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In the1980s, American scholars Robyn R.Warhol and Susan Lanser pioneered the practice of feminist narratology. Because of their theory and narrative critical practice, both of them were recognized as the founders of feminist narratology. In1986Susan Lancer published Toward a Feminist Narratology in which she put forward the terms "feminist narratology" and proposed some thoughts about how to push feminist into narrative. By the same year, Robyn Warhol published significant articles "Toward a Theory of the Engaging Narrator:Earnest Interventions in Gaskell, Stowe, and Eliot" and "Poetics and Persuasion:Uncle Tom's Cabin as a Realist Novel". By the light of the narrative intervention theory of discourse, she analyzed British realistic novels of19th century, and gradually went deep into the application of the feminist narrative. It should be said that influence is profound.
     Warhol divided the development of America feminist literary criticism into three periods:the imagination period, female image of the advocacy of "women's writing" period, and post-modern feminism period. And the literary criticism practice in these three periods separately focus on criticizing the stereotypes of angel/devil woman, seeking women writers' unique writing mode and eliminating gender identity. All the academic study eventually is aimed at some problems, and answering or solving some problems. The direct cause that feminist narratology emerged is based on the early experience of feminist literature summary, as well as the reflection and vision for the future. Feminist literary criticism has been heavily criticized, because they insisted gender ideology ahead of the interpretation of the text,and divided the men, women writers into two camps. It is more important that in the1980s, many Western scholars began to overflew gender identity with the development diversification, which directly endangered the existence legitimacy of feminist literary criticism. Warhol's feminist narratology focused on women, returned to literature text and seeked to objective analysis, by which she opposed to deconstruction. Both the gender ideology and narrative method were basic characteristics of Warhol's theory. Reading theory, narrative form of gender ideology, narrative mode of femininity culture,"effeminate", and feminist narratology methodology orientation, all were the main parts of Warhol's theory.
     Warhol's reading theory focused on how narrative form influenced the reading behavior and gender behavior of readers. Warhol took "resistng reader'that applied in the early feminist reading theory as "differences ghost". She believed that the practice of "resisting reader" promoted the reflections on traditional rigid female images in literature, but told us that the influence of literary activities must be achieved by the literary form, too. By her reading practice and the reading experience of others, Warhol proved that the activity of reading not only influenced readers'mind, but also shaped readers'body, which incited readers to reflect their indicative social genders on their behavior. The narrative form guides, restricts and shapes readers'gender action. In order to find how the gender consciousness is spread, feminist researchers must analyze specific narrative form. Personally involved, narratology methods, and the reader response all constructed Warhol's reading theory.
     Not only concerned with reading, narrative form also conveyed the gender connotation of narrative techniques in the specific historical context. Facing the objective historical reality that gender culture bound women's writing, early feminist literary criticism chose to find and praise women writers and women's works, as well to build feminine language system only belongs to the female. Warhol stopped to study the theory and the practice of female images, female consciousness and female identity theories or definition, she set out to summarize the narrative form in women's works. Warhol pointed out that there is no cross-era, cross-regional, or single "women's writing ", but each era and each region always have some "women's writing" mode conformed to the specific context. She emphasized the practical value of structuralism narrative theory for the study of "women writing", advocated strongly for the study of literary texts and literary form. As for why the phenomenon of narrative intervention existed widely in the realistic novels of19th century, she explained that it was the specific technique, which male and female writers chose consciously to intervene in social reality. Warhol listed narrative discourse intervention in English realism novel of19th century and proved that the different purposes of male and female writers in the specific cultural context would influence the different narrative forms. Warhol's theory of narrative discourse intervention came from the "literary intervention" theory of Sartre and the "discourse intervention" theory of Booth, and she corrected both them with feminist characteristics.
     Besides analyzing of both gender writers', men and women writers, different selection on narrative discourse form, Warhol also focused on the different narrative skills about plots that had gender connotation. Being strongly concerned with the issue of society and culture constraining narrative in text, based on the prototype of Prince's "unnarrated events" theory, Warhol put forward "the unnarratable" theory, and applied the theory to analyze graphic and video narrative text. On the understanding of social culture, she divided "the unnarratable" into four styles:"the subnarratable","the supranarratable","the antinarratable" and "the paranarratable". Warhol pointed out that women writers deal with different forms of plot strategies reflected the cultural codes of gender, and these plot strategies also could help female writers to avoid the censoring, which told us how women writers use narrative form to break gender cultural constraints to achieve social value of literature, and also proved that women writers had the literary form consciousness. Meanwhile, Warhol compared "the unnarratable" among the realistic novels in19th century, autobiographic comics, soap operas and television media in20th century. Her practice outlined the continuity and renewal between linguistic narration and pictorial narration, helped the feminist theorists to find clues on gender awareness among arts' transmission.
