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The thesis “A Functional-Pragmatic Study of Chinese Teachers’ Criticism of Studentsfrom Students’ Perspectives details research into typical Chinese teachers’ critical remarksbased on the authentic data collected from questionnaires and processed by corpuslinguistics. Through this, the study investigates the underlying value orientation, feelingsand attitudes of teachers and students, and observes teaching and education, focusing onthe evaluation of teachers and students and looking toward the reform and the developmentof society and education.
     The whole thesis falls into seven chapters. Chapter One introduces the background,significance and purpose of the research. Chapter Two relates the theoretical framework ofsystemic functional linguistics and critical pragmatics and it rationalizes the necessity andimportance of the functional–pragmatic research of Chinese teachers’ criticism, byhighlighting the respective advantages and complementarities. Chapter Three gives anaccount of the methodology, questionnaires-making and data-collecting and processing,provides a general objective and trustworthy picture of the basic investigation andcompiles ten different A-C types of Comparison tables for later discussion. Chapter Fourmakes a comparative functional analysis of A-type teachers’ critical remarks and C-typecritical remarks revised by students according to three meta-functions. In the ideationalanalysis, the author chooses those aspects related to field and material, mental andrelational processes for observation so as to reveal hidden values, attitudes and ideaologiesand to expose educational and social problems. As to the interpersonal function, we mainlyobserve three aspects of appraisal theory, with the special focus on the implicit or explicit,positive or negative affect, subjective or objective affect, judgement and appreciation intwo different types of criticism. Moreover, we explore the graduation in terms of modality,tone and evaluative words and expound how they achieve different interpersonal functions.Through the analysis of the theme system and cohesive devices of textual function, theauthor presents how to highlight, intensify and soften the information by making differentlinguistic choices. By discourse analysis, we find that the A-Type teachers’ criticism carries stronger negative overtones in more direct way whereas the C-Type students’ revisionconveys much more positive overtones in more indirect way. Chapter Five makes acritical pragmatic analysis of direct remarks, irony, overstatement and understatementseparately and comparatively, in complement to the previous functional study of similarphenomena like implicit or explicit, positive or negative affect, judgement and appreciation,softener and intensifier, etc. Such four tones are generally regarded as rhetorical devicesand studied much from the rhetorical perspective, but in our study they are viewed aspragmatic approaches and explored pragmatically. In general, our speech can be simply putinto four tones, which are employed in evaluation for expressing opinions, feelings,attitudes and the like. The study of special implicature, illocutionary force, indirect speechacts or pragmatic effects different tones convey is meaningful and useful. Substantialevidence has shown that the majority of students prefer understated criticism. In ChapterSix, the author advocates four principles for evaluation and constructs a model for positivecriticism based on analyzing and comparing a large amount of corpus-processed A-C typecritical remarks. Chapter Seven comes to a conclusion of the research.
     In comparison with other achievements, this research shows its own originalities asfollows:
     1) The research takes the students’ perspectives, not the teachers’ perspectives to studythe typical Chinese way of education---criticism. The shift in research perspective fromteachers to students manifests the respect for the subjectivity of students and theconsideration of students’ thoughts and needs for a humanitarian education. By collectingthe most influential and most unforgettable teachers’ criticism of students and students’revision of corresponding inappropriate critical remarks and by analyzing thecorpus-processed above-mentioned data, the author discovers the linguistic characterisiticsof teachers’ criticism students most dislike and those they expect and need, and especiallyreveals some hidden linguistic patterns for criticism which students disgust much butteachers haven’t been aware of.
     2)By integrating systemic functional linguistics and critical pragmatics, the authormakes a relatively in-depth and complete study of teachers’ criticism of students fromstudents’ perspectives, based on data collection and corpus study. By taking advantage ofthe Systemic Functional Linguistics in the discourse analysis, the author analyzes the ideational, interpersonal and textual functions of two types of critical remarks, such as themost influential or unforgettable teachers’ criticism and students’ revised version, throughwhich the author obtains typical characteristics of teachers’ criticism and reveals theideaology, attitude, feeling, interpersonal relationship and power status those criticalremarks convey, and the problems they reflect and the thoughts they induce. Remarkably,some implicit critical patterns are found and presented. Besides, by taking advantage ofpragmatics in exploring users, both speakers and receivers, the author makes a criticalpragmatic interpretation of A-C types of criticism, especially of indirect or implicitremarks, so as to reveal their special implicature, illocutionary forces, speech acts orpragmatic effects. It is manifested by substantial evidence that the style of criticism differswith the change in genre and in register. The critic should be flexible in choosing languageaccording to a given genre, purpose, context and audience.
     3)The study of teachers’ criticism from students’ perspectives helps teachers tounderstand students’ feelings, attitudes and points of view better, thus promoting thereform in teaching and education and enhancing the educational qualities. Based on theexisting problems in teachers’ criticism of students, the author establishes four principlesfor evaluation, namely, relevance, guidance, variety and appropriateness; and proposes apositive model for criticism, like using impersonal, dialectical, corrective, positive,down-toning, reflective and inspiring methods for criticism. It is multifunctional and fairlypractical.
     However, there is still much left to be done on this topic, for instance, a comparativestudy of Chinese and Western teachers’ criticism of students. The author recommendstapping into the wisdom and precious treasures of the Chinese criticism culture whileabandoning its demerits and assimilating the nutriments from the western criticism culturein the future. The author also advocates that we should take a positive attitude towardsdifferent kinds of problems and make good use of criticism for personal and socialdevelopment.
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