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Because of the economic stimulus policy, with the sustained and rapid growth ofChina's investment in infrastructure, new projects continue to be launched, which willbring opportunities to the engineering consulting industry of China during the periodof Reform and Opening-up, especially in the past10years. At the same time, theengineering consulting firms of China are also very productive in the internationalengineering consulting market and more and more engineering consulting companiesappear in the international consulting firms`top list. According to the commitments ofChina, which allows foreign investors to set up wholly owned enterprises intoconsulting five years after China's accession to the WTO, Chinese engineeringconsulting companies need to compete in domestic and international markets with theinternational engineering consulting companies. To analyze the internal organizationof the engineering consulting community, reveal competition and symbiosis amongenterprises, symbiotic dynamic and symbiotic support mechanisms were analyzedthrough literature study, Multi-disciplinary integration, interviews with experts,questionnaire surveying and empirical analysis. In this dissertation, some aspects areexplored as follows.
     1. Analyze the organizational structure of the engineering consulting industrycommunity. Firstly, learn from the theory of organizational ecology to define theengineering consulting community and its composition of populations. Secondly, Usethe logistic curve model, the S-curve model and Logarithmic curve model to makecurve estimate fitting of the growth in population size of reconnaissance and designcompanies and use organizational population ecology theory to explain thereconnaissance and design companies`population growth. Finally, analyze thecompetition and symbiosis relationship among enterprises of the engineeringconsulting community.
     2. Find the driving force and driving factors to form the symbiotic relationshipamong engineer consulting companies. First, find out the factors that promote theindividuals to form a symbiotic relationship symbiotic unit in a state of symbioticstate, on the basis of which combine with the engineering consulting industry toidentify dynamic factors (independent variables) which promotes the engineeringconsulting community and the positive effects (dependent variable) of symbiotic engineering consulting firm. Then establish a theoretical model and propose ahypothesis based on the former studies. Use the structural equation model to find outthe driving forces, including the internal driving force, the industry driving forces, andthe environmental driving force, and verify the model assumptions thro ugh empiricaldata.
     3. Build the Symbiotic mechanism of the engineering consulting industry. First,identify the factors affecting the symbiotic mechanism of the engineering consultingindustry, then process and design the survey questionnaire. Then issue thequestionnaire and find out the evaluation indicators and influencing factors for theengineering consulting industry symbiosis mechanism through questionnairescreening. On the basis of selecting evaluation indicators and affecting factors, selectfour factors which can be described as mechanisms, which are coordination factor,selecting factor, security factor and resource sharing factor by using the factoranalysis method analysis and discussion. Correspondingly build a coordinationmechanism, partner selection mechanism, security mechanism and resource sharingmechanism to be studied.
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