     Feminist eventually have to define the term of "gender". Warhol attempted to change the dualistic thinking eagerly. She proposed "effeminacy" as the term to study gender. The "effeminacy" referred to those people whose behavior reflected the feminine characteristics, whether men,women,or gay,all can be called "effeminacy"."Effeminacy" was a term that had characteristics with anti-heterosexual, anti-dualistic and anti-physiological, and more inclusive when faced to gender differences.Crying and sentimentalism narrative had long been regarded as "effeminacy" and human fragile nature. Warhol analyzed sentimentalism literature text and video text, and then summarized seven kinds of narrative techniques that induced weeping. Her study proved crying was not an action of sentimental or addictive women, but the result of a particular narrative techniques and narrative form. Warhol refuted the traditional culture prejudices that regarded crying and sentimentalism narrative as inferior, sentimental fetish.
     Warhol's feminist narratology has the following outstanding values:(1) Established the border of feminist literary criticism by returning to literary form research, advocated an inductive, rather than a deductive, method to do feminist literary criticism, which helped feminist literary criticism get rid of subjective tendency.(2) Extended the research object of narrative form from language to video, graphic novel and pictorial autobiography, which is an innovative and practical theory.(3) Reflected the course of gender studies, she not only criticized dualistic thinking, but also criticized the so-called "truth" of heterosexual social structure, which showed Warhol treated gender diversity on the basis of tolerance and freedom.(4)Contributed to the marriage of feminism and narratology, not only in theory but also in the text analysis practice.
     Chinese feminist literary criticism scholars are more familiar with Fictions of Authority, which is masterpiece of Susan Lanser, who is one of the founders of the American feminist narratology. This book is pressed in Chinese in2002by Beijing University Press with other books on narrative theory. Untill now, Warhol's books hadn't been translated into Chinese, and her advocates and writings were relatively poorly understood among Chinese scholars. It should be said that Warhol's feminist narratology and Lancer's feminist narratology were the two carriages of American feminist narratology. There were commonalities and differences in their theoretical proposition, such as, both Lancer and Warhol were in favor of combining feminist stance and narrative form, and detailed text analysis by narrative method. But to the future development of feminist narratology, they have different ideas. Lanser thought the future of feminist narratology was a different method from the feminist literary criticism and narratology.Warhol insisted that since the paradigm of feminist narratology belonged to the category of feminist literary criticism and narrative theory is only its basic tool,then feminist narratology merely had methodological significance.
     Warhol's feminist narratology turned to the interaction of author, text, reader, social and historical context, which were all different from classical narratology. she researched texts refered to myths, folk stories and novels, in a word, to all narrative texts including speeches and image media. Warhol's use of narrative theory is based on the concern for women writers and their works, so her theory not only enriched the research perspective of feminist literary criticism, also added more contextual meanings to narrative theory. It was obviously incomplete if we introduced and applied feminist narratology theory but were blind to Warhol's theory.
     Since the1990s, Chinese feminist literary criticism have begun to enter the phase of reflection and reconstruction, they proposed an assumption "Gender Poetics" which is influential and controversial. The study of Warhol's feminist narratology not only helps us see the difference and the developmental trend of American feminist narratology thoughts, but also provides more wealth about the theory of feminist narratology, and comprehensive research paths for Chinese feminist criticism. Promoting communication between Chinese and West feminist theory will finally realize common development.The construction of theory always needs the support of practice, the passionate argument promises the development of space. The development of feminist narratology, the construction of Warhol's feminist narratology theory, and the improvement of the Chinese feminist criticism are all still far from the peak of the theory. What they need is constantly exploration, not a final verdict. We should adhere to understanding from analysis, drawing lessons from the reflection, by which we can keep a dialectical and objective attitude to review and discuss all kinds of theories.
① Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, The Ohio State University Press,1989,P.ⅸ.
