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     There are more than 300 large pwnpmg stations in our country and most of them driven by
     synchromotors. 139 synchromotors for the South-to-North Water Transfer and Taihu Harnessing
     project has been installed in Jiangsu province
     Technically, synchromotors are designed to have a service life of about 20 years while,
     according to statistics, most of the actual service life can not be as long as 20 years. To make
     matters worse, some of the synchromotors could only work for about 10 years and for those running
     relatively a long time needed overhauling every year. Some of them had difficulties in starting or
     could not be started at all. The users of these synchromotors tend to attribute the frequent
     mechanical failure and the difficulty in starting to the poor quality of the synchromotors so much so
     that many manufacturers of the said synchromotors have taken all sorts of effective measures to
     improve the quality in the production, which has not turned out great effect in avoiding the
     mechanical trouble.
     In fact, the running and starting process of synchromotors are often affected by such factors
     as electrical, mechanical and hydraulic factors as well. As the magnitude of interference amounts to
     a certain degree, that is to say, above the stability limitation for the synchromotors, it will cause
     fall-out of the synchromotors, interrupting of the running or damage to the pumping system.
     The analysis and research of the starting and running of the synchromotors iii many large
     pumping stations and the working condition of excitation system have indicated that the causes
     leading to damage to the motor or difficulties in starting are relevant to the poor technical
     characteristics of the equipped excitation system, especially resulting from the frequent restarting
     after failure to start the motors and the failure to protect or protect the synchromotors improperly in
     the fall-out.
     The dissertation gives a profound and extensive theoretic research of starting process, causes of
     fall-out and damages caused by fall-out as well as the electromagnetic process in large pumping
     station. The 揈qual Area Criterion?is used in this research to analyze the stability limitation of the
     synchromotors fall-out in detail.
     In the end, the study also puts forward a couple of practical methods to prevent synchromotors
     from fall-out and corresponding solutions to the fall-out.
     This study is of great significance in guaranteeing the safe running of pumping stations and in
     improving engineering benefits.
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