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Nowadays, as the international exchange and cooperation developes rapidly, the importance of international treaties are becoming more and more obvious. However, their importance can only be fully displayed through the enforcement by the contracting states, and then the domestic enforcement of the treaties turns out to be a common problem to all the states. Since the international law does not make provisions for the approaches to compliance and performance of the treaties, we can see that neither of the states has completely the same legislation and judicial practice in this regard. In the United States, the judicial practice distinguishes all the treaties into self-executing treaties and non-self-executing treaties, which has a great impact on other countries. With the number of international treaties affecting private rights increasing, the domestic judicial enforcement of self-executing treaties has become a prominent issue.
     This article begins with the basic concept of self-executing treaties, interprets and defines some easily confused notions and paves the way for the following theoretical analysis, in order to achieve the consistency of the concepts and the integrity of the system. Then it mainly introduces the judicial practice of self-executing treaties in foreign countries. After the introduction of the origin and development of self-executing treaties, it fully discusses their identification standards and the hierarchy when they have conflict with domestic law. The final goal of this article goes to the shortcomings and improvements of the enforcement of self-executing treaties in China.
     The structure of this article is as follows: besides the introduction and conclusion, it is divided into three chapters.
     Chapter I: the explanation and definition of some related concepts. It is divided into three parts. Part one begins with the basic concept of "judicial enforcement" in the title, analyzes and compares the differences between "implementation", "application" and "enforcement", tells us why this article chose "judicial enforcement" as its title, which establishes the discussion scope of the full text. Based on the comparative analysis of the various definitions of "transformation" and "adoption", part two defines their true distinction. Part three distinguishes self-executing treaties and non-self-executing treaties and reveals their relations, which paves the way for the following discussion.
     Chapter II: the legislation and practice of the judicial enforcement of self-executing treaties in foreign countries. It is divided into three parts. Part one introduces the identification ways of self-executing treaties in different states, as well as their origin and development. Part two discusses the identification standards of self-executing treaties, focusing on the practice in the United States, and analyzes the "Intent-Based" standard, the "Justiciability" standard, the "Constitutionality" standard and the "Private Right of Action" standard. Part three analyzes the hierarchy of self-executing treaties when they have conflict with domestic law in national courts.
     Chapter III: the status quo and improvements of the judicial enforcement of self-executing treaties in China. It first introduces the legislation, the judicial practice and theory of self-executing treaties in China, then compares the domestic situation with that of foreing countries, and finally points out the shortcomings and makes some suggestion.
     Based on the above three parts of discussion, the end of this article draws the final conclusion in several respects. It is essential to establish certain uniform identification standards for self-executing treaties, which is helpful for their effective enforcement in the contracting states. Based on the comparison of the pratice in China and foreign countries, our country should add a general provision on the application of treaties to our Constitution, amend the existing laws and regulations on self-executing treaties, and defines their identification standards and hierarchy. In the judicial practice, the Supreme Court should consider to make some judicial interpretations, in order to achieve the consistency of the judicial enforcement of self-executing treaties.
