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As the popular historic city in European Union, Rome is regarded as the birthplace of western civilization, and is also the catholic center in the world. Its culture which is different from other Italian cities or important European cities caused roman own unique landscape art. After the collapse of Roman Empire, the city has been the capital of the Papal State, the Kingdom of Italy and Italy Republic. The dissertation mainly discussed the historic villas and gardens around the seven hills and outside the ancient roman walls of Rome with the influences of social and political changes in different phases.
     In main six chapters, classified into six important constructions periods such as ancient roman garden, early renaissance garden, high renaissance garden, early baroque garden, high baroque garden and modern reformation of gardens, the main villas and gardens studied in the paper were restricted in the scope of Rome city blocks in modern times. Those gardens located in the areas between urban and rural zones are more original and classical models than the rural gardens in old times and represented the historic changes with the society upheaval which were not alike in scale, layout and function with the real rural ones. And these gardens should be considered as the significant research resources and proofs of Italian renaissance and baroque times. That is why the paper not includes the rural villas and gardens. There was no garden construction in middle age so there was blank in the framework of the thesis.
     Based on each social historic background, the dissertation analyzed the theories changes in the development of garden design, and further discussed the relationship between gardens with social classes, land supplies, water privileges, and artistic trends in ancient, renaissance, baroque and modern periods. Through masses of documents collections and sites investigations, the typical villas and gardens could be analyzed and sorted out into different types in general; the engraving plans and perspective pictures of villas and gardens were mainly studied in detail by the method of iconography and finally summarized space elements and layout features of these gardens.
     In the last chapter the thesis concluded the characters of the villas and gardens in city of Rome, explained the major influences of roman gardens on other Italian cities and European countries and the main role played in roman city Greenland System. The paper supported considerable iconographic and literature materials in Roman garden research and made the basis for the further studies in domestic. However, with the complex research data and lack of investigation time, there could be a pity in the cases studies of the dissertation.
1 陈志华,外国造园艺术 P45
    2 Georgina Masson, The Companion Guide to Rome,1998, P52
    3 罗马郊外别墅园林主要分布在三个小城镇,分别是蒂沃利、维泰博和弗拉斯卡蒂。蒂沃利主要有哈德良别墅和埃斯特别墅;维泰博的朗特庄园和法纳斯府邸分别位于该城的巴扎尼亚和卡帕拉罗这两个小镇上;弗拉斯卡蒂云集了众多的教皇别墅花园。
    4 约翰·托马斯(Johannes Thomasius)在描写红衣主教斯皮奥尼(Scipione Borghese)的人物传记中,提到了他在弗拉斯卡蒂(Frascati)建造的蒙德拉格庄园(Villa Mondragone),是特意选择了流淌着罗马帝国文化的西塞罗别墅遗址,尽管现今人们对这一说法有很大的争议。
    5 文艺复兴初期,新任的教皇常常会举荐自己的侄子担当教廷的红衣主教一职,到后期这一切变得约定俗成,新教皇任命自己的侄子作为红衣主教,是教廷为了保护教皇财产的一种措施,以免教皇逝世后家族败落,财产、别墅、庄园以及收藏品落入其他家族的手中。
    6 后文中未标出图片来源的均为作者摄影
    7 Pliny (the Elder.), the Natural History of Pliny Vol. Ⅳ. P149
    8 Cato & Varro De Re Rustica "On Agriculture",P7
    9 Cato & Varro De Re Rustica "On Agriculture",P439
    10 Mary Beagon, Roman nature:the thought of Pliny the Elder, P161
    11 Vitruvius Pollio.The Ten Books on Architecture, P182
    12 Pliny (the Younger). The Letters of the Younger Pliny, P107
    13 Pliny (the Elder), The Natural History of Pliny, P154
    14 Virgil.Vergil's Eclogues, P20
    15 Quintus Horatius Flaccus.The works of Horace, P213
    16 Publius Papinius Statius.Statius:Silvae, P123
    17 Pliny (the Younger). The Letters of the Younger Pliny. P112
    18 Flora, Leda, Medea, Diana是古罗马艺术中常常描绘的四种代表画像
    19 Varro. Cato & Varro De Re Rustica "On Agriculture".3.13.2-3
    20庞贝古城的每一处住宅都有自己的坐标。1860年考古学家Giuseppe Fiorelli作为考古组的带头人对庞贝古城中的各个场地进行了系统定位,他将城市划分为九个区域,每个区域又分为若干个街区,每个街区的入口处都有一个特定的数字,因此每一处住宅的门上都有三个数字来表明。
    21 Nymph是希腊神话中居于山林水泽的仙女。
    23 罗马之劫是指1527年法国与西班牙争夺意大利除教皇辖地以外的统治权战争中,西班牙士兵突然在罗马城外发生哗变,闯入罗马城内烧杀抢夺。中世纪后,罗马作为教皇的驻地,被视为宗教圣地,尽管意大利境内战争不断,但罗马在教皇的庇护下都不曾被波及,因此这一事件被认为是对罗马的一场浩劫。
    24 玛达玛府邸(Palazzo Madama)与玛达玛别墅花园(Villa Madama)是两个不同的建筑,前者属于城市宫殿府邸,建筑占大部分面积;后者是别墅花园,有大面积的花园。
    25 维拉尼奥是意大利非常有名的建筑师,他本身也是一位水利专家,这一时期罗马的古引水渠就是他建造的,罗马城稀缺的水源和众多花园中的大量用水,使得水源成为花园中非常重要的元素。随后他还建造了卡帕罗拉的法奈斯府邸和巴扎尼亚的兰特庄园,这两座花园都以水著名。
    26 Garden history:philosophy and design,2000BC-2000AD P263
    27 cryptoporticus,类似地道的一种建筑形式,这是一种带有拱券结构的走廊,往往位于建筑的基座。
    28 J.j.l.f.de lalande, Voyage d'un francois en italie fait dans les annees 1765-1766,new ed, yverdon,1769, v,p.89 m.heimburger Ravalli, progetti e lavori di Francesco bettini per il parco di villa belrespiro studi romani, xxv,1977,p.27,n.i
    29 L.Cassanelli.'nuove acquisizioni documentarie per il giardino della villa Albani torlonia,'in giardini italiani:Note di storia e di conservazione, quaderni 3, rome,1981, P.75
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