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The competitive advantage of industrial cluster and industrial park has beennoticed widely (by all circles of the society). Promoting the development of localindustrial cluster and industrial park has also become the focus of the national and localgovernment to boost economic development. In recent years, it has become a hottheoretical study on the sustainable development of the industrial park and the clusterdevelopment, but almost never from the perspective of complex system theory.
     The complex system theory is adopted to study the clustering in our industrial park,which can not only enrich and perfect the relevant theories of industrial economy, butalso can present a new perspective and new thread of thought for the theory of industrialpark. It will be of great research value in theory.
     Currently, quite a number of industrial parks in our country have not form enoughcompetitive advantages organizationally and technically. Based on this complicatedsituation, it is strategically significant to accelerate the development of industrial clusterof industrial park and promote the local economy healthy and rapid development tomake complexity and evolution mechanism analysis and put forward countermeasuresand suggestions to promote the development of industrial park of clustering.
     In this paper, under the research framework of complex systems theory, it tries topore deeply on the network of industrial park of clustering from the end of the wholesystem of part of (that is, network structure), cluster system order degree evaluationsystem is constructed, and it puts forward the development countermeasures ofindustrial cluster in our country in order to make up for the inadequacy of this aspect byanalyzing the orderly degree of industrial cluster system,
     In the study, this paper focuses on the mechanism of industrial cluster evolution,carries on the thorough analysis of the industrial cluster system, network structure,evolution mechanism from the perspective of complex system theory of the complexity.
     It makes a thorough inquiry into in-depth relationship between enterprises inindustrial cluster from the three aspects of the exchange of material, capital andknowledge exchange and explores the cluster network exploration measure.
     To systematically analyze the topic of industrial park of clustering, in this paper itmakes the following research path design. First, it sorts out the theoretical basis of theindustry cluster, industrial park, and the complex system theory. Then it analyzes thecomplexity of the industrial cluster system and the complexity of its evolution, anatomizing the forming and development of the industrial cluster of the generalprocess and the basic mode and evolution of the industrial park of clustering mechanism.Third, from the analysis of network structure of industrial park of cluster systemnetwork configuration, it thoroughly studies the complex network structure of threekinds of relationship between flow (substance exchange relationship, money exchange,knowledge exchange relationship) to study the industrial cluster, and then the cluster ofindustrial park network form different stage of development is analyzed. ordered degreeanalysis of industrial cluster systems is made and it builds the industrial park clusterdevelopment evaluation system with main body diversity, scale orderly degree, degreeof order flow and network structure order degree and potential degree of order as themain evaluation index. Fourth, through the investigation of park case, it evaluatescomparatively the orderly degree of the selected cluster system of two industrial park,with the accessible relevant data by using software Pajek, combined with industrial parkcluster evaluation system built in this paper. Fifth, it puts forward the feasiblecountermeasures and suggestions to promote industrial cluster in our country level.
     According to the research path, this paper puts forward countermeasures andsuggestions for developing industrial park cluster in China:(1) adhereing to theprinciple of large-scale and intensification, and promoting the agglomeration of effectindustrial cluster;(2) fostering the adsorption ability of core enterprise, and promotingthe industrial cluster cohesion;(3) actively cultivating industrial cluster market vitality,enhancing the system creativity of industrial park cluster;(4) effectively promoting theindustrial cluster exchanges and cooperation, improving the whole competitiveadvantage of industrial cluster;(5) encouraging the industrial park cluster independentinnovation, promoting the upgrading speed of industrial park cluster;(6) striving toperfect the industrial cluster matching function, promoting the industrial clusterdevelopment support system.
     Based on the use of complex system theory to our country industrial parks inclustering research, in the paper new perspectives, new methods, new views are putforward.
     (1)The perspective innovation, based on the complex system theory, starting fromthe relationship between industrial park and industrial cluster internal, it thesystematically probes into the industrial park of clustering problem, make thoroughorderly discuss of cluster system complexity, the formation and development ofindustrial park, evolution mechanism and industrial park cluster system, avoiding the limitation of isolated analysis of industrial park development or evolution of industrialcluster.
     (2) The method innovation: overcoming the past shortcomings of treating networkstructure as the rules of the networks and random networks by other social networkanalysis method, it adopts the complex network analysis, analyzing the industrial parksystem network configuration and the different stage of development of industrial parkcluster network form by the study of complex network structure of three kinds ofrelationship between flow (substance exchange relationship, money exchange,knowledge exchange relationship). By using software Pajek, the network is measuredbetween JC industrial park in Jiangxi province and the cluster SY industrial park inZhejiang province.
     (3) The idea innovation: The study on complex analysis was found personally:
     First it proposes that the industrial cluster system is a complex system and itdemonstrates the complexity of industrial cluster from four aspects: the complexity ofthe subject, the complexity of system structure, the relationship between the complexityand the complexity of the external environment. Secondly, it puts forward the basicmode of industrial cluster evolution into his organization evolution andself-organization evolution, the industrial cluster evolution mechanism including hisorganization mechanism, self-organization mechanism and emergence mechanism pointof view.Lastly, it puts forward that industrial cluster system degree of order is tomeasure industrial park clustering process indicators. It also innovatively builds theevaluation system of industrial park from five aspects: subject diversity, scale degree oforder, the degree of order, the orderly degree of network structure and potential degreeof order. The industrial park complex network relationship of material flow, capital flow,knowledge flow is used to analyze the structure characteristics of industrial park clusternetwork, which breaks through the confine tradition by adopting "entropy" to analyzethe industrial cluster system.
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