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    ① Adrienne Auslander Munich, Andromeda's Chains:Gender and Interpretation in Victorian Literature and Art, New York:Columbia University Press,1989.P.222
    ② Calvin.S.Byre,The Narrator's Addresses to the Narratee,Transactions of the American Philological Association, Vol.121 (1991),P.218
    ③ Janet Sorensen, Jane Austen and the Fiction of Her Time by Mary Waldron, Modern Philology.Vol.100, No3 (2003), P.485.
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    ② http://www.amazon.com/Feminisms-Anthology-Literary-Theory-Criticism/dp/0813523893.
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    ② https://ohio state press.org/index.htm?books/book pages/warhol gendered.html
    ① Lynn Alexander Tulsa. Gendered Interventions:Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel by Robyn Warhol, Studies in Women's Literature, Vol.10(Spring,1991)
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    ⑤ Robyn R. Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, The Ohio State University Press,1989, P.ⅷ.
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    ① Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.25.
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    ④ Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.19.
    ① The New Feminist Criticism,ed.by Elaine Showalter,New York:Pantheon,1985.P.190-191.
    ② Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.19.
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.19.
    ④ 澳大利亚,旺达·库尔马特里1994年出版,《我自己的甜蜜时间》,得到女性主义批评者的肯定,但后被证明是里昂·卡门这个白人男性伪造女性之名进行的伪自传写作,理由是女性自传更容易出版。
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    ② Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel,Rutgers University Press,1989,P.3.
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    ② Robyn R. Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel,Rutgers University Press,1989,P.ⅹⅰ.
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.ⅸ.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel,Rutgers University Press,1989,P.27.
    ② [英]特雷·伊格尔顿,王逢振译.《现象学,阐释学,接受理论——当代西方文艺理论》,江苏教育出版社,2006年,第46页。
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity. 1992,P.ⅹⅲ.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.42
    ② 尚必武, 《非常规叙事形式的类别与特征:<非自然的叙述声音:现当代小说的极端化叙述>评介》, 《北京第二外国语学院学报》,2009年(2),第68页。
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel,Rutgers University Press,1989,P.42.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel,Rutgers University Press,1989,P.25.
    ② [美]乔纳森·卡勒,李平译, 《文学理论入门》,辽宁教育出版社,1998年,第117页。
    ③ [英]特雷伊格尔顿,伍晓明译, 《二十世纪西方文学理论》,北京大学出版社,2007年,第5页。
    ④ Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel,Rutgers University Press,1989.P Ⅺ.
    ⑤ Robyn R. Warhol. Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms. The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.ⅹⅵ.
    ① [美1华莱士·马丁,伍晓明译, 《当代叙事学》,北京大学出版社,2005年,第178页。
    ② 《夏洛蒂·勃朗特书信》,杨静远译,三联书店出版社,1984年,第107页。
    ③ 费什提出群体共享的“解释策略”,认为在读者那里存在—种不言而喻的、默契的解释常规和能力,但是特雷·伊格尔顿却认为确实存在这样一种文学制度,学院、出版者、文学编辑和评论家们都会共享,但这个制度内也存在种种解释之间的差异和矛盾,这实际上在女性主义文学批评内部得到体现,她们既有共同的性别政治诉求,同时又各具差异性视角。
    ① [美]华莱十·马丁,伍晓明译,《当代叙事学》,北京大学出版社,2005年,第177页。
    ② Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel,Rutgers University Press,1989,P.44.
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.ⅹⅵ.
    ① 苏珊·兰瑟在1986年发表的《建构女性主义叙事学》中,对《埃特金森的匣子》中的一段文字进行了深入细致的分析,6年之后,在《虚构的权威》一书中,兰瑟又分析了同一实例。《埃特金森的匣子》中一位年轻的新娘写给闺蜜的信:才已经结婚七个星期。但是我丝毫不觉得有任何的理由去追悔我和他结合的那一天。我的丈夫性格和人品都很好,根本不像丑陋鲁莽、老不中用、固执己见还爱吃醋的怪物。怪物才想百般限制,稳住老婆;他的信条是。应该把妻子当成知心朋友和贴心人.而不应视之为玩偶或下贱的仆人。他选作妻子的女人也不完全是生活的伴侣。双方都不该只能一门心思想着服从。
    ① 切丽尔·克雷格,詹尼斯·休伯,《关系的回响:在故事编织的生活和语境中塑造和重塑叙事研究》,瑾·克兰迪宁(D.Jean Clandinin)主编,鞠玉翠等译,《叙事探究—原理、技术与实例》,北京师范大学出版社,2012年,第226页。
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992,P.114.
    ② Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992,P.118.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992, P.111.
    ② [英]特雷·伊格尔顿,王逢振译,《现象学,阐释学,接受理论一当代西方文艺理论》,江苏教育出版社,2006年,第14页。
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.HavingA Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992,P.108.
    ② Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992,P.107.
    ③ “我力图消失在我所再现的人物之中。”“我力图使我的感情附丽于他人的感情之上;我脱离了我,我拥抱他们,力图与他们相像,向他们看齐。”乔治·布莱,郭宏安译,《批评意识》,百花洲文艺出版社,2010年,第4页。
    ④ “在乡间,在故乡的土地上,顶着风雨欲来、令人无精打采的天空,我几乎一口气重读了比埃尔洛蒂的六卷本全集,当我翻过最后一页的时候,我感到完全陶醉了。我心中充满了美妙而忧伤的回忆,又想起了那些多的出奇的深刻感受,一种普遍、隐约的怜悯时我心情抑郁”。乔治·布莱,郭宏安译,《批评意识》,百花洲文艺出版社,2010年,第6页。
    ⑤ “对卢梭的颂扬尚不存在,因此我感到需要看到我的钦佩之情得以表达。在我为自己描述关于我的热情的回忆和印象的时候,我品味到某种乐趣。”乔治·布莱,郭宏安译,《批评意识》,百花洲文艺出版社,2010年,第9页。
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    ④ Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992, P.25.
    ⑤ Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992,P.145.
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    ② Robyn R.Warhol.HavingA Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms. The Ohio State Univesity.1992,P.118.
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992,P.104.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.ⅹⅲ.
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    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms. The Ohio State Univesity.1992, P.108.
    ② Robyn R.Wargol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992, P.108.
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    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity. 1992.P.ⅰ.
    ② Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity. 1992,P.ⅹⅲ.
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    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992, P.ⅰ.
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    ① Gill Plain,Susan Sellers,A History of Feminist Literary Criticism,Cambridge University Press.2007,P.102.
    ② Kelly Oliver.ed, Julia Kristeva in Conversation With Rosalind Coward, The Portable Kristeva, Columbia University Press,1986,p.347.
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    ③ Robyn R. Warhol, Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.17.
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    ② Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.ⅷ.
    ③ Case, Alison. Plotting Women:Gender and Narration in the Eighteenth-and Nineteenth-Century British Novel, charlottesville:Univ. of Virginia Press,1999.P8.
    ④ Susan Sniader Lanser. The Narrative Act:Point of View in Prose Fiction. Princeton:Princeton University Press.1981.P.5.
    ⑤ Ruth E.Page.Literary and Linguistic Approaches to Feminist Narratology.New York:Palgrave Macmillan Publishing Co.2006.P.1.
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    ② Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.12.
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions-Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.20.
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    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Gendered Interventions. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.43.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.34.
    ② Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.39.
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.57.
    ④ Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.40.
    ⑤ Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.40.
    ⑥ Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.41.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.42.
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    ③ Robyn R.Warhol.Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.18.
    ④ Robyn R.Warhol.Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.22.
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    ④ Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.159.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.161.
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    ⑤ Robyn R.Warhol.Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,preface.
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Gendered Interventions Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.138.
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    ① Robyn R. Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989.P.69.
    ② 《夏洛蒂·勃朗特书信》,杨静远译,三联书店出版,1984年,第119-120页。
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    ⑤ Robyn R. Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.53.
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    ⑤ Robyn R.Warhol. Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.190.
    ⑥ 盛宁,《思辨的愉悦》,东方出版社,2010年,第275页。
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    ④ Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions, Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel,Rutgers University Press,1989,P.ⅹⅳ.
    ⑤ W·C·布斯,华明,胡晓苏,周宪译,《小说修辞学》,1989年,北京大学出版社,第28页。
    ① Lynn Alexander Tulsa. Redefining Marginality. Studies in Women's Literature, Vol.10,1991 (1):153.
