it hadn’t reached a good phosphorus removal effort. The reason was that Type 0803 filamentous bacterium and Uncultured alpha proteobacterium had competition on Polyphosphate Accumulating Organisms (PAOs). The quanatity of PAOs was relatively less. In the following time, phosphorus removal rate increased rapidly. Tetrasphaera elongate, Gemmatimonas aurantiaca and Uncultured gamma proteobacterium existed in a large amount as founctional microbes and Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis clone SBRQ22 are rather less, which led to rapid increase of phosphorus removal efficiency. After the achievement of stable phosphorus removal, Thauera sp., Uncultured gamma proteobacterium and Tetrasphaera elongate were dominant in reactor.
     Sludge samples of supernatant, discharge sludge and mixed liquid in the 81th day (deteriorate period) were chosen for DGGE analysis. The results showed that microbial groups of supernatant and discharge sludge were basically the same with the different quantity separately. The DGGE profiles of discharge sludge and mixed liquid were rather similar. Tetrasphaera elongate and Gemmatimonas aurantiaca were still the function microbes which can not lead to a higher phosphorus removal because of their less quantity. Uncultured bacterium clone SBRQ157,Uncultured actinobacterium clone GCP18,Tetrasphaera elongate and Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis clone SBRQ22 were dominant in deteriorate period. Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis clone SBRQ22 was in the largest quantity and responsible for worse operation effort.
     There was a larger difference between start up and deteriorate period of microbe community structure, but the functional microbes were the same (Tetrasphaera elongate and Gemmatimonas aurantiaca). At the end of the start up period, the amount of Candidatus Competibacter phosphatis clone SBRQ22 was less and caused less restraint to PAOs, while it accounted for the largest amount in deteriorate period.
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