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    (1) 详细分析了可穿戴计算机软件系统的特殊功能和特殊需求,总结了目前可穿戴计算机软件研究面临的特殊问题和主要内容;
    (2) 深入剖析了现有的几种可穿戴计算机软件体系结构,并分析其优点和存在的不足;
    (3) 设计了一种基于服务的可穿戴计算机软件体系结构模型,该软件体系结构具有动态性、自适应性和开放性等特点,支持服务的动态加载和导出,支持上下文感知交互,支持用户个性化管理和安全隐私保护等等;
    (4) 提出了服务动态加载的体系结构和流程,并提出服务动态加载的CERP替换算法,实验结果表明CERP算法是一种很好的缓存替换算法,能够明显提高可穿戴计算机服务缓存的整体性能和效率;
    (5) 提出了基于预测模型和预取门限的服务预取策略。在服务的预测模型中,提出了LINK图模型和矩阵模型(SCM+SPM)两种预测模型
Wearable Computer is a class of new conceptual personal mobile computing system,which spring up and develop rapidly recently. Wearable Computer's emergence is due to the fact that computer has increasingly become super-micromation, and is the inevitable outcome of the concept-"computer should fit humans". Wearable Computer will lead to a great change of human-computer relationship and will put forward new issues and challenge in computer science and technology field. Traditional paradigm of desk computing and mobile computing cannot support the characteristics and functions of Wearable Computer properly. It is of great necessary to explore a brand-new conceptual operation paradigm and software architecture for Wearable Computer. The research of software architecture of Wearable Computer is significant.
     In this paper, we have designed a service based software architecture model of Wearable Computer and put forward our own innovation. The main works and conclusions are shown as follows:
    (1) We analyze the special functions and requirements of Wearable Computer software detailedly, also summarize the difficulties and main matters of current research on software of Wearable Computer.
    (2) We amply investigate several existing software architectures of Wearable Computer and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.
    (3) We design a service based software architecture model for Wearable Computer with dynamic, adaptive and open properties. This software architecture supports dynamic load and export of service, context-aware interaction, customization and security & privacy protection etc.
    (4) We provide the architecture and flow of dynamic load of service, and design the CERP replacement algorithm for service cache. The result of experiment shows CERP is a good algorithm which can evidently promote the general efficiency and performance of service cache of Wearable Computer.
    (5) We also provide a prefetch algorithm for service cache, which is based on prediction model and prefetch threshold. We provide two prediction models: LINK model and Matrix model(SCM+SPM).
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