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    ③ Robyn R.Warhol, Gendered Interventions.Narrative Discourse in the Victorian Novel, Rutgers University Press,1989,P.ⅶ
    ① 原文是:“我常常自问,我为何喜欢书写。有时候,案头的—张好纸、一支好笔给我带来的愉悦,就足以补偿脑力工作的辛苦。每当想到写些什么,我就感到手在活动:转、连、升、降。有时,为了修改更正(涂去或延伸某个笔画),我将书写空间扩展到纸张的边缘。就这样,我使用表面上看来纯属实用性的子母线条,构成一部艺术品的空间。我是一个艺术家,并不是因为我描绘了什么,而是因为在书写过程中,我的身体体验到了描绘、刻镂的欢乐。”见Georges Jean:《文字与书写——思想的符号》曹锦清、马振聘译,上海书店出版社2001年版,199页。在这里巴尔特将写作视作一种身体的延伸,作品也不仅仅是纸张之内的内容或思想,其必然包括了一切形式:纸张、笔迹、书写空间、还有书写者的身体。
    ② Redric Jameson:The Political Unconscious:Narrative as a Socially Symbolic Act, Cornell University Press,1981,P.79.
    ③ [英]FR.利维斯,袁伟译,《伟大的传统》,三联书店出版,2002年,第49页。
    ④ [英]特雷·伊格尔顿,伍晓明译,《二十世纪西方文学理论》,北京大学出版社,2007年,第204页。
    ① Linda M.Shires, Gendered Victorians, Novel:A Forum on Fiction,Vol 25, No.1 (Autumn,1991), p.91.
    ① [法]罗兰巴尔特,怀宇译,《显义与晦义》,百花文艺出版社,2005年,第4页。
    ② 伍蠡甫,《西方文论选》,上海译文出版社,1979年,第84页。
    ① 张寅德,《叙述学研究》,中国社会科学出版社,1989年,第36页。
    ② [法]热拉尔·热奈特,王文融译, 《叙事话语、新叙事话语》,中国社会科学出版社,1990年,第133页。
    ③ 张寅德,《叙述学研究》,中国社会科学出版社,1989年,第190页。
    ① [美]西蒙查特曼,徐强译,《故事与话语—小说和电影的叙事结构》,中国人民大学出版社,2013年,第14页。
    ② [美1西蒙·查特曼,徐强译,《故事与话语—小说和电影的叙事结构》,中国人民大学出版社,2013年,第15页。
    ③ [美]罗宾.R.沃霍尔,宁一中译,《新叙事:现实主义小说和当代电影中怎样表达不可叙述事件之事》,《语文学刊(外文版)》,2006年(12),第33页。
    ① [美]罗宾.R.沃霍尔,宁一中译,《新叙事:现实主义小说和当代电影中怎样表达不可叙述事件之事》,《语文学刊(外文版)》,2006年(12):第33页。
    ② [美]罗宾.R.沃霍尔,宁一中译,《新叙事:现实主义小说和当代电影中怎样表达不可叙述事件之事》,《语文学刊(外文版)》,2006年(12):第33页。
    ③ Tarsonage. Harmondsworth, UK:Penguin,1987. P.158.
    ④ [英]特雷·伊格尔顿,伍晓明译,《二十世纪西方文学理论》,北京大学出版社,2007年,第69页。
    ① [英]简·奥斯丁,裘因译,《劝导》,上海译文出版社,2010年,第5页。
    ② [美]杰拉德·普林斯,徐强译,《叙事学—叙事的形式与功能》,中国人民大学出版社,2013年,第60页。
    ③ [阿根廷]豪·路·博尔赫斯,王永年译,《阿莱夫》,浙江文艺出版社,2008年,第2页。
    ④ [英]简·奥斯丁,孙致礼译,《曼斯菲尔德庄园》,译林出版社2004年,第404页。
    ① [美]凯利·A.玛西,唐伟胜译, 《不可叙述事件的母亲快感与<劝导>的隐性情节》, 《叙事(中国版)》第四辑,暨南大学出版社,2012年,第128页。
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    ③ [英]弗兰克·克默德,刘建华译,《结尾的意义—虚构理论研究》,辽宁教育出版社,2000年,第78页。
