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Because of the historic factors, some phenomena such as market division, single-handed action in prosecution, etc exist in the industry of port in our country. With the development of age, the surroundings of prosecution in port market have changed a lot, the competition consciousness of port enterprises enhance constantly, seeking for profit maximum becomes the enterprises' aim. The result that history and realism impact mutually is the malignant competition among ports such as providing low price for shippers and carriers, which influence the whole benefits in port market badly and the ports' competitive strength. At the same time, with the development of globe logistics, the changes of competition manners and the business of carriers extending to land range, ports are faced with hard tasks that broaden logistics service functions, resolve the conflicts between itself and carriers. Therefore, faced with pressure from lengthways and landscape orientation, it is necessary for port enterprises to develop leng
    thways and landscape orientation collaboration strategy research and apply it to practice. From this point of view, the author analyzes and probes into the collaboration strategy problem in the dissertation.
    The research method of this dissertation is: based on the Cooperation and Competition Theory, Game Theory, Modern Logistics Theory, taking the problems appeared during the development of ports and the wrong conception as the cut-in point, separately discussing by two clues (lengthways synergy, landscape orientation collaboration), at last coming down to the difficulties of the strategy and bringing forward the advices. The Chapter One look back briefly the history of ports in our country and point out that various difficulties exist during implementing the strategy. The Chapter Two discuss briefly the necessity of the strategy by exerting some theories in economics. Two side-by-side clues run through the Chapter Three and Four, then analyze systematically the necessity and possibility of the two strategies of lengthways synergy, landscape orientation collaboration in different aspects. The Chapter Five is based on the feasibility to implement the two strategies, then set forth the organization mode in symbio
    sis and some problems which should be paid attention. The Six Chapter is based on the relations of the two
    strategies, then discuss how to resolve the problems appeared in the course of implementing the strategy as a whole.
    The study signification of this dissertation is: Through the discussion of necessity and possibility of lengthways and landscape orientation collaboration strategy in port enterprises' prosecution and the proposal put forward by the author, it will play an active referenced part in changing hostility conception among competitors, promoting the fine and harmonious development of port market in our country, improving the competitive strength of port enterprises.
    Li zisheng(lndustrial economics) Directed by Luo wenping
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