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Eco-environmental problems are increasingly acute. Ecology has been developing, and had varying degrees of integration with various subjects, then ecological medicine has become an important branch of it. Establishment and development of ecological medicine takes the ecological culture of harmony and ecological philosophy of harmonization between man and nature. Study essentials of ecological medicine are pathogenic factors of biological and abiotic ecology. Theory of macro-ecological medicine from a new perspective illustrates the relationship between man's disease-healthy and the natural-social environment.
     In the early stage, the etiological recognition of Chinese and Western medicine had cultural imprints of ghosts and gods, with the development of culture, the ideology of harmony between the heaven and human showed the essence of harmonious culture in Chinese medicine, the confrontational thought reflected the conquering culture in Western medicine.
     Chinese medical eitology reflects the holism and macro-intuitive realization, and Western medical etiology reductionism and micro-logic substantiation. Under the guidence of systematic perspective of ecological philosophy, with macroscopic grasp of Chinese medicine and micro-reductionism thinking of Western medicine, this day will come, in which the original system sublimates and a new cognitive style forms.
     Ecological factors are indispensable for living conditions, and can also be considered as environmental factors on organisms at work. In macro-ecological areas, all factors that can cause diseases can be attributed to the ecological factors of pathogenicity. Ecological pathogenic factors includes the biological and non biological in ecological medicine. Biological pathogenic factors—pathogenic microorganisms contain bacteria, viruses and parasites, etc. Non-biological pathogenic factors contain sun and moon, seasons and climates, geographical environment, day and night, temperature changes, etc. Often large ecological factors contain several smaller factors.
     No matter Chinese or Western medicine causes, can be attributed to the different types of ecological factors, in the broader context of macro-ecology, to eliminate prejudices, and to find the differences between the two theoretical systems and to seek the integrating point of common development. Preliminary study found that there is large differences between six evils theory of Chinese medicine about abiotically ecological factors and pathogenic microorganism theory of Western medicine about biologically ecological factors. This project will focus on comparison between the above two.
     Chinese medicine emphasizes pathopoiesia of abiotically ecological factors, Six evils pathogenic theory reflects the imaginery thinking of Analogism in traditional Chinese philosophy, analogizes disease causes with six climatic changes, and belongs to the category of abiotic ecological factors from the form of expression and scope of application.
     Diseases in spatial and temporal relations are inseparable, which were important methodology of Chinese medicine since ancient times, and which different time corresponds to different areas, and different diseases, different time and space. The essence of six evils theory is the theory of Five Yun and Six Qi, which creatively had interpreted the spatio-temporal pattern of diseases. Physiologically, From the ecological system point of view, Plain conversation-Major discussion on the theory of Yin and Yang and the corresponding relationships among all the things in nature illustrates the complex linkages corresponding to five orientations. Pathologically, Plain conversation-Discussion on different therapeutic methods for different diseases carefully analyzed the relations between five regional characteristics and the onset of illness. Further, in Plain conversation-Major discussion on the changes of Qi -convergence, Plain conversation-Major discussion on the administration of five-motions, Plain conversation-Major discussion on the progress of the six climatic changes, the statement of calamities befalling some region in some year, points out dividing lines of nine regions concerned about diseases. For the theory of Five Yun and Six Qi, first of all, we should pay attention to overcoming its limitations, and carrying forward their rationality, and neither mechanically reckoning nor subjectively assuming; and neither blindly exaggerating its forecasting application nor totally negating its scientific connotation.
     Although Nei jing did not clearly come up with the term "incubative pathogen", but definitely stated exogenous evils at four seasons could be latent in the body, are not immediate onset, but incidence after this season.Later developed theory were on the basis of this, epidemic febrile disease occurring after incubation accorded with the objective law of things development from the etiological characteristics, which revealed the pathogenic law of deficient Zheng Qi and weak evils.
     The biggest advantage of Chinese medicine understanding infectious diseases is not only limited to pathogenic microorganisms (ghost poison), more importantly, but also took a broad view of environmental and climatic changes (Six Qi), and combined with the body's own position (Zheng Qi), considered their ecological relationships by the various aspects.
     Western medicine lays stress on pathopoiesia of bio-ecological factors, which had revealed the general law of pathogenic micro-organisms. The pathopoiesia of biologically ecological factors mainly refers to microbial infections, it is one of the most important influences that cause the prevalence of infectious diseases. Pathogenic microbiology made the methods of mankind knowing and treating diseases occur profound changes. In a long historical period, Western medicine was rewarded and respected owing to the exact diagnosis and the reliable effect for the pathopoiesia of microorganisms.
     Towards a single cause of pathogenic microorganisms, Western medicine emphasizes a single active compound on the role of a single target, using mostly offensive or exclusive strategy. There is no doubt about the specificity in the curative effect for the infectious diseases caused by single pathogenic microorganisms. Wide variety of vaccine inoculation has become the most effective and economical means for modern people to deal with many infectious diseases.
     Although Western medicine has made great achievements in the field of pathogenic microorganisms and the control of infectious diseases, A number of infectious pathogens has not been fully recognized, and certain diseases are lack of effective preventive and curative methods. The reason is the bottleneck in the theory of pathogenic microorganism:the guiding ideology can't see the wood for the trees; the strategy can not adapt the various changes; knowing viruses is like looking at flower in fog.
     From the early development of understanding causes of Chinese and Western medicine, the two had germination of mutual coincidence, which provided the possibility for etiological study of Chinese and Western medicine converging to the cognition of the ecologically pathogenic factors. If the fuzzyness in the macroscopic study of Chinese medicine is integrated with the accurateness in the microscopic study of Western medicine, this will be the optimizing model advocated by ecological medicine.
     "Individual medicine"promoted by WTO has made the constitutional impact on pathogenesis become more and more important. Ecological medicine has been recognized that human health, diseases, life and death are closely linked to its environmental changes. Relative to the limited range and overall lag of constitutional theory of Western medicine, constitutional theory of Chinese medicine derived from ideology of harmony between the heaven and human has been abundant, systematic, and fruitful, constitutional predisposition has close relations with the theory of Five Yun and Six Qi, which has been considered by Chinese medicine.
     Through the etiological comparison between Chinese and Western medicine under the background of ecological medicine, establishing the theoretical framework of ecological etiology has been explored. Harmony is the soul of ecological thinking, integration a home to return to of Chinese and Western medical deveplopment. Ecological etiology believes that fundamental causes of diseases are unharmonious in the relations and disarranged in the regulation and control between the human body and the environment.
     The connotation of ecological etiology has been explainned from broad and narrow sense, and been put forward three development directions, namely:the symbol of time and space of six evils corresponding to pathogenicity of pathogenic microorganisms respectively, and correlation between Five Yun during pregnant time and constitutional predisposition corresponding to susceptibility of diseases showed by different genetic types
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