1 Jose E.Alvarez,"The New Treaty Makers",Boston College International and Comparative Law Review,Vol.25,2002,p.213.
    2 黄列:《国际条约与国内法的关系:理论与实践的观察》,朱晓青、黄列主编:《国际条约与国内法的关系》,世界知识出版社2000年版,第78页。
    5 Thomas Buergenthal and Sean D.Murphy,Public International Law,3~(rd) ed,West Publishing co.,2002,p.6.
    6 李浩培:《条约法概论》,法律出版社2003年第2版,第313页。
    7 葛洪义主编:《法理学》,中国法制出版社2007年第2版,第172页。
    8 同上。
    9 在英文中,“实施”是Implementation",意为 "carrying out,accomplishing,esp to give practical effect and ensure of actual fulfillment by concrete measures",引自 Merriam-Webster,Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary,Springfield:Merriam-Webster Incorporated,1994。通过这一解释也可以看出“实施”的“过程性”。
    10 葛洪义主编,注7引书,第173页。
    11 同上,第174页。
    12 同上。
    13 在英文中,“执行”是"Enforcement",意为 "the act of process of compelling compliance with a law,mandate,or command",“适用”是 "Application",意为"putting(law) to use with a particular subject matter",引自 Bryan A.Garner(ed.),Black's Law Dictionary,St.Paul:West Group,1999。通过比较两者的英文释义可以看出,并没有实质上的区别。
    14 周鲠生:《国际法》,商务印书馆1981年版,上册第20页,下册第652页。
    15 李浩培,注6引书,第313页。
    16 赵建文主编:《国际法新论》,法律出版社2000年版,第43页。
    17 万鄂湘等:《国际条约法》,武汉大学出版社1998年版,第186页。
    18 David M.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1980,p.674
    19 Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),National Treaty Law and Practice,Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,2005,p.45.
    20 Id.
    21 李浩培,注6引书,第314页。
    22 此处的“接受”与前文条约得到国内法的“接受”含义并不相同。此处的“接受”意为在多边条约的缔结方面,发展出的以接受(acceptance)表示同意受条约约束的制度。见李浩培,注6引书,第109页。
    23 Adoption在国内有翻译为“采纳”、“并入”、“纳入”;transformation在国内有翻译为“转化”、“转变”:其含义相同。
    24 王铁崖:《国际法引论》,北京大学出版社1998年版,第198页。
    25 赵建文主编,注16引书,第44页。
    26 O' Connell,International Law,Vol.Ⅰ 2nd,London:Stevens,1970,p.49.
    27 黄列,注2引文,第78页。
    28 赵建文主编,注16引书,第45页。
    29 李浩培,注6引书,第315页。
    30 同上。
    31 I.Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),supra note 19,p.43.
    32 赵建文主编,注16引书,第45页。
    33 王中一:《论国际条约在国内法上的适用》,《律师世界》2003年第11期,第39页。
    34 赵建文主编,注16引书,第45页。
    35 I.Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),supra note 19,pp.42-43.
    36 Id.
    37 汤诤:《WTO法在中国之适用》,《华中师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2004年11月,第43卷第6期,第76-80页。
    38 李浩培,注6引书,第323-324页。
    39 转化式国家之所以不需要区分,原因就在于在这些国家,凡是通过立法转化为国内法的条约都可以由司法机关执行,而未转化的则都不能执行,所以,无须区分条约是否自动执行。参见李浩培,注6引书,第323-324页。
    40 Carlos Manuel Vazquez,"The Four Doctrines of Self-Executing Treaties",The American Journal of International Law,Vol.89,1995,p.695;Thomas Buergenthal,"Self-executing and Non-self-executing Treaties in National and International Law",Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law,Vol.235,1992,p.235.
    41 李浩培,注6引书,第319页。
    42 李浩培,注6引书,第317页。
    43 李浩培,注6引书,第319页。
    44 John H.Jackson,"The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law in the United States",in John H.Jackson(ed),The Jurisprudence of GATT& the WTO,Higher Education Press,2002,p.310.
    45 I.Thomas Buergenthal,supra note 40,p.372.
    46 The American Institute,Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States,Washington:The American Law Institute,1987,p.54.
    47 《联合国宪章》第55条:为造成国际间以尊重人民平等权利及自决原则为根据之和平友好关系所必要之安定及福利条件起见,联合国应促进:(子)较高之生活程度,全民就业,及经济与社会进展。(丑)国际间经济、社会、卫生及有关问题之解决;国际间文化及教育合作。(寅)全体人类之人权及基本自由之普遍尊重与遵守,不分种族、性别、语言或宗教。第56条:各会员国担允采取共同及个别行动与本组织合作,以达成第五十五条所载之宗旨。
    48 李浩培,注6引书,第320-321页。
    49 1958年《日内瓦公海公约》第6条:1.船舶应只悬挂一国的旗帜航行,而且除国际条约或本公约各条明确规定的例外情形外,在公海上应受该国的专属管辖。除所有权确实转移或登记变更的情况外,船舶在 航行期间或在挂靠港,不得变更其旗帜。2.悬挂两国或两国以上的旗帜航行并视方便而换用旗帜的船舶,对任何其他国家不得声称属其中任一国籍,并可视同无国籍的船舶。
    50 Stefan A.Riesenfeld,"The Doctrine of Self-executing Treaties and U.S.v.Postal:Win at Any Price?",The American Journal of International Law,Vol.74,1980,p.903.
