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     语义网的创始人——Tim Berners-Lee倡导的下一代万维网,旨在赋予Web上的信息以语义支持,通过本体技术,在资源之间建立起机器可处理的各类语义联系。语义网是当代万维网的扩展和延伸,它能够提高异构系统之间的互操作性,促进知识共享。语义网的核心——本文论,是人工智能领域的一种先进的知识表示技术,它通过明确定义概念和概念间的关系反映事物或现象的本质。基于本体的语义检索作为智能信息检索技术的一个重要领域,利用本体构建可共享、概念化的知识空间,实现对知识内容的结构化描述,具有一定的语义处理能力和较好的自然语义理解能力,而且可以处理概念关系逻辑,因而对于提高信息检索的质量和促进信息资源的利用率和共享,具有重要的研究价值。
In present web, as the high-speed increase of information resources, those search engines built on traditional query technique can not get rid of their limitation on semantic processing. One critical challenge is how to implement semantic-based information retrieval and sharing for web-scale data resource. New idea and methods are introduced into the field to reform its theory and technology.
     Semantic Web is the next generation of Web, which is advocated by Tim Berners-Lee. In Semantic Web, every resource are identified by an URI (United Resource Identification), are related to each other by a formalized definition in Ontology. Semantic Web is believed to the expansion and extension of Contemporary World Wide Web, where information resources will be expressed in a clear and formal way, which can be realized easily between people and PC. Therefore sematic web can improve the interoperability between heterogeneous systems and promote knowledge sharing. Ontology is an advanced technology of representing knowledge in AI., where specified concepts and relationships are used to describe information. Ontology-based semantic retrieval as one of the important direction of intelligent information, which use ontology to build sharable and conceptual data resource, not only have semantic processing capacity and NLI, but also are able to process logic of related concepts. So ontology-based semantic retrieval has import research value.
     The main achievement of this paper contains:
     It first analyzes the concept of information retrieval, analyzes its current state and existing shortages. Then it introduces the new hot topics of semantic web.
     By thoroughly research on ontology’s fundamentals and retrieval related techniques, based on the achievement of our team, a model for ontology-based semantic retrieval system is proposed. The design、main function and running mechanism of this model are explained.
     Give thoroughly studies on many ontology retrieval related technologies, including persistence of ontology, semantic inference、SPARQL query language for ontology and how to implement them all by Jena. Based on those researches, a query rewriting and semantic association based algorithm for ontology retrieval are brought forward. This algorithm’s performance and implement are discussed in detail.
     Finally a prototype of the model– OSea system is developed to implement the algorithm. The result of testing and analyze for this system indicate that the model and algorithm proposed in this paper is effective and feasible.
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