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     5.提出异构可变相联度Cache结构HV-Way Cache及异构可变相联度混合Cache结构模型CMP-VHR。HV-Way Cache使用异构Tag阵列优化V-WayCache结构,以降低面积、功耗等开销。同时,为了适应未来众核处理器对低功耗与可扩展性的要求,使用异构Tag阵列和可重构数据阵列搭建异构可变相联度混合Cache结构模型,支持根据应用需求进行功耗优化。实验结果表明,HV-Way Cache结构能以较少的性能损失获得面积、功耗等开销的大幅降低。
With the ever widening processor-memory speed gap, it is essential to efficientlyorganize and utilize on-chip cache resources, as system performance can be improved bythe reduced memory accesses. Chip multi-processors (CMP) are very popular nowadays.The number of cores integrated in a single chip increase with the advance of semiconduc-tor technology, posing increasing pressure on L2cache design. Most of the mainstreamCMPs adopt shared or private L2cache based on LRU replacement strategy. However,neither shared nor private L2cache can provide large capacity and fast access. SharedL2cache can maximize on-chip cache capacity, but the average access latency is heavilyinfluenced by wire delays. Private L2cache has the advantage of low access latency, buthave more off-chip accesses than share L2cache. Besides, due to the set associativity anddiversity of applications, the performance gap between LRU replacement strategy andthe optimal replacement strategy is getting wider. To address these problems, this thesisfacilitates further study on the organization and management of L2cache resources forCMPs,proposesaCMPorientedvariablewayhybridcachebasedonaglobalreplacementstrategy, exploits dynamic capacity partitioning and set balancing mechanisms based onrun-time access demands, and provides schemes for low power and scalable design. Theinnovations of this paper are as follows:
     Firstly, propose a CMP oriented Variable way Hybrid cache (CMP-VH). CMP-VHturns the L2cache into an optimized private/shared organization. The tag array is private,while the data array is private and shared organized. Adopting a global replacement strat-egy based on reuse counts of each cache block, CMP-VH provide capacity partitioningmechanismsamongcoreswithadaptiontothevariablecacheaccessdemands. UsingSim-ics simulator to build an8-core CMP platform, the simulation results of parallel workloadSPLASH show that in condition of the same total capacity, CMP-VH achieves a compa-rable average L2miss rate with conventional shared cache organization, and reduce theaverage L2miss rate by23.37%compared with contentional private cache organization.
     Secondly, propose a capacity partitioning mechanism based on dynamic allocationof data entries (VH-PAD). VH-PAD assigns each core a certain amount of resources oncapacity demands, and contains three stages of initial, repartitioning and rollback. Inthe initial stage, cache resources are equally allocated among cores. In the repartitioning stage, a new allocatedcapacity isassignedtoeachcoreaccordingtothecapacitydemandspredicted by the utilization of current allocated capacity. The rollback stage determineswhether to cancel operations taken place in the repartitioning stage. Capacity partitioningis accomplished by controlling the allocation of shared data resources in VH-PAD. Usingprograms from PARSEC benchmark to run on a Simics platform, our experiments showthat in condition of the same total capacity, VH-PAD exceeds conventional private cachein the average L2miss rate by41.33%.
     Thirdly, propose a probabilistic controlled capacity partitioning mechanism (VH-PS). VH-PS allocates resources among cores on the utilization of capacity, and adoptsprobabilities to control the competition to shared resources to accomplish capacity parti-tioning. Providing a monitor scheme to evaluate marginal gains by some extra assignedresources, VH-PS correspondingly assign each core different levels of probabilities to usethe shared resources. Total miss rate can be achieved by upgrading probabilities of coreswith large marginal gains and downgrading probabilities of cores with small marginalgains. Probabilistic controlled partitioning is implemented by generators of pseudo ran-dom number or a PSR scheme. Using programs from PARSEC benchmark to run on aSimics platform, our experiments show that in condition of the same total capacity, VH-PS with generators of pseudo random number exceeds conventional private cache in theaverage L2miss rate by46.78%, and VH-PS with a PSR scheme exceeds conventionalprivate cache in the average L2miss rate by43.05%.
     Fourthly, propose two mechanisms for set balancing based on the saturation levelsof tag sets. To relieve limitation of private tag array to the maximum set associativity andthe upper bound of available capacity, intra-core and inter-core set balancing mechanism-s are proposed. Classified replacement into tag inducted and data inducted replacement,we use the number of tag inducted replacement to evaluate the set saturation levels andallows over saturated sets to use resources from other sets of the same core or from thecorresponding set of other cores that are not over saturated. Using programs from PAR-SEC benchmark to run on a Simics platform, our experiments show that in condition ofthe same total capacity, using a CMP-VH as the baseline organization, intra-core set bal-ancing reduces the average L2miss rate by11.04%and inter-core set balancing reducesthat by18.94%.
     Fifthly, propose a heterogenous variable way cache (HV-Way cache) and a hetero- geneous variable way hybrid cache (CMP-VHR). Adopting a heterogenous tag array tooptimize V-Way cache, HV-Way cache reduces the area and energy overhead. Besides, tomeet the low-power and scalable demands for future many-core processors, CMP-VHRcomposed of private heterogeneous tag arrays and a configurable data array is also pro-posed. It is supported in CMP-VHR to optimize power consumption. Experiment resultsshow that HV-Way cache can greatly reduce the area and power overhead at expense of alittle performance lose.
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