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Since1998, the urban basic medical insurance system reform, in2003the new rural cooperative medical system and in2007the basic medical insurance system for urban residents in the pilot and advancing step by step, China has initially established a contributory social health insurance system, prototype of universal health care has been basically established. But in the process of establishing universal health care system, there are many issues, fairness issues have not been satisfactorily resolved, raising pressure, health insurance fund is difficult to balance, pay mechanism is imperfect, no substantive progress in reform of medical institutions, and the masses." medical care, medical treatment is difficult "issue is still outstanding. With the implementation of the new health care reform, the establishment of a comprehensive coverage of sustainable development of the basic medical insurance system is to achieve universal coverage goals inevitable choice, and run health insurance fund is to maintain an effective balance of social medical insurance system functioning and sustainable development is an important, the health insurance fund raising, compensation and management of social health insurance foundation for sustainable development and material security.
     Current social health insurance face greater pressure, which stems from the rapid rise in health care costs, an aging brings high medical costs, increased health consciousness residents brought the release of medical needs, lifestyle changes lead to chronic diseases increase in the incidence, advances in medical technology led to expensive treatment measures. Firstly, from sociology, psychology, economics point of view of social health insurance fund has defined the affordability analysis that the social medical insurance fund endurance refers to the state, enterprises and individual risk-sharing financing mechanism, use its executive-led government and management capacity to develop and national socio-economic development level of the compensation policy, the insured person to pay the cost of basic medical services to meet the basic medical needs of the insured person's ability, as demonstrated by the social health insurance fund at a certain level of funding, compensation and management levels to meet the medical needs of the insured person's ability. On this basis, this paper mainly divided into three parts.
     The first part discusses the social medical insurance fund endurance impact mechanism. Endowments of social health insurance is to determine the key factors of its affordability, this part of the idea of sustainable development, both from a macro and micro demonstrate the affordability of social health insurance, analysis of social health insurance funds, especially self-managed fund system balance principle, study endogenous and exogenous variables on the social impact of health insurance affordability, logical deduction, explore funding affecting health insurance fund, compensation and management factors on the health insurance mechanism of action for sustainable development. Through literature review and questionnaire survey to collect as much as possible the impact of the current health insurance fund endurance factors, during the investigation of the literature and a major factor in a theoretical discourse, namely health insurance fund their impact analysis of the mechanism of tolerance, on the basis of the factors that reduced the use of statistical methods, will investigate the factors that consolidation and reduction, the more factors into several less common factors. Use of public fund balance ratio factor and build error correction model, derived MBF endurance short and long term equilibrium model, in turn, can analyze short-and long-term mechanism of action of different factors.
     The second part of the social medical insurance fund to build endurance evaluation. Current endurance evaluation at the regional environment, ecology and economy-wide study more, in the medical insurance field is currently no specific evaluation of social health insurance affordability and sustainability of the evaluation system. This section will draw on the Sustainable Development of the contents of system construction, the model built to adapt to China's social medical insurance fund to withstand the force of sustainable development indicators. In comparing the current international pressure on the evaluation of several mainstream models with the environment, the paper selected PSR model as a theoretical model constructed evaluation by AHP weights on the indicators set, and then passed on the basis of transverse regional comparative and longitudinal time prediction was evaluated by comparing the social medical insurance fund, Jiangsu Province, the state of endurance, and PSR model by comparing the scores of each element found in present and future social health insurance fund, Jiangsu Province, the problems faced by endurance and defects.
     The third part is the social health insurance to achieve sustainable development. Sustainability of social health insurance fund that level of medical care and social and economic development in harmony, this section in endurance objective assessment and prediction, based on the analysis of the internal and external environment and the future financing of health insurance fund, compensation and management policy trends, combined with the second part of the analysis of defects in medical insurance fund and the government in the Medicare fully explored the role of sustainable development, policy analysis and propose optimal path for sustainable development of social health insurance countermeasures and suggestions.
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