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This research addresses network security issues in wireless network. The objective of this thesis is to provide secure communication to legitimate users, and to prevent fraudulent use of network resources by unauthorized individuals. Wireless network is susceptible to security attacks because its openness of transmission media and wireless network security is somewhat more concentrated and complex than that of wired network. Authentication is the most essential procedure to ensure that the service is properly used. But its limited resource, such as weak power supplies and limited bandwidth, must be taken into account in the design of security schemes. In this thesis, we focus on developing the design and analysis of authentication protocol, provably secure key exchange based on the CK model, scheme for group key management protocol, survivability for wireless network and micro-payment in mobile commerce. The key contributions are as follow.1. After analyzing current authentication protocols and summarizing the basic methods for designing authentication protocol, a new simple and efficient wireless authentication protocol providing user anonymity is proposed, which is called WSAP. Our protocol is based on hash function and smart cards, and mobile users only perform symmetric encryption and decryption. In our protocol, it takes only one round of message exchange between the mobile user and the visited network, and one round of message exchange between the visited network and the corresponding home network. The most significant feature is one-time use of key between mobile user and visited network.2. Protocols for key exchange and agreement provide the basis for secure communications and so it is important that they are designed correctly. Based on the discussion of the current formal approaches for designing the key exchange and agreement protocols and the CK model, we propose the general techniques to design the key exchange protocol in wireless network. With this technique, we can develop novel key exchange protocol in the CK model.3. Secure group communication in mobile networks is often dynamic and thus requires efficient and automated secure group management and seamless combination of secure groups with distributed applications running upon them. Existing approaches to secure group communication cannot satisfy these requirements. A new protocol for secure group key management scheme is presented, which is based on the concept of one-way accumulators. Our scheme does not require each node to maintain a membership list and efficiently handles dynamic membership events (nodes remove and join).4. Survivability has become increasingly important with social increasing dependence of critical infrastructures on wireless networks. The survivable server architecture for wireless network based on intrusion-tolerant mechanisms is presented. We utilize the techniques of both redundancy and diversity and threshold secret share schemes to implement the survivability of databases and to protect confidential data from compromised servers in the presence of intrusions. Comparing with the existing
    schemes, our approach has realized the security and robustness for the key functions of a database system by using the integration security strategy and multiple security measures. In mobile IP network, home agents and foreign agents are single points of failure and potential performance bottlenecks. Using the techniques of redundancy, a new mechanism is described. Redundant agents can take over from each other in case of failure. This scheme can improve the survivability of mobile IP network.5. As mobile communications become increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous, there are a large number of different scale mobile networks, a huge variety of value added service providers (SPs) and millions of roaming users. A micro-payment scheme that is able to apply to several SPs using only one hash chain is proposed. This scheme is security and efficient.
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