    51 I.The American Institute,supra note 46,p.47.
    52 Lori Damrosch,"The Role of the United States Senate Concerning 'Self-executing ' and 'Non-self-executing'Treaties",Chicago-Kent Law Review,Vol.67,1991,pp.515,520-522.
    53 I.John H.Jackson,supra note 44,p.308.
    54 李浩培,注6引书,第322页。
    55 同上。
    56 I.Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),supra note 19,p.268.
    57 Id.
    58 Id,pp.425-426.
    59 Louis Henkin,"U.S.Ratification of Human Rights Conventions:The Ghost of Senator Bricked",American Journal of International Law,Vol.89,1995,p.341.
    60 Francis G.Jacobs & Shelley Roberts(eds.),The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law,London:Sweet & Maxwell,1987,p.156.
    61 Carlos Manuel Vazquez,"The 'Self-executing' Character of the Refugee Protocol's Non-refoulement Obligation",Georgetown Immigration Law Journal,Vol.7,1993,p.44.
    62 I.Carlos Manuel Vazquez,supra note 40,pp.708,701.
    63 I.Thomas Buergenthal,supra note 40,p.714.
    64 I.Carlos Manuel Vazquez,supra note 40,p.395.
    65 I.Francis G.Jacobs & Shelley Roberts(eds.),supra note 60,p.153.
    66 Jordan G.Paust,"Self-executing Treaties",American Journal of International Law,Vol.82,1988,p.760.
    67 I.The American Institute,supra note 46,p.57.
    68 I.Jordan J.Paust,"Self-executing Treaties",supra note 66,p.755.
    69 I.Francis G.Jacobs & Shelley Roberts(eds.),supra note 60,p.148.
    70 I.Carlos Manuel Vazquez,supra note 40,p.720.
    71 Carlos Manuel Vazquez,"Treaty-Based Rights and Remedies of Individuals",Columbia Law Review,Vol.92,1992,pp.1143-1156.
    72 I.Thomas Buergenthal,supra note 40,p.383.
    73 I.Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),supra note 19,p.46.
    75 李浩培,注6引书,第330页。
    76 赵建文主编,注16引书,第48页。
    77 同上,第49页。
    78 辛崇阳:《国际条约在日本国内法体系中的地位--兼对“砂川事件”透视》,海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)2000年第3期,第100页。
    79 I.Francis G.Jacobs & Shelley Roberts(eds.),supra note 60,p.162.
    80 D.Sloss,"The Domestication of International Human Rights:Non-self-executing Declarations and Human Rights Treaties",Yale Journal of International Law,1999,p.120.
    81 Louis Henkins,Foreign Affairs and the United States Constitution,New York:Oxford University Press,1996,p.209.
    82 赵建文主编,注16引书,第49页。
    83 I.Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),supra note 19,p.48.
    84 李浩培,注6引书,第325-326页。
    85 I.Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),supra note 19,p.49.
    86 I.Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),supra note 19,pp.157-158.
    87 赵建文主编,注16引书,第50页。
    88 于喜富:《违反中国公共仲裁ICC仲裁裁决被拒绝承认及执行》,《人民法院报》2008年7月16日。
    89 周忠海:《国际法学述评》,法律出版社2001年版,第126页。
    90 左海聪:《直接适用条约问题研究》,《法学研究》2008年第3期,第94页。
    91 幕亚平:《论WTO协议在我国国内适用的问题》,《暨南学报》2003年第1期,第57页。
    93 李浩培,注6引书,第321页。
    94 同上。
    95 I.Duncan B.Hoilis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),supra note 19,p.41.
    96 I.John H.Jackson,supra note 44,p.310.
    97 I.Lori Damrosch,supra note 52,pp.515,520-522.
    98 Id.,p.525.
    99 李浩培,注6引书,第323页。
    100 李兆杰:《条约在我国国内法效力若干问题之探讨》,《中国国际法年刊》1993年卷,中国对外翻译出版社1994年版,第271页。
    101 John H.Jackson,supra note 44,p.306.
    102 车丕照:《条约在我国的适用》,《法学杂志》2005年第3期,第99页。
    103 同上,第96-97页。
    104 左海聪,注89引文,第94页。
    1.O' Connell,International Law,Vol.Ⅰ 2nd,London:Stevens,1970.