    ① [美]罗宾.R.沃霍尔,宁一中译, 《新叙事:现实主义小说和当代电影中怎样表达不可叙述事件之事》,《语文学刊》,2006年(12),第36页。
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    ③ [美]杰拉德·普林斯,徐强译,《叙事学—叙事的形式与功能》,中国人民大学出版社,2013年,第45页。
    ① [美]保尔·德曼,沈勇译,《阅读的寓言》,天津人民出版社,2008年,第8页。
    ② 《夏洛蒂·勃朗特书信》,杨静远译,三联书店出版社,1984年,第86页
    ③ 《夏洛蒂·勃朗特书信》,杨静远译,三联书店出版社,1984年,第102页。
    ① [美]苏珊·斯坦福·弗里德曼,《空间诗学与阿兰达蒂-洛伊的<微物之神>》,见詹姆斯·费伦主编,申丹等译,《当代叙事学理论指南》,北京大学出版社,2007年,第205页。
    ② [美]伦纳德·史莱因,暴永宁、吴伯泽译,《艺术与物理学—时光与光的艺术观与物理观》,吉林人民出版社,2001年,第4页。
    ① [加]埃里克·麦克卢汉,《麦克卢汉精粹》,南京大学出版社,2000年,第459页。
    ② [美]WJ.T米歇尔,陈永国译,《图像学形象/文本/意识形态》,北京大学出版社,2012年,第116页。
    ① 漫画二字的汉语词汇,起源于中国北宋,最初用“漫画”二字的是北宋学者画家晃以道,在其著作《景迂生集》中说:“黄河多淘河之属,有曰漫画者,常以嘴画水求鱼。”这里说的漫画是一种水鸟的名称,因为它捕鱼时潇洒自如,像在水上作画而得名。1925年5月《文学周报》连载丰子恺的画并注明为漫画,这是中国最早称之为漫画的作品。
    ② 洪佩奇,《美国连环漫画史》,译林出版社,2007年,第5页。
    ③ [美]WJ.T米歇尔,陈永国译,《图像学—形象/文本/意识形态》,北京大学出版社,2012年,第98页。
    ① 马克·弗里曼,《自传性理解和叙事研究》,转见,瑾·克兰迪宁,《叙事探究—原理、技术与实例》,北京师范大学出版社,2012年,第54页。
    ① 王成军,《西方自传理论研究述论》,《荆门职业技术学院学报学报》,2006年(4),第9页。
    ② [法]菲力浦·勒热讷,杨国政译,《自传契约》,三联书店出版,2001年,第14-15页。
    ③ Biberman,Efrat.On Narrativity in the Visual Field:A Psychoanalytic View of Velazquez's Las Meninas, Narrative 14(2006),P.251.
    ① Herman, Davie.Story Logic:Problems and Possibilities of Narrative. Lincoln:U.of Nebraska.2002, P.104.
    ② [美]W.J.T米歇尔,陈永国译,《图像学—形象/文本/意识形态》,北京师范大学出版社,2012年,第156页。
    ② Robyn R.Warhol.The space between:a narrative approach to Alison Bechdel's Fun Home.College Litearature Publisher:West Chester University Audience:Academic,3 (2011)
    ① [英]弗兰克·克默德,刘建华译,《结尾的意义—虚构理论研究》,辽宁教育出版社,2000年,第47页。
    ② [美]杰拉德普林斯,徐强译,《叙事学—叙事的形式与功能》,中国人民大学出版社,2013年,第79页。
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    ③ 蒂尔玛·玛利亚·德·梅洛,《叙事探究中的语言艺术》,见《叙事探究—原理、技术与实例》,瑾·克兰迪宁主编,北京师范大学出版社,2012年,第166页。
    ④ 毛崇杰:《舒斯特曼的美学及其“桥梁“意向(下)》,《扬州大学学报》(人文社会科学版),2009年(2),第36页。
    ① Warhol,Robyn, The space between:a narrative approach to Alison Bechdel's Fun Home.College Litearature Publisher:West Chester University Audience:Academic,2011.
