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     本研究将“妇女人权话语”界定于“女性主义话语研究”范畴体系之下,是基于话语分析和社会性别相关联的宏观与微观结合的社会语言学研究视角。“女性主义话语研究”(feminist discourse analysis)主要指对性别、社会性别关系同权力的交织,以及各种蕴含性别意义的社会重大事件的批判性分析,包括贫困、性别歧视等热点问题(Wood&Kroger2008:215)。其研究方法分门别类,具体包括:女性主义的会话分析(feminist conversation analysis);女性主义的批评话语分析(feminist CDA);女性主义社会心理学的话语分析(feminist discursive analysis in social psychology);女性主义后结构主义(feminist poststructuralism)。这些方法与相关理论都无不产生于西方,并受到西方功能主义的语言观的影响,所以研究者无法正视妇女问题的文化或历史语境,从而忽略了某些女性主义话语所对应的地域、时空性(孙中欣、张莉莉2006)。一言以蔽之,目前女性主义话语研究存在三大问题和难点:(1)研究对象的片面化和普遍化,使得中国女性的特殊发展不断被边缘化;(2)研究方法的陈旧化,会话分析和叙事分析作为女性主义话语学者的主要研究方法过于单一,不能有效将评价研究与民族志研究、跨文化研究、语料库研究等相结合;(3)研究问题缺乏与西方女性主义民族中心主义的对话性,中国的女性组织或个人在国际舞台上无法或很难得到重视。
     研究方法上我们主要使用定性研究的方法,将文化话语分析与交际民族志相结合,分析中国政府精英群体就解决妇女生育问题所涉及的一切国内外应对话语中的话语特征、原则和策略。为此,我们根据妇女人权话语本身的文化性特征,设计了一套适合人权话语研究的理论框架结构——双“G”模型(Grand-frame analysis and Ground-based analysis)。该模型以人权话语的文化交际性为主轴,提出分别从人权话语的文化斗争性(cultural struggle)和文化异质性(cultural diversity)两方面进行自上而下的研究思路。自上,我们通过对中美话语的跨文化、跨历史的对比分析,凸显中国政府精英群体就生育争端对外应对的话语策略和行为;至下,我们立足田野调查,通过访谈和参与性观察的方法来描述和再现政府群体在处理国内妇女生育问题中的具体言说方式。这种自上而下的整合性研究最大的好处就在于便于研究者从文化批判的视角更全面、整体地分析研究对象。在上述整合性理论结构的前提下,我们将研究内容具体分为话语策略分析和框架分析两个方面。在话语策略分析上,我们分别从话语修辞、语用策略多个方面出发,对在妇女生育问题的一系列交际事件中出现的话语主体所表达的一切言语和非言语行为做出有效的微观语言分析。在话语框架分析上,我们注重分析话语主体如何从整体交际结构上将这些话语策略系统化、合理化、内省化,即说话人在交际过程中所采用的描述性或表象性结构特征。话语框架分析的具体范畴包括五大要素:交际主体(包括说话人和听话人)、内容与形式、主体间交往关系、交际渠道(包括媒介使用)、交际目的(和结果)。
This dissertation is utilizing a cultural discursive perspective into women's right studies. By integrating methods of Cultural Discourse Studies (CDS) and the Ethnography of Communication, it aims at exploring into how the Chinese political elites negotiate the rights conflicts in the family planning issue through discursive strategies. Based on a suggested theoretical framework of "Double-G" model (Grand-frame and Ground-based analysis), this study makes a full-grained analysis of the discursive properties, strategies and principles of the Chinese political elites in talking about women's reproductive rights and family planning conditions. In responding towards the external conflicts with the U.S. over Chinese family planning conditions, Chinese political elites preferred shaping family planning within a discursive framework of cultural heritage, social development, and domestic equilibrium; however, the U.S. counterpart does a favor in constructing the issue within a universal rights discourse. In responding towards the internal conflicts with the indigenous people, the elites speak more cooperatively and considerately for the sake of strengthening the relationship between the government and the people. By exploring into both the externally and internally responding discourses of Chinese political elites in dealing with women's rights conflicts, we find that the elites negotiate the conflicts in the family planning issue through certain discursive strategies under the principles of "equilibrium","non-interference","rectification", "guanxi", and "image". We also conclude that such Chinese discursive principles in talking about women's rights are rooted from the cultural psychology of "equilibrium" of indigenous Chinese people. Though such an "equilibrium" discourse against rights fails to be as argumentative, eloquent, and persuasive as the western rights rhetoric, it is more effective in helping the political elites negotiate the conflicts between the government and the people, which is encouraging, inspiring, educating, and entertaining—namely, others-oriented.
1 http://www.state.gov/j/drl/rls/hrrpt/index.htm
    4 1980.9.10,《中华人民共和国婚姻法》第二条规定“实行计划生育”。第五条规定“结婚年龄,男不得早于22周岁,女不得早于20周岁。晚婚晚育应与鼓励。
    6 "Vienna Declaration on Human Rights 1993", Vienna,14-25 June 1993, U.N. Doc. A/CONF.157/24 (Part I) at 20 (1993).
    8 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Congress_in_relation_to_the_president_and_Supreme_Court
    9 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USAID
    0 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidential_memorandum
    12 The same description of Family Planning Conditions in China appears in August4,1999; May17,2001; December20,2001; February13,2003; May26,2005; Junuary26,2006.
    16 www.jzjsw.com/ReadNews.asp?NewsID=1588
    17 樊迟问仁。子曰:“爱人。”问知,子曰:“知人”。《论语·颜渊第十二》
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