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Electronic payment is an essential part of electronic commerce. The variety of electronic commerce breeds the variety of electronic payment. The electronic payment system consists of macro-payment system, small-payment system and micro-payment system. Macro-payment system is in great need of security and the micro-payment system is in great need of efficiency. Electronic cash is the main method to implement small-payment system and micro-payment system, while the cryptotechnology is a main approach to designing electronic cash system. Based on the hypothesis of Brands, this thesis presents two off-line electronic cash system applied to small payment: one is an off-line nondivisible electronic cash system with complete anonymity, and the other is an off-line nondivisible electronic cash'system with repealed anonymity. The two systems can solve the bottleneck problem of bank server. Furthermore, based on the concept of virtual debit as well as the payment demand of pay-per-use electronic commerce and mobile co
    mmerce, this paper designs a micro-system NPAY, which can solve the problem of extra-consuming, greatly reduce the system communication overhead, and the consumer can anonymously consume.
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