    ② 马克·弗里曼,《自传性理解和叙事研究》,见,瑾·克兰迪宁主编,鞠玉翠等译,《叙事探究—原理、技术与实例》,北京师范大学出版社,2012年,第75页。
    ① W.J.T米歇尔,陈永国译,《图像学—形象、文本与意识形态》,北京大学出版,2012年,第11页。
    ② 马克·弗里曼,《自传性理解和叙事研究》,见,瑾·克兰迪宁主编,鞠玉翠等译,《叙事探究—原理、技术与实例》,北京师范大学出版社,2012年,第78页。
    ③ [法]罗兰·巴尔特,怀宇译,《显义与晦义》,百花文艺出版社,2005年,第51页。
    ④ Kearn,Michale.Rhetorical Narratology.Lincoln;U.of Nebraska 1999.p.37.转见尚必武,《西方文论关键词:叙事性》《叙事-从刊》,第四辑,中国社会科学出版社,2012年,第77页。
    ⑤ [英]弗兰克·克默德,刘建华译,《结尾的意义:虚构理论研究》,辽宁教育出版社,2000年,第24页。
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    ② [美]罗宾.R.沃霍尔著.宁一中译,《新叙事:现实主义小说和当代电影中怎样表达不可叙述事件之事》,《语文学刊(高教外文版)》,2006年(12),第33页。
    ③ [英]弗兰克·克默德,刘建华译,《结尾的意义:虚构理论研究》,辽宁教育出版社,2000年,第34页。
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    ② [美]WJ.T.米歇尔,陈永国,胡文征译,《图像理论》,北京大学出版社,2006年,第15页。
    ③ [美]罗宾.R.沃霍尔,宁一中译,《新叙事:现实主义小说和当代电影中怎样表达不可叙述事件之事》,《语文学刊(高教外文版)》,2006年(12),第34页。
    ① Rabinowitz, Peter J.Before Reading:Narrative Conventions and the Politics of Interpretation. Ithaca:Cornell Univ. Press,1987, P.43-44.
    ① [捷克]米兰·昆德拉,董强译,《小说的艺术》,上海译文出版社,2004年,第54页。
    ② Rabinowitz, Peter J. Before Reading:Narrative Conventions and the Politics of Interpretation. Ithaca:Cornell Univ. Press,1987, P.218.
    ① [德]斐迪南·滕尼斯,林荣远译,《新时代的精神》,北京大学出版社,2006年,55页。
    ② 1865年,法国神经生理学家布罗卡首先发现了大脑功能侧化的理论。他以大量的病理解剖证据指出,人们以左脑(的皮质)说话,因为大多数人主管说话的控制中枢位于左脑皮质额叶。此后,越来越多的证据显示,大脑左右半球有许多功能分工1工:左脑理性、右脑情感,左脑科学、右脑艺术。
    ③ 胡玉华,《大脑左右半球的性别差异》,《北京教育学院学报》,2002年(3),第44页。
    ④ 张田勘,《解析大脑的性别》,中国妇女报,2004年07月13日。
    ⑤ [美]凯特·米利特,宋文伟译,《性政治》,江苏人民出版社,2000年,第39页。
    ① Tara Bell-Janoick.Feminist Discourse Across The Waves:A Rhetorical Criticism Of First,Sexond and Third Wave Women's Discourse.1Southern Illinois University Carbondale,2008,P.15
    ② 刘勤,《性别文化视域下的神话叙事研究之一:女神论》,中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第172页。
    ③ [法]米歇尔·福柯,刘北成译,《规训与惩罚》,三联书店出版社,2003年,第29页。
    ① [法]西蒙娜·德.波伏娃,郑克鲁译,《第二性II》,上海译文出版社,2011年,第9页。
    ② 赵慧娟,郭永玉,《性别差异研究的四种取向》,《西南师范大学学报》(人文社会科学版),2003年(5),第32页。
    ③ 李银河,《女性主义》,山东人民出版社,2005年,第27页。
    ① 张岩冰,《法国女权主义文学批评的语言理论》,《复旦大学学报》(社会科学版),1998年(2),第107页。
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.22.
    ② 王进,《从女性主义回到性别研究》,《吉首大学学报》(社会科学版),2006年(1),第162页。
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.1.
    ① Robyn R.Warho.vg A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms. The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.4.
    ② 方刚,《当代西方男性气质理论概述》,《国外社会科学》,2006年(4),第71页。
    ③ Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.1.
    ① 阿拉佩什部落的所有人(男人、女人)的行为就像人们想象中女人的行为;蒙杜马部落的所有人行为就像人们想象中男人的行为;德昌布利部落,男人们的行为就像现在想象中的女人一样敏感、爱美、羞怯,女人们则像想象中的男人一样,勇敢、独立,对配偶不盲目崇拜。《百夷传》中有记载“凡生子……三日后以子授夫,织耕自若。”与传统中汉族女子生育后坐月子、负责哺育孩子的习俗很不相同。
    ② Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.11.
