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本研究以报春刺玫(Rosa primula)和单瓣黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina f. spontanea)为主要父本,部分组合采用疏花蔷薇(Rosa laxa)、日本无刺蔷薇(Rosa multiflora f.inermis)、复伞房蔷薇(Rosa brunonii)等野生蔷薇和‘雪山娇霞’、‘天山之光’、‘月月粉’('Old Blush')等月季品种为父本,与现代月季主要是灌丛月季进行远缘杂交,以期培育出抗性强的灌丛月季新品种。
     杂交组合共计61个,共杂交了1963朵花,共得到542粒成熟种子,2010年杂交出苗1棵,2011年杂交出苗9棵。杂交亲和的组合有'Eyeopener'×报春刺玫、'Berk Shire'×单瓣黄刺玫、'Sally Holmes'×单瓣黄刺玫、'Laura Ford'×单瓣黄刺玫、'Twenty-fifth'×(?)(?)春刺玫、‘Partidge'×单瓣黄刺玫、Partidge'×报春刺玫、‘Partidge'ב月月粉’、'Partidge'×疏花蔷薇、'Partidge'×日本无刺蔷薇、'Cambridgeshire'×单瓣黄刺玫、'Robin Redbreast'×报春刺玫、'Summer Sunrise'×(?)春刺玫、'Tess of The Durbervilles'×报春刺玫、Petal Pushers'×报春刺玫、'Anna Zinkeisen'×单瓣黄刺玫、'Anna Zinkeisen'×疏花蔷薇、'Care2000'×报春刺玫、'Bonica'×单瓣黄刺玫、‘Robin Redbreast'×报春刺玫、'Palmengarten franfurt'×疏花蔷薇、‘Palmengarten franfurt'X‘月月粉’。
The project was carried out using Rosa primula, Rosa xanthina f. spontanea as main male parents with some cross combinations using Rosa laxa, Rosa sp, Rosa brunonii,'Xueshan Jiaoxia','Tianshan zhi guang' and'Old Blush'as male parents, while morden roses mainly shrub rose as female parents to obtain new cultivars of shrub rose with strong resistance.
     Beijing botanical garden introduced105shrub rose species in recent years. Their ornamental characteristics and parentages were documented and the wild fertility of50species were observed.
     The optimum culture medium formula for germination of Rosa primula pollen was20%sucrose+100mg/L H3BO3, and for R. xanthina f. spontanea pollen was10%sucrose+50mg/L H3BO3。
     With61cross combinations, the total number of pollinated flowers being1963,542mature hybrid seeds were obtained. Only1seedlings were obtained from hybrid seeds in2010while9seedlings were obtained in2011. The hybridizations with affinity are:'Eyeopener'×Rosa primula,'Berk Shire'×Rosa xanthina f. spontanea,'Sally Holmes'×Rosa xanthina f. spontanea,'Laura Ford'×Rosa xanthina f. spontanea,'Twenty-fifth'×Rosa primula,'Partidge'×Rosa xanthina f. spontanea,'Partidge'X Rosa primula,'Partidge'X'Old Blush','Partidge'X Rosa laxa,'Partidge'×Rosa multiflora f. inermis,'Cambridgeshire'×Rosa xanthina f. spontanea,'Robin Redbreast'×Rosa primula,'Summer Sunrise'X Rosa primula,'Tess of The Durbervilles'X Rosa primula,'Petal Pushers'X Rosa primula,'Anna Zinkeisen'×Rosa xanthina f. spontanea,'Anna Zinkeisen'×Rosa laxa,'Care2000'X Rosa primula,'Bonica'×Rosa xanthina f. spontanea,'Robin Redbreast'×Rosa primula,'Palmengarten franfurt'×Rosa laxa,'Palmengarten franfurt'×Old Blush'
     The heterozygosity of seedling in2010was observed in morphology and ploidy level investigation. The ploidy levels of cultivars of shrub rose investigated in this research contained2,3,4,5,6.
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