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The research on biological integrity not only can find out landscape factors'space distribution features and the rational of its organize and relations, but also can reflect space structure and status of boilogical functions. Besides, it offered a effective approach for analysis which can help human understand and utilize biological environment. Furthermore, it can also protect the balance of biological environment.
     In this dissertation, the ecological integrity of the index system has been established from the perspective based on structure and functional theory. Then, three indicators of landscape structure, ecological structure and service function have been quantified. After that, the analytic hierarchy process methodhave been used to calculate the state of ecological integrity in Nanning Qingxiushan scenic area. During the process of the study, a clear definition have been given to the concept of ecological integrity, and has made some achievements. The main conte-nts and findings are as follows:
     (1)The score of structural integrity of landscape pattern in Nanning Qingxiushan scenic area is4.5298, which is belonging to a good state. The factor scores of each indicator as follows:Shannon diversity (1.4635), landscape aggregation (1.2460), landscape fractal dimension (1.0085), area-perimeter fractal dimension (0.4984),distribution and parallel index (0.1646), landscape contagion (0.1488).
     (2) Qingxiushan ecological structural integrity of the valueof3.3045belonging to a good level. The secondary index score as follows:biomass (0.8286), species diversity (0.7384), vegetation coverage (0.7194), capacity of the natural environment(0.4796), soil organic matter content (0.4236), human disturbance level(0.1149).
     (3) The integrity of the ecosystem services of Qingxiushan scenic area obtained a score of4.0799, belonging to a good state. Six indicators of factor scores in the order of their size as follows:carbon sequestration capacity (1.1128), recreation function (0.8982), air purification (0.7655), water conservation (0.7295), nutrient return capability (0.4015), soil and water conservation capacity (0.1724).
     (4) The final score of Qingxiushan ecological integrity is3.6679, belonging to a good state. The factor scores of the three sub-indicators: ecological structural integrity(1.9219), the integrity of the landscape structure (1.3992), the integrity of the service function (0.4468).
     The analysis shows that the landscape pattern in Qingxiushan showing a reasonable structure,it promoting the stability of species migration and energy exchange. The status of Ecological structural integrity can maintain the stability of their structure, possess a certain anti-jamming capability. Ecosystem services at a good level,conducive to the development of tourism in scenic area.
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