    2.David M.Walker,The Oxford Companion to Law,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1980.
    3.The American Institute,Restatement of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States,Washington:The American Law Institute,1987.
    5.Francis G.Jacobs & Shelley Roberts(ed.),The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law,London:Sweet & Maxwell,1987.
    6.Henry J.Steiner,Detler,F.Vagts,Transnational Legal Problems:Materials and Text,The Foundation Press,1994.
    7.Thomas Buergenthal and Scan D.Murphy,Public International Law,3~(rd) ed,West Publishing co.,2002..
    8.Alexander Hamilton,James Madison,John Jay,The Federalist Papers,Pocket Books,2004.
    9.Duncan B.Hollis,Merritt R.Blakeslee & L.Benjamin Ederington(ed.),National Treaty Law and Practice,Martinus NijhoffPublishers,2005.
    1.Oliver Wendell Holmes,"The Path of the Law",Harvard Law Review,Vol.10,1897.
    2.Stefan A.Riesenfeld,"The Doctrine of Self-Executing Treaties and U.S v.Postal:Win at Any Price?",American Journal of International Law,Vol.74,1980.
    3.Jordan G.Paust,"Self-executing Treaties",American Journal of International Law,Vol.82,1988.
    4.Y.Iwasawa,"The Impact of International Human Rights Law on Japan:The Third Reformation for Women", Japanese Annual International Law, Vol. 21,1991.
    5. Lori Damrosch, "The Role of the United States Senate Concerning 'Self-executing ' and 'Non-self-executing'Treaties", Chicago-Kent Law Review, Vol. 67,1991.
    6. John H. Jackson, "Status of Treaties in Domestic Legal System: A Policy Analysis", American Journal of International Law, Vol. 86,1992.
    7. Carlos Manuel Vazquez, "Treaty-Based Rights and Remedies of Individuals", Columbia Law Review, Vol. 92,1992.
    8. Thomas Buergenthal, "Self-executing and Non-self-executing Treaties in National and International Law", Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law,Vol. 235, 1992.
    9. Carlos Manuel Vazquez, "The 'Self-executing' Character of the Refugee Protocol's Non-refoulement Obligation", Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, Vol. 7, 1993.
    10. Carlos Manuel Vazquez, "The Four Doctrines of Self-Executing Treaties", The American Journal of International Law,Vol. 89, 1995.
    11. Louis Henkin, "U.S. Ratification of Human Rights Conventions: The Ghost of Senator Bricker", American Journal of International Law, Vol. 89,1995.
    12. D. Sloss, "The Domestication of International Human Rights: Non-self-executing Declarations and Human Rights Treaties", Yale Journal of International Law, 1999.
    13. Virginia H. Johnson, "Application of the Rational Basis Test to Treaty-Implementing Legislation: the Need for a More Stringent Standard of Review", Cardozo Law Review, 2001.
    14. John H. Jackson, "The Effect of Treaties in Domestic Law in the United States", in John H. Jackson(ed.), The Jurisprudence of GATT& the WTO, Higher Education Press, 2002.
    15. Jose E. Alvarez, "The New Treaty Makers", Boston College International and Comparative Law Review, Vol. 25, 2002.
    16. Frank Hoffmeister, "Germany: Status of European Convention on Human Rights in Domestic Law", International Journal of Constitutional Law, Vol. 4, 2006.
    17.Michel Rosenfeld,"Comparing Constitutional Review by the European Court of Justice and the U.S Supreme Court",International Journal of Constitutional Law,Vol.4,2006.

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