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     自从Yao提出两方安全计算以及Goldweich等人提出多方计算等安全计算理论以来,围绕解决不同情形尤其是防范不同攻击者的安全计算等问题,研究者提出了防范半诚实攻击者、恶意攻击者以及秘密攻击者等有效的解决方案。然而,上述诸多方案在遇到现实情形中总想最大化其个人利益的攻击者,即理性攻击者时便不再保持其原来具有的安全性。在首届国际计算理论创新会议(ICS’10)上Halpern与Pass提出具有计算成本的计算博弈理论建立起了具有计算成本的计算博弈与安全计算之间的联系。直观上讲,具有惩罚的博弈模拟了参与者进行欺骗但又不想被抓住,也即安全计算中防范秘密攻击者的情形。如果参与者均诚实的提供其输入并输出调解人的响应,则其均能获得效用为1/2;然而如果其中一个参与者输出了“punish”,则另外一个参与者获得的效用将为0;因为参与者以1/2的概率被抓住从而被惩罚,因此其欺骗的期望效用为1/2×1+1/2 x0=1/2,将不会比诚实的提供其输入并输出调解人的响应所获得效用大,而这正对应威慑度为1/2的安全计算。因此本文在该理论框架的基础上,从计算具有成本的计算博弈的角度表明威慑度为1/2的防范秘密攻击的安全计算是具有可忽略错误的调节人的通用实现,并给出了严格的理论证明。
Since W. Diffie and M. Hellman published their groundbreaking work [22], great successes have been made in both theoretical research and practical applications about modern cryptography. Many kinds of cryptographic primitives and schemes, such as digital signature, public key encryption, and identity-based encryption, etc., are defined and constructed. Of course, there are also many efficient cryptographic applications which are based on different primitives above to be constructed. With developments of sciences and technologies, however, modern cryptography now faces many different new challenges. Specifically, we just mentioned here as follows:
     1. Is general model of computation based on modern cryptography, secure compu-tation, sufficient to meet the need in practice as long as it is against malicious adversaries?
     2. Are provable secure cryptographic systems still secure if the premise of modern cryptography in which private key used is perfectly secure is broken when the key is encountered with leakage by all kinds of different side attacks.
     Recently, much attentions are paid to the two challenges above from theoretical researchers, particularly, cryptographers. We made some contributions to two basic problems mentioned above as follows:
     We give positively an answer to one of questions proposed by Halpern and Pass which is whether or not, based on the framework of computational game-theoretical implementation for cryptography, we can build the relation between computational game with punishment and secure computation against covert ad-versaries. Namely, we give and prove strictly that secure two party computation with deterrent 1/2 above is a universal implementation of the mediator with negligible error in the computational game theory.
     Since general theory about secure computation is proposed by Andrew Yao and Oded Goldreich et al., respectively, researchers proposed many efficient schemes against semi-honest, malicious, and covert adversaries for different situations. However, many schemes constructed failed when they are against rational adver-saries which always make their utilities to be maximize. In ICS’10, Halpern and Pass proposed a framework of game-theoretical computation for cryptography. Intuitively, game with punishment models the situation in which players want to cheat, not to be caught, which corresponds to covert adversaries in secure two party computation. If players honestly provide their inputs to the mediator and get their output, the utilities they should get is exactly 1/2. However, if one of players outputs”punish”, another will get the utility with 0. If rational player is caught with probability 1/2 to be punished, at this point his expected utility is 1/2 x 1+1/2 x 0= 1/2, which is not higher than that honestly providing his input to the mediator, which exactly corresponds to secure two party com-putation with deterrent 1/2 against covert adversaries. Therefor, based on the framework, we strictly prove that secure two party computation with deterrent 1/2 against covert adversaries is a universal implementation of the mediator in game theory with punishment and costly computation.
     Based on a cryptographic primitive of identity-based hash proof system with resilient leakage, we propose two identity-based hash proof systems based on decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption and decisional learning with error assumption(dLWE), respectively. Particularly, it is constructed in the standard model, without random oracle for dLWE. Further according to the constructions above, we construct two identity-based encryption with resilient leakage:More-over, we give strict proofs to the schemes constructed above.
     One of the key premises of modern cryptography is to ensure private key perfectly secure. Under all kinds of side channel attacks, however, many cryptographic sys-tems which are provably secure now are not secure against these attacks. Hence it is urgent for researchers to construct cryptographic systems with resilient leakage. Fortunately, nowadays there are many excellent schemes with resilient leakage proposed. In Crypto’10, Naor and Segev proposed first public key encryption with resilient leakage based on hash proof system. Then Alwen et al. extended it to the identity-based situation. Namely, they proposed public key encryption with resilient leakage based on the primitive of identity-based hash proof system. According to the cryptographic primitive, that is, identity-based hash proof sys- tem, we construct two identity-based hash proof system based on different in-tractable assumptions, namely, decisional bilinear DH assumption and dLWE. Our schemes are more efficient and practical than those constructed by Alwen et al. since in our schemes one is based on a simple assumption (i.e., decisional bilinear DH), the other is based on dLWE in the standard model. Based on two constructions above, we further propose two identity-based encryption schemes with resilient leakage which are proved strictly through a series of games.
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