    ③ 钱铭怡等编著,《女性心理与性别差》,北京大学出版社,1995年,第165页。
    ④ 《简明不列颠百科全书》(5),中国大百科全书出版社,1986年,第300页。
    ⑤ “跨性别”理念由美国的维吉妮亚·普林斯于上世纪70年代提出,意指那些不认为自己的性别与基于生殖器官决定的性别一致的人。“海吉拉”(Hijra)在印度文化中代指“第三性别”群体,把自己称为“不男不女”的人。他们通常扮演着宗教角色,是婚礼和出生仪式的主持人。北美原住民部落内也曾存在一种特殊的男性阶级:他们穿戴女性的衣着,进行编织、烧陶等女人的劳动工作。他们被称为“博达切”(Berdache),也称为“双灵”,意指一个身体内住着“两个灵魂”。20世纪末,安徽医科大学周江林博士的一篇研究论文,首次从生物学的角度证明了变性人的脑结构不同于普通人。他通过对6例变性人大脑的深入研究,发现下丘脑中有一个叫做“终纹床核中央区”的核团和人的性别自认有关系。普通男性的这个核团比普通女性大44%,而男变女变性人的这个核团只是普通男性的52%,和普通女性相仿。
    ① [美]凯特·米利特,宋文伟译,《性政治》,江苏人民出版社,2000年,第296页。
    ② [加拿大]玛格丽特·阿特伍德,杨昊成译,《猫眼》,南京:译林出版社,2002年,第42页。
    ③ Louis Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, trans. Ben Brewster, London:New Left Books,1971, p.163.
    ② 方刚,《当代西方男性气质理论概述》,《国外社会科学》,2006年,第68页。
    ③ Henri Lefebvre.Everyday Life in the Modern World.translated by Sacha Rabinovitch, With a new Introduction by Philip Wander.London:The AthlonePress,2000.P.133转见彭冰冰,《西方马克思主义意识形态批判的历史逻辑与现实意义研究》,中国社会科学出版社,2012年,第131页。
    ① Robyn R.Warhol. Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.4.
    ② 刘勤,《性别文化视域下的神话叙事研究之一:女神论》,中国社会科学出版社,2013年,第308页。
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    ① 康奈尔,柳莉,张文霞等译,《男性气质》,社会科学文献出版社,2003年,第7页。
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    ④ 许多理论家都注意到奥斯汀的以言行事理论,但是却较少关注这些话语是在适当的情境中,情境决定话语是否施为的。同样是婚礼中,“我愿意”三个字,如果是在演艺行为中,则不能当做是施为的,或则“我把这艘船命名为伊丽莎白女王号”,如果不是一个具有命名权,或者在轮船命名仪式上的表述的话,也不是施行性的。
    ① Robyn R.Warhol. Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.18.
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    ③ A1,必须存在具有某种约定俗成效果的公认约定俗称程序,这个程序包括在一定情境中,由一定的人说出一定的话:(A2)在某场合,特定的人和情境必须适合所诉求的特定程序要求:(B1)这个程序必须为所有参加者正确地实施,并且(B2)完全实施。(F1)这个程序通常是设计给具有一定思想或情感的人使用,或设计给任何参加者去启动相因而生的行为,参加并求用这个程序的人,必须事实上具有这些思想和情感;(r2)随后亲自这样做。A,B共四项缺少任何一项都不是施为性的,但是如果AB四项都实现,但r项不完成,也不是施为,是对程序的滥用。
    ① Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms. The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.10.
    ② Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry:Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.19.
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    ⑤ Robyn R.Warhol.Having A Good Cry.Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms.The Ohio State Univesity.1992.P.47.
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    ② 女性主义社会学家舒勒密·雷恩哈茨则进一步将女性主义研究的方法论原则归纳为十条:(1)女性主义是研究视角而不是研究方法;(2)女性主义依附现存多元研究方法;(3)女性主义研究是性别批判地利用其他方法;(4)女性主义研究是由女性主义性别意识决定;(5)女性主义研究具有跨学科性;(6)研究目标位社会变革;(7)女性主义研究追求身份多样;(8)女性主义研究也会探讨研究者的性别立场:(9)女性主义研究追求与被研究者的互动关系;(10)女性主义研究与读者既有联合又有距离。女性主义是对现有方法进行修改,未曾发明什么新方法。
    ③ 杨永忠,周庆,《女性主义叙事学的研究目标、原则与方法》,《山东女子学院学报》,2012年(4),第9页。
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